2018 - 03/2018 Meeting

Page Created: 10/06/17. Last Updated: 04/04/18





Blog: http://www.poptartmanifesto.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rick.gualtieri

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rickgualtieri?lang=en

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4lichsf3XMdH2UKwdMPqA


...........The Tome of Bill Series

Bill The Vampire (1)

Scary Dead Things (2)

The Mourning Woods (3)

Holier Than Thou (4)

Goddamned Freaky Monsters (5)

Half a Prayer (6)

The Wicked Dead (7)

The Last Coven (8)

..........Other Books

Bigfoot Hunters

Lycan Moon (with Ruby Cruz)

Midnite's Daughter

The Poptart Manifesto (collection)

..........Bill the Vampire Comic Book


Meeting Date: March 10, 2018.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Meeting Attendance: 17.

Meeting Program: Talk / Q & A with Fantasy / Horror Writer.

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2018 Philip J De Parto:

The aftermath of winter snow and the resulting power outages depressed the turnout of the March 10, 2018 meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County. Speaker Rick Gaultieri for example, had lost power for several days and did not have it restored until 2:00 PM the day of the meeting.

Matters went smoothly for those who did attend. Our speaker joined A J Bartholomew and company at the Writers' Space Salon pre meeting discussion of Mixing Mysteries, Romance, and other Genres with Your Science Fiction / Fantasy Writing. Pamela Webber led a lively discussion of movies, television and other genre (and some non genre) works.

Our speaker was author Rick Gualtieri, best know for his eight volume "Testimony of Bill" series about a nerdy, non-sparkly loser vampire. He characterizes the series as "asshole comedy." He has also penned the fantasies MIDNITE'S DAUGHTER, LYCAN MOON (with Ruby Cruz), GET BENT and the essay / observation collection, THE POPTART MANIFESTO. To be continued under 2018 - 03/2018 Meeting at <www.sfabc.org>.