1993 - 11/1993 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Update: 10/27/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 02/07/08.


Mr Hickman is best known for his artwork. He has also written fantasy.


The Lemurian Stone

The artist's website is: http://www.stephenhickman.com/.


Meeting Date: November 13, 1993.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 24.

Meeting Program: Talk and slide show by artist/author.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1993 Philip J De Parto:

The November 13, 1993 meeting of the Association was held in the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Turnout for both the meeting and the pre-meeting functions was light.

Only six people showed up for the Chess Tournament. This included S.F.A.B.C.ers Steve Ferrero and Roy Greenberg. Roy was very disappointed by the lack of interest and has decided to give up on running afternoon tournaments, although he will continue to encourage "pick up" games when appropriate.

Charles Garofalo and the Nash clan comprised the Writers' Critique Group. Chuck read a short story by Pat Nash titled "A Safe Place Where You'll Never Find It." Pat read another chapter of Chuck's YA book, THE THREE OLD CATS AND THEIR HORRIBLE WEEK.

Theresa Griffin made her first appearance at the AD&D Game run by Bill Molendyk. She was joined by Philip De Parto, Steven Ferrara (who joined Phil D and Steve Hickman for dinner at Steak and Ale), and Christopher Wamsley for a fun, if essentially mindless session of orc bashing, or, as Phil's character would say, irk bishing.

The evening turn out was about half of what it had been the previous month.

Steve Hickman brought four or five original pieces of artwork, prints of some of his paintings, and various other materials. He was an entertaining speaker who works in so many different styles that it's hard to neatly categorize him. He concluded his show with a step-by-step series of slides of one of his paintings.

Patricia Nash did a reading of a scene from WITCHES ABROAD by Terry Pratchett. Three people (I think, but am not certain, that they were Sharon Archer, Dolores Cordier, and Alice Geisinger) won free books.

About seven of us made it to the Horizon Diner afterwards.

Our thanks to William Benthake who made arrangements for copies of the Hickman poster of Heinlein's GLORY ROAD to be present for everyone, to Buddy Scalera of SCARLETT STREET for donating copies of the magazine, and to everyone who helped set up, clean up, or otherwise assisted with the running of the meeting.