Last Update: 09/23/10.

2002 - Year in Review

2002 - 12/2002 Meeting - Holiday Party / Pot Luck Dinner

..........SFABC Meeting Page

2002 - 11/2002 Meeting - Ann Lewis, Author

..........SFABC Meeting Page

..........Author's Blog: http://annmargaretlewis.blogspot.com/

2002 - 10/2002 Meeting - Sharyn November, Editor

..........SFABC Meeting Page

..........Official Site: http://www.sharyn.org/

..........Wikipedia Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharyn_November

2002 - 09/2002 Meeting - Multi Event Member Program

..........SFABC Meeting Page

.....Meeting Program

..........Anime Associates Videos: Porco Rosso and Ranma 1/2

..........Fantasy Gamers: Dungeons & Dragons

..........Final Frontier: Cardassians and Romulans Discussion

..........That's Science Fiction! Video: Incubus

..........Writers Critique Session: Yerba Buena by Pauline Alama

2002 - 08/2002 Meeting - Pauline Alama, Author

..........SFABC Meeting Page

..........Official Site: http://sites.google.com/site/paulinejalama/

2002 - 07/2002 Meeting - Glenn Hauman, Author

..........SFABC Meeting Page

..........Official Site: http://www.glennhauman.com/

..........Wikipedia Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Hauman

2002 - 06/2002 Meeting - Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt, Artists

..........SFABC Meeting Page

.....The Brothers Hildebrandt

..........Official Site: http://www.brothershildebrandt.com/

..........Wikipedia Brothers Hildebrandt Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_Hildebrandt

.....Greg Hildebrandt

..........Spiderwebart Gallery: http://www.spiderwebart.com/products.asp?artist=Greg+Hildebrandt

2002 - 05/2002 Meeting - Gary Lovisi, Editor / Publisher

..........SFABC Meeting Page

.....Gryphon Books

..........Official Site: http://www.gryphonbooks.com/

..........Wikipedia Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gryphon_Publications

2002 - 04/2002 Meeting - Denny O'Neil, Comic Book Editor / Author

..........SFABC Meeting Page

..........Wikipedia Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_O'Neil

2002 - 03/2002 Meeting - Larry Weiner, Radio Drama Producer

..........SFABC Meeting Page

..........Official Site: http://www.rrca.com/weiner/pr.html

..........Radio Reperatory of America Site: http://www.rrca.com/

2002 - 02/2002 Meeting - Kay Fowler, Teacher / Paul Levinson, Author

..........SFABC Meeting Page

.....Kay Fowler

..........Official Ramapo College Site: http://phobos.ramapo.edu/%7Ekfowler/

.....Paul Levinson:

..........Official Site: http://www.sff.net/people/paullevinson/

..........Wikipedia Entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Levinson

2002 - 01/2002 Meeting - Creepy Tales Video / Cast

..........SFABC Meeting Page

..........Cinemasky Productions Official Site: http://www.cinemasky.com/home.htm