1998 - 12/1998 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Updated: 10/25/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 08/19/10.



Jim Freund is the host of the HOUR OF THE WOLF weekly radio program focusing on Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror at WBAI-FM.


Hour of the Wolf


Meeting Date: December 12, 1998.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 33.

Meeting Program: Pot Luck Holiday Dinner. Talk by SF Radio Host.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1999 Philip J De Parto:

The December 12, 1998 meeting of the Association was held at our usual meeting site, the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Early arrivals for the set up included Charles Garofalo, James La Barre, Patricia Nash, Michael Piazza, Robert Savoye, Carol Smith, Pamela Webber, and Taras Wolansky.

A number of our regulars who can be counted on to bring main dishes or side dishes were absent, and we felt their loss, particularly in the main dish area. Among the notable dishes were Paul Dellechiaie's lasagna, Nancy Denker's chicken casserole, Chuck Garofalo's meatballs, Roy Greenberg's lox platter, Thomas Pope's sweet potato souffle, Pamela Webber's vegetagbe platter (and her mom's chili--hands down the dish of the night!), the assortment of heroes brought by Tara Doyle, John Radli, and Greg Rosewall, John Upton's cinnamon rolls, and most especially to Carol Smith, who brought shopping bags full of assorted goodies.

The programmed portion of the meeting started around 9:15 PM. Jim Freund, host of the Science Fiction Radio Show, Hour of the Wolf, was the featured speaker. The program airs on 99.5 FM WBAI every Saturday from 5:00 - 7:00 AM.

Hour of the Wolf is a free form radio show. Any given show may contain readings by authors, interviews with writers and editors, radio dramas, calls from listeners, or simply Jim Freund reading a story.

The show was founded in 1972 by Margo Adler as a five day-a-week free form general radio show. Jim Freund, who had begus his association with the station as a 13-year-old begathon phone aide, became her twice-a-week co-host two years later. Over the next few years, the station gradually cut back the program. By 1982 it had been shifted to Saturday morning with Jim Freund as the sole host.

Few people are aware of WBAI's extensive involvement with science fiction. Not only was it the first station to broadcast "The HItchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in the United States, but their official personnel included Anthony Boucher as the Music Director, and first Baird Searles and later John Lithgow as Drama and Literature Director.

The tradition of radio dramas produced by the station is dazzling. Samuel R Delany and Ted Sturgeon contributed scripts (Joanna Russ was officially listed as "script girl," a title she is still occasionally ribbed about). In fact, Delany's acclaimed tale, "The Star Pit," was originally done as a radio drama and was only later reworked to become a short story. Tony Daniel continues this tradition in the current "Automatic Vaudeville: series.

Hour of the Wolf has a roundabout link to BABYLON 5. WBAI is owned by the Pacifica Foundation (which airs the Alien Voices radio drams in its Los Angeles station). A gentleman named Michael Odell worked at WBAI in New York when Baird Searles was doing his Unicorns and Universes series. He (Odell) transferred to the LA station and began the SF radio show, Hour 25. He was succeeded as host by Harlan Ellison, who in turn passed it on to J Michael Stracznski. This explains why there is a B-5 episode titled Hour of the Wolf with lines like "Hour 25" and "Alien Voices."

Mr Freund also talked about the station's history of political activism. Although WBAI is heavily identified with left wing politics, its charter calls for the airing of alternative viewpoints. In fact, it was the original producer of William F Buckley's "Firing Line."

That was a long time ago, however. Mr Freund related of few of his experiences with 60's radicals like Abbie Hoffman (With whom he was a business partner, Stokely Charmichael, and Jerry Rubin.

When Jim Freund's talk had concluded, John Upton gave a slide presentation of Worldcon Masquerades. These slides were not ready when he gave a slide show in October.

Our thanks to everyone who contributed food and labor to make the evevng a success,

Anyone desiring more information about Hour of the Wolfe can consult the show's website: <hourwolf.com>..