1984 - Year in Review

Page Created: 10/23/10. Last Updated: 04/14/11. Last Google Group Page Update: 05/08/09.

1984 Meetings & Speakers

01/14/84 David Mattingly Artist

02/14/84 Robert Thurston Writer

03/03/84 Patrick Lo Brutto Editor

04/14/84 John Mullen Amateur Film Maker

05/12/84 Jill Bauman Artist

06/09/84 John Silbersack Author / Editor / Agent

Robert Thurston Writer

07/14/84 Ellen Asher Editor

08/11/84 Barclay Shaw Artist

09/08/84 Amateur Film Festival Amateur Film Makers

10/13/84 Lin Carter Writer / Editor

11/10/84 Jacqueline Lichtenberg Writer

12/08/84 Holiday Party Pot Luck Dinner

[04/14/11: The following paperwork was recently uncovered by the Director and has been added to this site.]

Semi-Annual Report -- The First Six Months

The purpose of this report is to keep members of S F A B C informed as to the current state of affairs without extended and repetitive reports being given at each meeting. This information will be updated each July and January. Further details can be provided by Philip J De Parto at the monthly meeting. If someone is not satisfied with this or other club policies, a petition or show of hands of five S F A B C members will be sufficient to have the matter publicly discussed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the S F A B C.

MEMBERSHIP S F A B C defines a member as anyone who has attended a meeting or paid dues within the

three month period preceding the most current meeting. As of July 1, 1984, there are 70

members so defined. This includes two annual members.

Anyone may become an annual members by prepaying a year's dues at $ 20.00. This is non refundable

and represents a 44% discount.

DUES Dues represent the sole source of income for the S F A B C. Anyone attending a meeting

is required to contribute $ 3.00 per meeting attended except the following:

1) Residents of Upper Saddle River are admittted to half the regular $ 3.00 price. 2) Annual members

pay as indicated above. 3) Guest Speakers, professionals within the SF community and their guests are

admitted at no charge. 4) Children beneath the age of ten receive free admission if with parent or guardian.

5) Persons contributing valuable and unique services to the group may be admitted at no charge.

EXPENDITURES There are four types of recurring exprense. Rent for the Cultural Center is $ 40.00 per

meeting. Refreshments average about $ 8.00 per meeting. There are publicity (press

releases/fliers) outlays. There are expenditures related to video taping our meetings and showing animation

before meetings.

There are also occasional miscellaneous expenses.

BOTTOM LINE The Association currently has $ 86.00 in the treasury and no unpaid bills.

ACTIVITIES Programming--We will continue to present talks, slide shows, etc, by the authors, artists,

editors, etc, who effect the fields of science fiction & fantasy. There will be occasional

presentations by people outside the field but of interest to most members. Although there were problems

with our first attempt to schedule a panel discussion, we intend to try again in the future.

Door Prize--At the July 14, 1984 meeting, we will resume awarding a free Doubleday Science Fiction

book as a door prize.

Animation--Also beginning in July, early (6:30 PM) arrivals will be agle to see episodes of CAPTAIN

HARLOCK, SPACE PIRATE, an animated SF television series from Japan. This is subtitled.

Other activities are being examined. Please offer your suggestions.

-- Philip J De Parto