2001 - 03/2001 Meeting

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/28/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 05/21/08.



Bad Astronomy

Bad Science

Civil War Memories

Dead Center

Home Run

Ghost Investigator # 5

Ghost Investigator # 4

Ghost Investigator # 3

Ghost Investigator # 2

Ghost Investigator # 1

Haunted Hudson Valley

Linda Zimmermann is both an author and an investigator of reports of hauntings.

Her website is: http://ghostinvestigator.com/


Meeting Date: March 10, 2001.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 42.

Meeting Program: Talk by Ghost Investigator.


Ms Zimmermann also addressed the June 2006, April 2004, and July 1995 meetings of the Association.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2001 Philip J De Parto:

The March 10, 2001 meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Pre meeting activities were uneventful. The anime fans watched the dubbed movie, BLACK JACK, by Osamu Tezuka. People drifted in and out of the room set up for EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT and ANDROMEDA. There were no technical difficulties with either event.

Linda Zimmermann was the featured speaker. Ms Zimmermann is a former member of the Association who has written books on a variety of topics including science, science fiction, the Civil War and local legends of hauntings. She gave a talk and slide show about this last subject.

The author became an authority by accident. While giving a talk about the history of Rockland County, she was asked if she had heard of any legends of hauntings in the area. She had turned up once such story and related it. The following day her phone began ringing from local libraries wanting talks on haunted Rockland County. She decided it was time to do some research.

One thing led to another and before too long moonlight strolls were replaced by midnight tunnel crawls. While some women dream of finding jewelry and perfume under the Christmas tree, Linda was thrilled to find a meter that registered electro-magnetic fields.

There were many humorous adventures related, as well as a few scary ones. Between self styled ghost busters, true believers, skeptics and psychics, the living can be far more bizarre than any reported haunting. She told of the official at Ringwood Manor who was so insistent that there was nothing strange happening at the estate that everyone who speaks to her believes that she must be covering something up.

Although she tries to maintain her objectivity, Ms Zimmermann admits to seeing things she cannot explain. It was a fun, lively meeting. Our thanks to our guest and everyone who helped make it a success.