1987 - 10/1987 Meeting

Page Created: 09/23/10. Last Update: 09/23/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 01/15/08.



Costume Slide Show

Native American Myths

Fantasy Jewelry Display


Meeting Date: Saturday, October 10, 1987.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 23.

Meeting Program: Discussion. Audio Tape Program. Slide Show.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1987 Philip De Parto:

An odd hodgepodge of last minute programs filled the gap caused by a last minute rescheduling ....

The evening started off (late, of course) with a discussion of STAR TREK, THE NEXT GENERATION. Fearless Leader attempted involving everyone in the conversation keeping the discussion flowing. The irrepressible Lissanne Lake evaluated the sex appeal factor of the ship's male compliment and contributed many of the best lines. One that sticks in mind was her observation that the ship's counselor must be half Betazoid, half Jewish American Princess because she kept talking about feeling pain. Roberta Rogow, Matt Marcus, and Alan Reid also had heavy input into the new TREK.

John Upton then began his slide show of costuming at conventions. There were close to a hundred slides shown, with intermittent commentary from John and observations from the rest of the room. Many of the slides featured attire from the early days of s f costuming.

Lonny Buinis next presented three tales from "Frogs on the Moon," a series of American Indian myths he put together for the Trailside Planetarium. Many of these were in the same vein as the Greek/Roman Metamorphous tales, but with a distinct Amerindian flavor. Members Dave Rosler, John Mullen, and Lonny were involved with the recordings. Highlight of the show was Lonny's pal Amy playing a pair of Valley-Girl Frogs.

The evening concluded with Sheila Orick Barerra giving a short talk about creating fantasy sculptures. This was a brief show & tell as the hour was late, and most of the club had already looked over the bronzework and spoke to her during the various breaks. She had two bronze "Hepperle's Alien"s with her and conducted a free drawing for the pieces. They were won, if memory serves, by Phil De Parto and Gary Tweitman.