2012 - 11/2012 Meeting

Page Created: 10/24/12. Last Updated: 11/08/12.



SFABC Website Galaxy Quest Page: Galaxy Quest


Meeting Date: November 10, 2012.

Meeting Site: Webber / De Parto Residence.

Official Attendance: 14.

Meeting Program: Discussions and Video Program.


The pre-meeting anime was shown in the first room living room. The pre meeting discussion was held in the first floor sun room. The meeting was called to order in the basement.


The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2012 Philip J De Parto

Hurricane Sandy was responsible for a last minute reshuffling of the program and the location for the General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County on Saturday, November 10, 2012. The meeting was to have featured a presentation by SACRED: THE MANGA writer / artist Lizbeth Jimenez at the Saddle River Valley Cultural Center in Upper Saddle River. Unfortunately, power outages caused us to lose contact with Ms Jimenez for the two weeks prior to the meeting. Given the disruptions caused by the storm and the inability to confirm details with our speaker, we canceled the program. Ms Jimenez will instead speak at our February meeting.

Although most of the metropolitan area had had its power restored by the time of the meeting, there were still pockets without power and most people were still coping with the aftermath of the storm. As we anticipated a light turnout, we moved the gathering to the Webber / De Parto residence in Waldwick in order to save the rental fee. A video program was offered in place of our speaker. The website and emails notified members of these changes.

Our Animation Associates showed episodes of the anime series, EL-HAZAARD: THE WANDERERS, about a group of Japanese high school students and teachers who are transported to another dimension where magic works and strange creatures dwell. The Final Frontier discussion included movies, television, books and comics.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM. Dues were collected and a variety of announcements made. Those in attendance were offered a choice between two programs: a movie or a discussion. Most of the crowd (Tom, Leah, Chuck, Deb, Greg, Ingrid, Bob) elected to go upstairs to watch GALAXY QUEST. Phil, George, Roy, Conor and Barry remained in the basement to discuss movies.

Although all the movie watchers had already seen GALAXY QUEST, watching it with a batch of fellow science fiction fans who got all the references made it a different and fun experience.

Things went surprisingly well. The various discussions were a lot of fun and I heard regular bursts of laughter from the movie viewers. People seemed happy to be getting back to a normal routine and were comfortable with a relaxed program. Saving on the monthly rental means that after five or six years of operating at a slight deficit, the club will finish 2012 in the black.