2015 - 06/2015 Meeting

Page Created: 06/09/15. Last Updated: 07/14/15.


Books (SF/Fantasy)

..........Deadline Zombies

..........The Devil Wore Greasepaint

..........Gaslilght Occurrences

..........Headline Ghouls

..........The Wake of the Red Mistress

..........Weird Tales of the Skullmask


..........Official Site: http://www.theurbanswashbuckler.com/

..........Internet Movie Data Base Entry: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006988/


Meeting Date: June 13, 2015.

Meeting Site: HobbyTown USA.

Official Attendance: 19.

Meeting Program: Talk by Author / Actor / Stuntman.


Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2015 Philip J De Parto:

The June 13, 2015 General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was hosted by HobbyTown USA in Nanuet, New York. The meeting featured a talk by writer / actor / bodyguard / artist / stuntman / stunt coordinator Teel James Glenn.

Ice Nine was without its usual facilitator, Barry Weinberger, but we had a sprawling, vigorous discussion despite his absence. The conversation included notable STAR TREK books, upcoming and returning television series, comic books, and other matters. Our speaker was an active participant in the pre meeting event.

Teel James Glenn is one of the voices of the New Pulp Movement, a group of authors who write fast-paced, adventure-driven stories in the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E Howard. The objective is to scribe urgent, authentic works with heroic protagonists and dastardly villains. Mr Glenn attempts to write 1500 words a day, which works out to a book every other month. He is the author of scores of works in the pulp adventure tradition across a variety of genres including fantasy, horror, steampunk, science fiction and mystery and won an award for Best New Pulp Voice in 2012. Notable works include MURDER MOST FAIRE, an Eric Knight mystery based on true event at a Renaissance Faire, DEADLINE ZOMBIES and HEADLINE GHOULS featuring 1940's reporter Moxie Donovan and starlet Maxi Keller, The Expendables trilogy, and the Skull Mask stories, his homage to The Spider.

The author's Bob Howard Adventures have become fan favorites. Instead of committing suicide upon his mother's death, the series envisions Robert E Howard deciding to broaden his life by traveling the world. Along the way he becomes involved with real and fictional celebrities, from Boris Karloff to Mina Harkness.

Mr Glenn has also had an active career in cinema and television. He has been an actor, a stuntman and a fight coordinator on network television series, soap operas, and low budget horror movies. Over the years, out guest has appeared in all of the soaps shot in New York which are a vanishing breed. It was interesting to hear how differently competing networks organized their shooting schedules for the soaps.

Our guest has also worked on over 70 indie genre films, mostly as a fight scene coordinator and a stunt double. He stated that 90% of his work as a stunt coordinator has been ruined by directors who have no idea about how to film an action scene. Teel had some fun behind-the-scenes stories, like holding the actress from the SPIDER BABE movie by her ankles and lowering her upside down from a fire escape. He also related how the director of LORD OF THE G-STRINGS made too good a sexploitation pic which resulted in reshooting a number of scenes.

Mr Glenn closed by displaying a number of types of swords and detailing their historical usage. This was a fun meeting. Many in our party were there for the first time and enjoyed seeing the store's wares.