2001 - Year in Review

Page Created: 09/25/10. Last Updated: 10/25/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 05/24/10.

2001 - Year in Review

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2002 Philip J De Parto:

2001: The Club Year in Review, (Part 1): Programs and Attendance

Last year's annual report identified the Association's highest priority as the recruitment of new members. We were well rewarded for devoting additional time and energy on recruitment. Eighteen people joined the S F A B C during the 2001 calendar year. They made the difference between an organization struggling to get by and one doing reasonably well.

The irony is that this happened during a year when programming, the group's traditional strength, was--to be polite--a bit spotty. We were always scrambling to replace guest speakers who had fallen through at the last minute. This reulted in scheduling more authors and videos than originally planned. Our thanks to Dale Kagan and Robert Katz, among others, for saving the day on very short notice.

Meeting attendance was up from the past three years, though below our glory years of 1995 - 1997. A list of our Year 2001 speakers appears below, along with the Attendance Totals of the past five years. Note that figures are for officially attending adults, it does not include children, pepole who left before the meeting was formally called to order or arrived after the meeting had officially concluded. This total includes the speaker and any guest (s)he brought.

Date Type Speaker/Program Attendance

(A=Artist, J=Journalist, P=Publicist, R=Readings by Members, T=Trivia, V=Video)

2001 2000 1999 1998 1997

01/13/01 V Black Adder, Wallace & G 21 32 23 37 44

02/10/01 VTR Video/SF Trivia/Reading 30 29 22 15 22

03/10/01 W/J Linda Zimmermann 42 34 32 38 32

04/14/01 W Greg Feeley 42 30 29 25 38

05/12/01 W Barry Hoffman 38 36 41 31 34

06/09/01 W Terry Bisson 33 31 41 37 39

07/14/01 A/W R Morrill / D Vallejo 42 33 40 28 41

08/11/01 W Daniel Hood 26 27 30 37 35

09/08/01 V/P Video / Asta Sinusas 32 34 39 41 38

10/13/01 W Dale Kagan 41 22 38 28 35

11/10/01 W Robert Katz 35 30 33 21 25

12/08/01 V Videos/Holiday Party 35 35 32 33 43

Total: 417 373 400 371 436

Per Meeting Average: 34.7 31.0 33.3 30.9 36.3

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2002 Philip J De Parto:

2001: The Club Year in Review, (Part II): Non Meeting Events

The following table shows attendance at the various S F A B C non meeting events of the past year. The Anime Associates and Armchair Odyssey events are ot listed as they are effected by the meeting attendance.

C = Canceled Event.

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2

Monsters of Horror 6 8 7 9 6 9 5 6 6 9 7 5

Final Frontier C 10 11 8 12 11 12 9 11 11 14 C

Classics of Science F. 5 7 4 6 7 10 11 4 4 7 10 C

That's Science Fiction! 7 10 8 10 7 9 12 7 8 12 7 9

Medi Tie-In 7 5 7 9 6 7 6 7 8 5 8 C

Fantasy Gamers 6 C 7 7 8 7 5 7 6 5 6 5

Special Activity 8 7 19 11 11 2 41 7 11 52 12 C

Art of the Fantastic 6 6 6 10 9 10 10 5 5 6 9 C

Voice of Science Fic 6 5 6 C C C C C C C C C

Science and Scienc Fic 5 4 4 6 4 2 5 7 2 3 2 C

Writers' Critique 8 C 5 C 7 8 6 8 7 6 C 6

Author Discussion 5 8 6 7 5 9 8 6 13 7 5 C

Topic Discussion 8 9 5 11 5 9 6 10 8 5 6 C