1989 - 03/1989 Meeting

Page Created: 09/10/10. Last Updated: 10/28/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 01/23/08.


Novels (as Doris Egan)

The Gate of Ivory

Two Bit Heroes

Gilt-Edged Ivory

Novels (As Jane Emerson)

City of Diamond

Genre Scripts:

Dark Angel


The author's home page is: http://www.sff.net/people/Doris.Egan/.


Meeting Date: March 11, 1989.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 17.

Meeting Program: Talk by science fiction writer.


Doris Egan did not break into scriptwriting until she moved from Jersey City, New Jersey to California, well after this meeting occurred.

Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1989 Philip J De Parto:

As expected, attendance at the March 11, 1989 meeting was significantly off that of recent gatherings. Many of you were attending Lunacon. Others were at an SCA event. Seventeen did show up to hear what Doris Egan had to say.

Among her comments were that her novelette, "Timerider," was inspired by a repeated vision of people traveling back through time each time she took the down escalator leading to the PATH in the World Trade Center. Her first novel, THE GATE OF IVORY, was a deliberate attempt to write a book that defied being labeled as either sf or fantasy. (She's not sure why she wanted to try this, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.)

Other revelations were that she finds it impossible to sell works of less than novel length, and that she is exceedingly fond of writing about sociopaths, and is a big fan of Avon from BLAKE'S 7.

This was her first talk before an sf group and Ms Egan was delighted by the small turnout. She would have been even happier if there had been fewer people and we could have all sat around a table with a pot of coffee and talked informally for a few hours.

In order to take some of the spotlight and pressure off our guest, director Philip De Parto set up a chair for himself on the stage and conducted a meeting that was part interview, part talk.

We took a break at our usual time. During the intermission, everyone agreed that it would be more comfortable to held out to the diner early instead of resuming the meeting. About 3/4 of us, including our guest, did just that.

Chuck Garofalo and Pauline Alama won free books. Voting on the new dues structure continued to be taken. One new member, Pratik Dave, was inducted into our ranks. We apologize to anyone who showed up early and was unable to get into the Cultural Center. They changed the locks and didn't tell us.