1988 - 12/1988 Meeting

Page Created: 09/18/10. Last Update: 09/20/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 09/20/10.



Meeting Date: December 10, 1988.

Meeting Site: Saddle River Valley Cultural Center, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 30.

Meeting Program: Holiday Party and Pot Luck Dinner.


Meeting Memories:

Newsletter Account:

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 1989 Philip J De Parto:

Few people minded the absence of a guest speaker at the fifth annual S.F.A.B.C. holiday party. Inventor Robert Gallart, our scheduled guest, got a late start, hit massive traffic delays, and turned around and went home, figuring that there would be no one at the center by the time he arrived from Long Island. Foolish man! There were still a dozen of us present at 3:00 AM.

Thirty of us were officially in attendance. Most of the regulars made it as the weather was quite cooperative. Three first timers made the gathering: Antonio Freire, Anthony Galasso, and Steve Sawickie.

There was more than enough food, with an accent on past and rice dishes. Among the most popular main dishes were Chuck Garofalo's meatballs, Mike Nelson corn chowder, and Patti Flinsch's eggplant parmagiana. Other crowd pleasers were Dennis Fox's fresh-brewed coffee and Pauline Alama's brownies.

A suggestion of Roy Greenberg was put into effect and proved to be very well received. As each person came in with a dish, Mike Nelson prepared an index card identifying the dish, the cook and the ingredients. This was placed next to the dish and enabled all to check the contents for potential problems pertaining to allergies, diet, or religion.

A side benefit of the labeling process was that it enabled the curious to track down the cook responsible for a tasty dish. Mike Nelson developed writer's cramp for writing out the recipe for his chowder.

There was no book drawing. Matthew Marcus won the "gingerbread house" of chocolate and can no longer complain that he never wins anything. The raffle put $ 16.00 into the club's treasury.

A vote of thanks goes to Mike Nelson, Chuck Garofalo, Douglas Yeager and Robert Yeager for arriving early to help with the set up. Pauline Alama, Nancy Denker, Lori Denker, Carol Smith, Dennis Fox, Ben Ellison, Robert Hepperle, Jill Orovitz, Matt Marcus, Steve Savickie, and Philip De Parto were among those who gabbed until 3:00.