1987 - 05/1987 Meeting

Page Created: 09/23/10. Last Update: 09/23/10. Last Google Group Page Update: 11/19/09.



Brian Wilkes co-authored THE SPACE PROGRAM QUIZ AND FACT BOOK with Timothy Benford.


Meeting Date: May 9, 1987.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 23,

Meeting Program: Talk by Experts on Soviet and U S Space Programs.


Meeting Memories:

We could have easily kept our guests busy answering questions for several more hours. They agreed to accompany us to the Horizon Diner after the meeting but couldn't find it and went home.

Newsletter Account:

Our originally scheduled program on the Soviet Space Program by I.T.O.C. canceled at the last minute, forcing Mr Phil to substitute with a talk on almost the exact same subject, featuring Brian Wilkes and Alex Kharkovsky.

Mr Wilkes is a past (6/85) guest speaker, an expert on the U S Space Program, and author of THE SPACE PROGRAM QUIZ AND FACT BOOK. Mr Kharkovsky is a journalist who covered the Soviet Space Program for VOKRUG SVETA and other publications in the U S S R.

Because this fill-in was of an eleventh hour nature (11:58 to be precise) our guests simply went to the front of the room and proceeded to "wing it". They talked and answered questions virtually nonstop for almost two hours. When we broke for an intermission, nearly everyone followed them into the kitchen to continue the conversations.

Anyone who attended counted it a fascinating and informative evening. Alas only 23 of us bothered to make it, so not only did we provide a piddling audience, but the club also lost money for the month.

Susan Toker and Nancy Denker won the door prizes.