2016 - 01/2016 Meeting

Page Created: 12/18/15. Last Updated: 01/03/16.


Julianne Clancy is an Expert in Horror (Masters in Horror from Trinity College in Dublin) who writes book cover copy for Penguin USA. She also blogs about food.

Articles of Interest:

..........Judging a Book by Its Cover - Interview at Book Country: http://blog.bookcountry.com/writing-copy-julianne-clancy/

..........Paranormal / Horror Staff Picks - Julianne Clancy: http://www.penguinusablog.com/paranormalhorror-staff-picks-julianne-clancy/

..........NYCWFF Barbecue & the Blues Tasting: http://hedonistshedonist.com/blog/nycwff-barbecue-and-the-blues-tasting-2/

Food Blog: Apartment Epicurean: https://apartmentepicurean.wordpress.com/

Social Media:

..........Google +: https://plus.google.com/108970183634013314087/about

..........Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vonclancy/

..........Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jtclancy


Meeting Date: January 9, 2016.

Meeting Site: Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Official Attendance: 23.

Meeting Program: Talk by Book Copy Writer / Horror Authority.

Newsletter Account

The following account is reprinted with permission from THE STARSHIP EXPRESS Copyright 2016 Philip J De Parto:

The January 9, 2016 General Meeting of the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County was held at the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church. Horror expert / book copy writer Julianne Clancy was our speaker.

The first session of our new pre-meeting event for authors, the Writers' Space Salon, went off reasonably well. Our thanks to Richard Herr and Patricia Nash for their help in keeping things interesting, and for the rest of those who attended. Barry Weinberger's Ice Nine discussion was also a lively affair.

Our guest grew up in nearby Paramus. Her parents were both genre readers and she read J R R Tolkien and David Eddings at a young age. Ms Clancy attended the University of North Carolina as an undergraduate (where she got to read Chaucer in Middle English) and received a Masters in Popular Literature - Horror from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Upon graduation she and her husband moved to Los Angeles where she worked in documentary film-making before returning to the metropolitan area and entering publishing.

Our speaker's first publishing job was in book production, and it was fascinating to hear all the details entailed in producing a book from editorial to marketing to sales to the actual printing process.

Ms Clancy is currently a Senior Copy Writer for Penguin USA / Random House whose duties include writing the cover copy of books, as well as internal and external catalog and promotion copy. Each book requires copy for three separate parties: resellers, sales, and the general public. Our guest handles multiple genres and it was fun and interesting to hear about the different approaches taken for different genres.

Ms Clancy spoke about horror, popular literature, books, film-making, cuisine, and other topics. Details will appear on our website in the future.