Terong Balado (Eggplant in Chili Paste)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
350 gr Terong ungu-potong2 memanjang
150 ml Air, 1 sm Gula, 1 Daun salam
2 cm Jahe & 2 cm Lengkuas-geprek
3 Daun jeruk, Garam, Minyak goreng
4 Cabai merah, 5 Cabai keriting, 3 Kemiri
2 Bawang putih, 4 Bawang merah, 3 Rawit
60 gr Tomat, ½ st Terasi (opsional)
Cara membuat
Bakar terong di wajan/pan tanpa minyak sampai mulai layu, sisihkan.
Panaskan minyak secukupnya lalu tumis bumbu halus sampai harum. Beri air, daun jeruk, salam, gula, jahe & lengkuas. Aduk hingga bumbu meresap. Bumbui dengan garam secukupnya, aduk rata.
Masukkan terong bakar, aduk hingga bumbu tercampur dengan terongnya. Masak hingga rasa menyatu, bumbu meresap & sambal mengering.
Sajikan terong balado dengan nasi putih & lauk2 lain, misalnya (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya): Gulai Nangka/Cubadak, Gulai Padeh Pucuk Ubi, Telur Sambo Dadar Padang, Rendang Sapi, Dendeng Balado atau Dendeng Batokok.
350 gr Aubergine-thickly sliced-length-ways
3 Kaffir lime leaves, 1 tbsp Sugar, Salt
2 cm Ginger & 2 cm Galangal-bruised
150 ml Water, 1 Bay leaf, frying Oil
Grind into a paste:
4 Shallots, 3 Candlenuts, 60 gr Tomato
5 Cayenne pepper, 3 Bird's eye chilies
2 Garlic cloves, 4 Red chilies
½ tsp Shrimp paste (optional)
Roast/toast aubergine slices until it starts to wilt; set aside.
Heat enough oil; sauté ground spices until fragrant. Add in water, bay leaf, lime leaves, sugar, ginger & galangal. Stir until the flavor blended & then add in enough salt.
Put in roasted aubergine slices; stir to cover them well with spicy paste. Cook until the paste start to dries.
Serve this eggplant in chili paste with warm rice & other dishes, i.e. (click on the links for the recipe): Minangese Young Jackfruit Curry, Spicy Cassava Leaves Curry ala Padang, Thick Omelette with Grated Coconut, Rendang Sapi (Indonesian Dried Beef Curry), Indonesian Beef Jerky in Chili Paste or Dried Beef with Green Chili Paste
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