Ayam Bungkus Pandan Thailand (Thai Pandan Chicken)
If you are a fan of Thai food, you must try their pandan chicken. Pandan chicken is made by marinating the chicken in a pandan sauce, then wrapping the chicken pieces in pandan leaf for a colorful, flavorful dish that's beautiful to serve as an appetizer or main dish at a potluck or party. The leaf keeps the juices of the chicken inside, so you get very soft & juicy fried chicken. It`s very fragrant & tasty.
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
2 Paha atas & bawah ayam berkulit, 1 sm Minyak wijen
1½ sm Ketumbar, 1 st Lada-haluskan, 1½ sm Gula merah
3 Bawang putih-haluskan½ st Pasta pandan, 1 sm Susu
1 sm White wine, 1½ sm Saus soya, Daun pandan
2 st Saus soya, 1 st Wijen-sangrai, ½ st Jahe parut
2 sm Gula merah, 4 sm Air
Cara membuat
Lepaskan daging ayam dari tulangnya kmd potong2 daging beserta kulitnya ukuran ± 5 cm. Campur baw.putih, lada, ketumbar, saus soya, gula mrh, wine, minyak wijen, pasta pandan & susu. Lumuri ayam dng campuran ini, tutup & biarkan di kulkas min 30 mnt.
Saus: Didihkan saus soya, gula mrh, air & jahe dng api sedang sampai mengental. Taburi wijen.
Cara membungkus ayam: Bagian daun pandan yg tidak mengkilat letakkan menghadap ke atas. Tekuk daun menyilang di tengah sehingga di bagian tengah terbentuk kerucut/cone. Masukkan ujung daun yg terletak di sisi bawah ke kerucut, tarik hingga rapat. Balikkan kantung, tekuk ujung daun yg satunya ke kerucut, tarik rapat. Balikkan & masukkan ayam di kantung, rapatkan sampai hanya sedikit ujung ayam yg dpt terkena minyak langsung saat digoreng. Potong ujung2 daun.
Panaskan minyak yg banyak di wajan/pan, lalu kecilkan api ke sedang, goreng ayam selama 4-5 menit/sisi. Hidangkan dng saus.
2 whole Chicken thighs (with skin), 1 tsp Pepper-ground
3 Garlic cloves-ground, 1½ tbsp Coriander, 1 tbsp Milk
1½ tbsp Palm sugar, 1 tbsp Sesame oil, Pandan leaves
½ tsp Pandan paste, 1½ tbsp Soy sauce, 1 tbsp white Wine
2 tbsp Palm Sugar, 4 tbsp Water, ½ tsp ground Ginger
2 tsp Soy sauce, 1 tsp Sesame seeds-roasted
Debone the chicken & cut the meat into ~ 5 cm chunks; leave the skin on. Combine the garlic, pepper, coriander, soy sauce, palm sugar, wine, sesame oil, pandan pasta & milk. Add in the chicken, mix well. Marinate & cover it for min 30 mins in refrigerator.
Sauce: Simmer the soya sauce, brown sugar, water & ginger over medium heat until thicker. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
To wrap the chicken: Start with the non shiny side of the pandan leaves up. Fold the botton-end up & over. Fold the top-end down & through. Pull to make it tight. Flip over & pick up the top-end. Bring through the top layer & pull tight. Flip again & stuff with a piece of chicken. Pull again until only a bit on the top of chicken can be exposed to oil later on when u fry it.Trim leafe ends.
Heat lots of oil in a skillet/wok & then reduce the heat to medium. Fry the chicken for 4-5 minutes/side. Serve fried pandan chicken with the sauce.