Puding Cappuccino Cincau (Cappuccino & Grass Jelly Pudding)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
Bahan Puding:
7 gr Agar-agar tawar, 250 gr Cincau-potong2, 840 ml Susu
140 gr Gula, ½ st Garam, 2 shot Kopi espresso (doppio)*
2 st Pasta coklat, 1 sm Maizena
Bahan Mousse:
12 gr Maizena, 160 ml Susu, 2 Kuning telur, 120 gr Gula
7 gr Gelatin lembar, 250 ml Krim kocok, Air secukupnya
½ batang Vanili-keruk isi (2 sm Baileys)
4 gr Kopi instant+15 ml Air-aduk
Bahan Krim Kocok **:
250 ml Krim kocok dingin, 25 gr Gula, ¼ st Kopi instant
Bahan Hiasan: (Opsional)
Cherry-belah, Coklat chips, Kayu manis/coklat bubuk-taburan
Cara membuat
Puding: Campur maizena dengan 3 sm susu & pasta coklat, aduk lalu sisihkan. Campur agar, gula & garam. Aduk rata. Tuangi susu & kopi, masak sambil diaduk hingga mendidih. Masukkan larutan maizena sambil diaduk cepat hingga rata. Tuang ke gelas/mangkuk saji. Beri cincau secukupnya dalam tiap mangkuk/gelas saji. Biarkan hingga mulai set.
Mousse: Rendam gelatin di air biasa & biarkan sampai mengembang (± 10 menit). Angkat & peras lalu sisihkan. Mixer krim & 20 gr gula di mangkuk mixer yang sudah didinginkan hingga mulai kaku, sisihkan. Dengan api sedang, masak susu & vanili (bila yang digunakan Baileys, masukkan setelah gelatin larut). Matikan api sebelum mendidih, sisihkan. Aduk rata 100 gr gula & kuning telur dengan whisk. Beri maizena, aduk. Secara bertahap, tuang adonan susu hangat & kopi ke adonan telur sambil diaduk. Masak adonan di api kecil, aduk terus dengan sendok kayu sampai adonan creamy & terlihat dengan mudah melapisi bagian belakang dari sendok kayu (jangan masak melebihi 82° C). Angkat dari api & tuang segera ke mangkuk, masukkan gelatin yang sudah mengembang & aduk cepat dengan whisk sampai larut. Beri Baileys & aduk. Dinginkan adonan dengan meletakkan di atas mangkuk lain yang berisi es batu. Aduk dengan whisk sampai adonan mengental & set. Dengan spatula, aduk masuk adonan krim ke gelatin dengan gerakan melipat2. Sendok masuk pelan2 di atas puding yang sudah mulai set. Dinginkan lalu tutupilah mangkuk/gelas saji dengan plastik. Simpan di kulkas hingga mengeras (2-3 jam).
Krim kocok: Dinginkan alat pengocok & mangkuk mixer sebelum digunakan di kulkas selama 30 menit (freezer 15 menit). Kocok semua bahan hingga kaku dengan kecepatan sedang, dinginkan di dalam kulkas sampai siap digunakan.
Sebelum disajikan, masukkan krim kocok ke dalam kantong segitiga dengan spuit bunga. Buat bentuk bunga/bintang dari krim di atas puding. Beri potongan cherry di atasnya. Hias dengan coklat chips lalu taburi puding dengan kayu manis/coklat bubuk.
* Dpt diganti dengan 60 ml kopi seduh kental. ** Dapat diganti dengan membeli Whipped cream siap pakai
7 gr Agar-agar powder, 140 gr Sugar, 840 ml Milk
1 tbsp Cornstarch, 2 shot Espresso coffee (doppio)*
250 gr Grass jelly-diced, 2 tsp Chocolate paste
½ tsp Salt
4 gr Instant coffee+15 ml Water-mix, 2 Egg yolks
½ Vanilla pod-scrape (2 tbsp Baileys), 120 gr Sugar
12 gr Cornstarch, 160 ml Milk, enough Water
7 gr Gelatin sheets, 250 ml Whipping cream
Whipped cream**:
250 ml cold Whipping cream, ¼ tsp Instant coffee
25 gr Sugar
Garnish: (Optional)
Cherry-halved, Cinnamon/chocolate powder
Chocolate chips
Pudding: Mix cornstarch, 3 tbsp of milk & chocolate paste; set it aside. Combine well agar2, sugar & salt. Add in the milk & coffee. Cook & stir occasionally until it’s boiling. Whisk in the cornstarch mixture; stirring it quickly to combine it well. Pour the batter into serving bowls/cups. Add in enough grass jelly. Let it stand until they starts to set.
Mousse: Soak gelatin sheets in cool water & allow them to swell (~ 10 minutes). Remove gelatin from the water, gently squeeze it out & set it aside. Meanwhile, in a cold mixer bowl, whip cream & 20 gr of sugar until medium peaks form; set it aside. Warm the milk & vanilla over medium heat (if using baileys instead of Vanilla, put it in after the gelatin dissolved). Turn off the heat before it’s boiling; set it aside. Using a whisk, mix 100 gr of sugar & egg yolks. Add in cornstarch & stir it well. Gradually whisk in the warm milk & coffee into egg mixture; stir to combine. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the batter creamy & easily coats the back of the spoon (don’t go over 82° C). Remove from the heat & quickly pour it into a bowl. Add in swollen gelatin & stir quickly with a whisk until the gelatin completely dissolved. Stir in Baileys. Chill the batter by setting it on top of another bowl filled with ice. Stir with a whisk until the batter thickens & begins to set. Fold in whipped cream into the batter with a spatula. Spoon the batter, on top of the pudding. Let it chill; cover the bowls/cups with plastic. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Whipped cream: Set beaters & mixing bowl in the fridge for 30 minutes (freezer for 15 minutes) before you begin. Beat all ingredients on medium high speed until stiff peaks form. Chill it in the fridge until it’s ready to use.
Before serving, put whipped cream in a piping bag fitted with a large star tip. Pipe to form rosettes/star on top of the pudding. Put cherry on the top of the cream. Garnish with some chocolate chips & then sprinkle the pudding with Cinnamon/chocolate powder.
* You can substitute it with 60 ml strong black coffee. ** Can be substitute with store bought Whipped cream.