Ayam Bumbu Kuning (Stewed Chicken in Yellow Sauce)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
1 fillet dada Ayam-iris, 200 ml Santan, 3 Daun jeruk
1 Sereh+2 cm Jahe+3 cm Lengkuas-geprek, 1 st Gula
2 Kentang sedang-potong, 2 Cabai hijau-iris, ¼ st Pala
½ st Lada, 1 Tomat-potong2, 1 st Garam, 250 ml Air
1 sm Air nipis, 2 sm Minyak, Bawang goreng
5 Bawang merah, 2 Bawang putih, 2 st Ketumbar
2 cm Kunyit, 3 Kemiri
Cara membuat
Tumis bumbu halus & cabai. Beri daun jeruk, lengkuas, jahe, sereh, garam, gula, pala, lada.
Tuang air ke tumisan, masukkan ayam & kentang, masak hingga empuk. Masukkan santan, tomat & air nipis. Aduk & masak sebentar. Angkat, taburi bawang goreng
1 Chicken breast fillet-sliced, 1 tsp Salt, 1 Tomato-sliced
3 Kaffir lime leaves, 200 ml Coconut milk, 1 tsp Sugar
¼ tsp ground Nutmeg, ½ tsp ground Pepper, 2 tbsp Oil
2 medium Potatoes-sliced, 250 ml Water, fried Onions
1 Lemongrass+2 cm Ginger+3 cm Galangal-bruised
2 Green Chilies-sliced, 1 tbsp Lime juice
Grind into a paste:
2 Garlic cloves, 3 Candlenuts, 2 tsp Coriander
2 cm Turmeric, 5 Shallots
Sauté spices paste & chilies. Add in lime leaves, galangal, ginger, lemon grass, salt, sugar, nutmeg & pepper.
Pour in water; add in chicken & potatoes. Cook until tender. Stir in coconut milk, tomato & lime juice. Cook for awhile. Remove from heat. Sprinkle with fried onions on top.