Roti Soda Irlandia (Irish Soda Bread)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
500 gr Terigu serbaguna+ekstra, 1 st Baking soda
1 st Garam, 360-400 ml Buttermilk dingin, 1 Telur
26 gr Mentega-suhu ruang
Bahan pilihan (hanya opsional):
Wijen/Jintan hitam/Kacang cincang
Kismis+1 sm Gula-utk versi manis
Serealia-untk taburan
Cara membuat
Panaskan oven 210°C. Beberapa menit seblm oven mencapai suhu yg dituju, siapkan adonan. Buttermilk & baking soda akan segera bereaksi saat dicampur, itulah mengapa adonan hrs secepat mungkin dimasukkan ke oven. Sementara itu, siapkan pan panggang yg dialasi dng kertas perkamen & taburi terigu di atasnya.
Kocok buttermilk (sisakan ± 2 sm utk mengulas nanti) & telur dng whisk, sisihkan. Campur rata terigu, garam & baking soda (juga wijen/kismis/kacang jika mau memakai, saya memakai wijen). Beri mentega & remas2 dng jari atau tekan2 dng garpu agar menyatu dng adonan, membentuk remah kasar. Tuangi campuran buttermilk, sedikit2. Lipat2 & aduk adonan, jika terlihat kering tambahkan buttermilk sampai menjadi adonan yg lengket & kasar (tak lembut). Jangan menguleni adonan lama2 krn akan membuat roti jadi keras atau liat nantinya. Pindahkan adonan ke pan. Tepuk & bentuk adonan menjadi sebulat mungkin berukuran ± 20 cm. Sayat agak dalam permukaan adonan berbentuk X dng pisau tajam yg sdh diberi tepung. Tusuk juga adonan dng ujung pisau hingga berlubang di keempat sisi ujungnya. Ulasi adonan dng buttermilk yg disimpan tadi (& taburi dng serealia jika mau).
Panggang 15 mnt, kecilkan suhu ke 200°C & panggang selama 25-30 mnt. Keluarkan roti dari oven & pan, ltkkan di atas rak kawat hingga mendingin seblm diiris. Roti sisa dapat disimpan dng cara ditutup & ditaruh di suhu ruang, bisa sampai 2 hari atau di kulkas sampai 1 minggu. Anda dapat menghidangkan roti ini dengan ulasan roti, diberi daging/keju atau dihidangkan bersama semangkuk sup, misalnya (klik pada link berikut utk melihat resepnya): Sup Krim Asparagus, Soup Krim Jagung, Soup Ercis, Soup Krim Jamur, Soup Krim Kentang
500 gr All purpose Flour+extra, 1 tsp Baking soda
360-400 ml cold Buttermilk, 1 tsp Salt, 1 Egg
26 gr Butter-room temperature
Optional Ingredients:
Sesame seeds/Caraway seeds/Nuts
Raisins+1 tbsp Sugar-for sweet version
Rolled oats-for sprinkle
Preheat the oven to 210°C (425°F). Few minutes before it will reach the right temperature, starts preparing the dough. After mixing, buttermilk & baking soda will immediately creating a reaction, that’s why you should put the dough in the oven as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, prepare a baking sheet line with a parchment paper & the sprinkle enough flour on top.
Whisk the buttermilk (save ~ 2 tbsp for brushing later on) & egg together; set aside. Mix the flour with salt & baking soda evenly (also sesame/nuts/raisin if you want). Add in the butter & rub it into the flour with your fingers or fork until it resembles coarse crumbs. Pour in the buttermilk mixture, a little at a time. Fold & combine it together. If the dough seems too dry, add more buttermilk until a sticky & shaggy dough formed. Don’t knead the dough to much, as it will make the bread tough. Transfer the dough to the baking sheet. Pat & form it into an ~ 20 cm round loaf as best as you can. Using a floured sharp knife, score a deep cross into the top of the dough & poke a hole in the 4 corners of the dough with the tip of the knife. Brush the dough with the leftover buttermilk (& sprinkle with the oats-optional).
Bake for 15 minutes, then turn down the temperature to 200°C (400°F) & bake for another 25-30 minutes. Remove the bread from the oven & baking sheet; place it on a wire rack to cool down before you slice it. Cover & store leftover bread at room temperature for up to 2 days or in the fridge for up to 1 week. You could just eat the bread with bread spread & meat/cheese or serve it with a cup of soup, i.e. (click on the link for the recipe): Creamy Asparagus Soup, Creamy Corn Soup, Green Pea Soup, Creamy Mushroom Soup, Creamy Potato Soup