Keripik Bayam (Spiced Amaranth Greens/Spinach Chips)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
40-45 lembar Daun bayam yang besar2, Minyak goreng
250 gr Tepung beras+50 gr Tepung tapioka-campur
250 ml Air/Santan cair, 1 Putih telur
3 Daun jeruk muda-iris halus (opsional)
2 Bawang putih, 5 Kemiri, 1½ cm Kunyit, 2 st Garam
2 st Ketumbar, ½ st Gula, 1½ gr Kencur (opsional)
Cara membuat
Cuci & tiriskan bayam, sisihkan. Campur rata bumbu halus dengan telur & air/santan cair. Tuang sedikit2 ke campuran tepung sambil diaduk hingga adonan lembut tak bergumpal. Adonan harus cukup kental (tak terlalu cair).
Panaskan minyak yg banyak di wajan dengan panas sedang. Kecilkan api lalu celup beberapa lembar bayam, satu persatu di adonan hingga kedua sisi terlapis. Angkat, mskkan perlahan ke minyak panas. Beri jarak antara bayam agar tak menempel.
Goreng bayam hingga kaku lalu balik bayam. Masak hingga crispy & kuning keemasan. Angkat & tiriskan di kertas penyerap minyak. Ulangi prosedur hingga bayam habis. Susun keripik secara vertikal di pan panggang yang dalam & beralas kertas perkamen hingga keripik dingin.
Langkah tambahan (opsional): Panaskan oven 130° C, nyalakan api atas & bawah. Letakkan rak oven di posisi tengah. Masukkan pan panggang ke oven lalu panggang keripik tetap dengan posisi vertikal selama 30-35 menit. Hal ini akan menyebabkan keripik lebih kesat dan tak berminyak. Keluarkan dari oven & biarkan hingga keripik dingin sempurna.
Simpan keripik di wadah tertutup.
40-45 leaves of large Amaranth greens/Spinach
250 gr Rice flour+50 gr Tapioca starch-combine
250 ml Water/thin Coconut milk, 1 Egg white
3 young Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced (optional)
Frying oil
Grind into a paste:
2 Garlic cloves, 2 tsp Salt, 1½ cm Turmeric
2 tsp Coriander, ½ tsp Sugar, 5 Candlenuts
1½ gr Lesser galangal (optional)
Wash & then drain the amaranth greens/spinach; set it aside. Combine spices paste with egg & water/thin coconut milk. Add this mixture into the flour, little by little, stir until the batter smooth (no lumps). The batter should be thick enough (not too watery).
Heat plenty of cooking oil in a wok/pan over medium heat. Reduce the heat & then dip some amaranth leaf/spinach into the batter, one at a time, until both side are slightly covered. Lift from the batter & then put it into hot oil. Leave enough space between each leaf as they will stick together.
Fry amaranth/spinach until it is stiff & then flip it over. Fry until it's crispy & golden in colour. Remove from the oil & drain on a paper towel. Repeat the procedure for the rest of amaranth greens/spinach. Arrange the chips vertically in a deep baking pan lined with parchment paper. Let it stand until it cool down.
Optional step: Preheat oven to 130° C & turn on the upper & lower heat. Place the oven rack in the middle shelf. Put baking pan into the oven & bake the chips, still in vertical position for 30-35 minutes. This procedure will make the chips crispier & not too oily. Remove it from the oven & let it stand until it cool down completely.
Store the chips in an airtight container.