Nasi Ulam (Herbs & Rice Salad)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
400 gr Beras, 150 ml Santan kental, Garam
2 Kacang panjang & 4 Bawang merah-iris halus
2 Daun pandan, 2 Daun salam, Air secukupnya
1 st Lada hitam-gerus, 2 sm Minyak sayur
2 sm Bawang goreng, 1 Jeruk limau kesturi
50 gr Ikan asin-goreng & suwir (opsional)
Kerisik kelapa-kacang:
1 sm Kedelai-goreng, 2½ cm Kunyit-cincang
1 sm Kacang tanah-sangrai, 4 sm Kelapa parut
1 sm Ebi goreng (opsional)
Haluskan Bumbu:
2 cm Jahe & 2 cm Lengkuas-cincang
1 Sereh (bagian putihnya saja)-iris2
1 Bawang putih, 1 Cabai hijau-buang biji
Herba-Daun2an segar *:
2 tangkai Daun laksa/kesum, 1 Daun jahe
1 Daun kunyit, 1 tangkai Daun Salam koja
1 tangkai Daun basil eropa, 1 Daun kencur
1 genggam Daun sirih tanah, 15 Daun mint
1 Sereh (putihnya), 2 tangkai Peterseli
5 Daun jeruk, 1 genggam Daun lokio
15 Daun kemangi, 1 Daun lengkuas
1 Bunga kecombrang-suwir2 kecil
1 tangkai kecil Daun rosemary
1 tangkai Daun ketumbar
Sambal terasi:
3 Cabai keriting, 5 Cabai merah, 1 Bawang putih
2 Jeruk purut, ½ sm Gula jawa, 1 st Terasi bakar
2 Bawang merah, Garam, Minyak
Cara membuat
Kerisik kelapa-kacang: Sangrai kelapa parut & kunyit dengan api sedang sampai kuning kecokelatan. Tumbuk/haluskan kelapa tersebut bersama dengan kacang sangrai, kedelai goreng & ebi. Sisihkan.
Tumis bumbu halus dengan minyak sayur sampai harum, sisihkan. Masak nasi dengan daun pandan, salam, garam, bumbu halus, santan & air secukupnya sampai matang. Aduk2 lalu beri lada hitam & aduk rata. Buang daun pandan & salamnya. Biarkan nasi hingga mencapai suhu ruang.
Iris halus/cincang semua daun2an herba lalu tambahkan bawang merah iris, kacang panjang & ikan asin. Aduk rata nasi dengan campuran tersebut, lalu tuangi air jeruk limau kesturi. Cicipi nasi, tambahi garam bila diperlukan. Beri kerisik & bawang goreng, aduk rata.
Sambal terasi: Goreng cabai2 & bawang2 sampai layu, tiriskan. Ulek/haluskan cabai & bawang tersebut bersama dengan terasi, gula jawa & garam. Kucuri air jeruk purut, aduk rata.
Sajikan nasi ulam dengan sambal terasi dan juga bersama hidangan2 lain seperti (klik pada link di bawah untuk resep2nya):
Usahakan utk menggunakan herba daerah tropis sebanyak mungkin dengan komposisi seimbang. Bagi yang tidak tinggal di Asia & susah mendapatkan herba asia, minimal usahakan untuk menggunakan herba ini: daun mint, daun ketumbar, daun basil eropa, kemangi, daun lokio, daun rosemary, peterseli, sereh & daun jeruk. Jika tdk ada daun jeruk, dapat juga diganti dengan parutan halus dari kulit luar jeruk nipis. Anda juga dapat mengganti Kemangi dengan daun Thai basil.
400 gr white Rice, 2 tbsp Vegetable oil, Water
150 ml thick Coconut milk, 2 Bay leaves, Salt
1 Calamansi lime, 2 tbsp fried Shallots
2 Pandan leaves, 1 tsp Black pepper-grind
4 Shallots & 2 Long beans-thinly sliced
50 gr salted Fish-fried & flaked (optional)
Toasted coconut paste/Kerisik:
1 tbsp fried Soy beans, 2½ cm Turmeric-chopped
1 tbsp toasted Peanuts, 4 tbsp grated Coconut
1 tbsp fried dried Shrimps (optional)
Grind spices into a paste:
2 cm Ginger & 2 cm Galangal-chopped
1 Lemongrass (white part only)-sliced
1 Garlic clove, 1 seeded green chili
Fresh Herbs *:
1 sprig Coriander leaves, 1 handful Chives
2 sprigs Coriander leaves, 1 sprig Basil leaves
1 Turmeric leaf, 1 Galangal leaf, 1 Ginger leaf
15 Lemon basil leaves, 1 Lesser galangal leaf
1 small sprig Rosemary, 1 sprig Curry leaves
1 handful Wild betel nut leaves, 15 Mint leaves
5 Kaffir lime leaves, 2 sprigs Parsley
1 Torch ginger bud-shredded thinly
1 Lemongrass (white part only)
Fried shrimp paste sambal:
5 Red chilies, ½ tbsp Palm sugar, 1 Garlic clove
1 tsp roasted Shrimp paste, 2 Shallots, Salt
3 Cayenne peppers, 2 Kaffir lime, frying Oil
Toasted coconut paste: Toast grated coconut & turmeric over medium heat until golden brown. Grind/pound toasted coconut together with toasted peanuts, fried soy beans & fried dried shrimps; set it aside.
Sauté spices paste with vegetable oil until fragrant; set it aside. Cook rice with pandan leaves, bay leaves, salt, sautéed spices paste, coconut milk & enough water. Fluff it up; add in black pepper & mix well. Discard pandan & bay leaves. Let the rice cool down to room temperature.
Thinly sliced/chopped all herbs & then mix them together with sliced shallots, long beans & flaked fish. Combine this mixture with the rice; then pour in calamansi lime juice. Check the taste, add some salt if it's necessary. Toss in toasted coconut paste & fried shallots.
Fried shrimp paste sambal: Fry chilies, shallots & garlic until it wilts; drain. Pound/grind them together with palm sugar, shrimp paste & salt. Squeeze in kaffir lime juice & then mix it well.
Serve the herbs & rice salad with sambal and with any of the following side dishes (click on the links below for the recipe):
Corn fritters / Vegetable fritters / Potato & meat frikadeller
Flour coating fried tofu / Flour coating fried tempeh / Sweet & Spicy Deep Fried Tempeh
Fried Anchovy in Green Chili Paste / Fried Anchovy & Stinky Beans in Chili Paste
Sweet & spicy fried potato chips/sticks / Honey & ginger prawn / Prawn satay
Indonesian dried chicken curry / Minangese grilled chicken / Galangal fried chicken / Javanese Roast Chicken
Chicken in Spicy Coconut Gravy / Rendang Sapi Padang (Indonesian Dried Beef Curry) / Beef Curry ala Padang
Dried beef with chili paste / Dried beef with green chili paste / Javanese bruised fried meat
Try to get the tropical herbs as many as possible & keep a balance. For those who's not living in Asia & it's difficult to find some asian herbs, at least try to get these herbs (easiest to find): mint leaves, coriander leaves, basil leaves, lemon basil leaves, rosemary, chives, parsley, lemongrass & kaffir lime leaves. If kaffir lime leaf is unavailable, substitute it with finely grated lime zest. You can also substitute the lemon basil leaves with Thai basil.
Adapted from Azlin Bloor recipe, with some personal modification. Thank you dear Azlin..:)