Bubur Biji Salak/Candil (Yam Balls in Coconut Sugar Sauce)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


Saus gula:

  • 1 lt Air, 200 gr Gula jawa, ½ st Garam, 3 Daun pandan

  • 2 sm Tepung beras+1 sm Maizena+6 sm Air-larutkan

  • 2 cm Jahe-geprek

Biji Salak:

  • 120 gr Tepung tapioka/kanji, 400 gr Ubi merah

  • ½ st Garam

Saus santan:

  • 400 ml Santan, ½ st Garam, 1 Daun pandan

Cara membuat

  • Biji salak: Kukus ubi hingga empuk. Kupas lalu haluskan. Campur dengan tepung tapioka & garam, uleni sampai rata. Bentuk adonan menjadi bulatan/lonjong kecil2. Taburi tangan & talenan dng sedikit tepung agar tidak terlalu menempel.

  • Saus gula: Didihkan 1 lt air, gula jawa, garam, jahe & pandan. Masukkan biji salak ke dalam saus gula mendidih, masak sampai terapung. Kecilkan api, beri larutan tepung beras-maizena sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk. Masak sampai kental. Buang jahe & daun pandannya.

  • Saus Santan: Didihkan semua bahan saus santan sampai mengental dng api kecil sambil diaduk.

  • Tuang bubur biji salak ke mangkuk2 saji, sirami dng saus santan di atasnya.


Sugar sauce:

  • 200 gr Coconut sugar, ½ tsp Salt, 2 cm Ginger-bruised

  • 1 tbsp Corn starch+2 tbsp Rice flour+6 tbsp Water

  • 1 lt Water, 3 Pandan leaves

Yam balls:

  • 400 gr Yam/Sweet potato, 120 gr Tapioca flour

  • ½ tsp Salt

Coconut milk sauce:

  • 400 ml Coconut milk, ½ tsp Salt, 1 Pandan leaf


  • Yam balls: Steam the yam until it soft. Peel & then mash the yam until smooth; knead it with tapioca flour & salt until well blended. Form the batter into small round/oval balls. Sprinkle your hands & working place with some flour in order to make it less sticky.

  • Sugar sauce: Mix the corn starch, rice flour & 6 tbsp of water well; set it aside. Boil 1 lt of water with coconut sugar, salt, pandan leaves & ginger. Put the yam balls into this boiling sugar sauce; cook until the balls floated. Turn the heat to low. Add in the rice flour mixture, a little at a time; stir constantly. Cook until the sauce thickens. Discard the ginger & pandan leaves.

  • Coconut milk sauce: Boil all coconut milk ingredients over low heat until fragrant; stir constantly.

  • Put the yam balls & sweet sauce into serving bowls; pour coconut milk sauce on top.

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