Soto Daging (Classic Indonesian Beef Soup)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 750 gr Daging sengkel-potong dadu, 3 Daun salam

  • 6 cm Lengkuas-geprek, 1 Sereh-geprek, Minyak

  • 1 sm Gula, ½ st Lada bubuk, 1½ lt Kaldu sapi

  • 2 Seledri-simpul/1 Batang seledri impor-potong 4

  • 5 Daun jeruk, Garam

Bumbu halus:

  • 50 gr (8) Bawang merah, 15 gr (5) Bawang putih

  • 4 Kemiri, 1 Sereh (putihnya), ½ sm Ketumbar

  • 8 gr (3 cm) Jahe, 5 cm Kunyit, 2 Kapulaga


  • 2 Cabai hijau, 1 Bawang putih, 4 Rawit, Garam


  • 2 Daun bawang, 2 Tomat, Daun kol-iris2

  • Jeruk nipis-potong, Bawang goreng

  • 100 gr Soun-seduh air panas & tiriskan

Cara membuat

  • Rebus daging, kaldu, daun jeruk, daun salam, sereh, seledri batang & lengkuas sampai daging empuk.

  • Tumis bumbu halus dengan minyak hingga harum. Masukkan tumisan ke kaldu, beri gula, garam, lada. Didihkan, masak hingga rasa menyatu. Angkat, buang seledri, sereh, lengkuas & daun2an.

  • Sambal: Goreng cabai2 & bawang putih hingga layu. Angkat, haluskan bersama garam.

  • Susun tomat, kol, daun bawang & soun di mangkuk2 saji. Siram dng soto & taburi bawang goreng. Sajikan dengan sambal & nipis.


  • 750 gr Beef shank-diced, 1½ lt Beef broth, Salt

  • 1 Lemongrass-bruised, 5 Kaffir lime leaves

  • 3 Bay leaves, 6 cm Galangal-bruised, frying Oil

  • 1 tbsp Sugar, ½ tsp ground Pepper

  • 2 Asian Celery-knotted/1 rib Celery-cut into 4

Grind into a paste:

  • 1 Lemongrass (white part), 5 (15 gr) Garlic cloves

  • 50 gr (8) Shallots, 4 Candlenuts, 5 cm Turmeric

  • 8 gr (3 cm) Ginger, ½ tbsp Coriander, 2 Cardamom

Chili paste:

  • 2 Green chilies, 4 Thai chilies, 1 Garlic clove, Salt


  • 2 Green onions & 2 Tomatoes-sliced, Fried shallots

  • 100 gr Mung bean thread-soak in boiling water & drain

  • Lime wedges, Cabbage-sliced


  • Boil the beef, broth, kaffir lime leaves, bay leaves, lemongrass, celery & galangal until the beef tender.

  • Sauté spices paste with oil until fragrant. Put sautéed spices into the broth; season with sugar, salt & pepper. Bring it to a simmer; cook until the flavor blended. Remove from the heat; discard the celery, lemongrass, galangal & all leaves.

  • Chili paste: Fry chilies & garlic until wilted. Drain & then then grind it with some salt.

  • Place the tomato, green onion, cabbage & mung bean thread in serving bowls. Pour in beef soup. Sprinkle with fried shallots; then serve it with the chili paste & lime wedges.

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