Pasta Bumbu Mentega Bawang Putih (Garlic Butter Noodle)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 300 gr Mie telur/Spaghettini/Spaghetti, 2 st Minyak wijen

  • 1 sm dari masing2: Saus tiram, Saus soya & Kecap ikan

  • 75 gr Keju Parmesan parut, 40 gr Mentega, Lada bubuk

  • 5 (15 gr) Bawang putih-parut, 1 sm Olive oil

Bahan tambahan pilihan:

  • 100 gr Bacon+3 Bawang merah-iris2, Cabai bubuk

  • Air jeruk nipis secukupnya, Basil/peterseli-cincang

Cara membuat

  • Campur saus2 & minyak wijen di mangkuk lalu sisihkan. Tumis terpisah bacon & bawang merah, sisihkan. Masak pasta sesuai aturan di kemasan. Bilas dengan air dingin, tiriskan & sisihkan.

  • Sementara itu, masukkan mentega & olive oil di wajan. Lelehkan mentega di atas api kecil. Beri bawang putih, masak & aduk selama 3-4 menit, sampai harum (jangan gosong, kita hanya ingin menyatukan rasa/aroma bawang putih itu ke dalam mentega).

  • Pasang api ke besar. Masukkan pasta, campuran saus, lada & cabai bubuk ke wajan. Masak & aduk terus sampai pasta panas & tersaput rata dengan saus. Matikan api. Aduk masuk keju Parmesan (& air jeruk nipis-opsional).

  • Letakkan pasta di piring2 saji. Beri bacon & bawang merah di atasnya. Taburi basil atau peterseli.


  • 300 gr Egg noddle/Spaghettini/Spaghetti, 40 gr Butter

  • 5 (15 gr) Garlic cloves-grated/pressed, 1 tbsp Olive oil

  • 1 tbsp of each: Oyster sauce, Soy sauce & Fish sauce

  • 2 tsp Sesame oil, 75 gr grated Parmesan, Pepper

Other optional ingredients:

  • 100 gr Bacon+3 Shallots-thinly sliced, Chili flakes

  • Chopped Basil/Parsley, enough Lime juice


  • Combine all sauces & sesame oil in a bowl; set it aside. Sauté the bacon & shallots separately. Set it aside. Cook noodles off according to the package instructions. Rinse noodles with cold water & drain. Set it aside.

  • Meanwhile, put butter & olive oil in a wok/skillet & melt the butter over low heat. Stir in garlic & cook it for 3-4 minutes, until fragrant (don‘t burn it, just want to infuse the flavor to the butter).

  • Turn the heat to high. Add noodles, ground pepper, chili flakes & sauce mixture into the wok. Cook & keep stirring it until the noodles are hot & evenly coated with the sauce. Turn off the heat. Toss in the Parmesan cheese (& squeeze in some lime juice-optional).

  • Put the noodle in serving plates. Arrange some sautéed bacon & shallot on top & then sprinkle with some chopped basil/parsley leaves.

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