Steak Daging Cincang Panggang (Grilled Ground Meat Steak)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
300 gr Daging cincang, 450 gr Ayam cincang, Garam
2 st Gula, 2 st Pala bubuk, ½ st Bawang putih bubuk
2 sm Mentega, 3¼ st Lada bubuk, 3 sm Kecap manis
½ st Paprika bubuk, ½ st Cabai bubuk, 1½ sm Terigu
3 sm Peterseli cincang, 2 Wortel & 10 gr Buncis-iris
5 Bawang merah & 2 Bawang putih-iris lalu goreng
1½ Bawang bombay-cincang, 1 st Lada hitam butir
5 Roti tawar, 3 sm Margarin, 3 sm Panir, 2 Telur
300 ml Kaldu, ½ st Kaldu bubuk, 1 sm Kecap asin
1 kg Kentang, 300 ml Krim, 1 sm Madu
Cara membuat
Aduk daging ayam & sapi/babi cincang. Rendam roti di air sebentar lalu peras. Tumbuk kasar bawang merah & putih goreng lalu campur dengan 2 sm peterseli, kaldu bubuk, 1 st gula, 2 st garam, 1 st pala, 2 telur, 1½ st lada, 200 ml krim, roti, panir & daging. Simpan di kulkas 1 jam. Bentuk daging menjadi bola2 oval agak besar kemudian pipihkan sedikit.
Panaskan panggangan Bbq atau oven 180° C. Campur 1 sm margarin, 1 sm kecap manis, madu, ¼ st pala, ½ st lada, cabai bubuk & paprika bubuk. Oles daging dengan campuran ini. Panggang daging hingga matang. Balik posisi daging, olesi bumbu, panggang lagi sebentar.
Saus: Aduk terigu dengan 100 ml krim, sisihkan. Tumis 1 bombay dengan mentega. Beri kaldu, 1 st garam, kecap asin, 2 sm kecap manis, 1 st lada, ½ st pala, 1 st gula & lada hitam butiran lalu didihkan. Masukkan larutan terigu, aduk terus hingga mengental, beri 1 sm Peterseli, aduk rata. Angkat.
Potong2 kentang, remas2 dengan garam & bawang putih bubuk. Diamkan 15 menit lalu goreng matang. Sisihkan.
Tumis ½ bombay dengan 2 sm margarin, masukkan wortel, buncis, ½ st garam, ¼ st lada & ¼ st pala. Aduk rata lalu angkat.
Sajikan ayam dengan saus, kentang goreng & sayuran.
Untuk membuat roti tawar sendiri, klik di link ini Roti Tawar
300 gr ground Beef/Pork & 450 gr ground Chicken
3 tbsp Margarine, 1½ Onions-chopped, 1 tbsp Honey
2 Carrots & 10 gr Beans-sliced, ½ tsp Garlic powder
3¼ tsp ground Pepper, 1 tsp Black peppercorns, Salt
3 tbsp sweet Soy sauce,2 tbsp Butter, 300 ml Broth
1½ tbsp Flour, ½ tsp Broth powder, 5 white Breads
1 kg Potatoes, 1 tbsp Soy sauce, ½ tsp Chili powder
2 tsp Sugar, 3 tbsp chopped Parsley 300 ml Cream
½ tsp Paprika powder, 3 tbsp Breadcrumbs, 2 Eggs
5 Shallots & 2 Garlic cloves-sliced & then fry
2 tsp ground Nutmeg
Mix ground chicken with ground beef/pork. Soak breads in water for awhile & then squeeze. Roughly grind fried shallots & garlic. Combine it well with 2 tbsp parsley, broth powder, 1 tsp sugar, 2 tsp salt, 1 tsp nutmeg, 2 eggs, 1½ tsp pepper, 200 ml cream, bread, bread crumbs & meat. Chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Form the meat into several big oval balls; then flatten a bit into patties.
Preheat the Bbq grill or oven to 180° C. Mix 1 tbsp margarine, honey, ¼ tsp nutmeg, 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce, ½ tsp pepper, chili powder & paprika powder. Smear the meat with margarine mixture. Grill until the meat is cooked. Turn the meat over, smear with the mixture; grill the other side for awhile until golden brown.
Sauce: Mix flour with 100 ml cream, set it aside. Sauté 1 onion with butter. Pour in broth & season with 1 tsp salt, soy sauce, 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce, 1 tsp pepper, ½ tsp nutmeg, 1 tsp sugar & black peppercorns. Bring it to a simmer; pour in flour mixture. Whisk constantly until the sauce slightly thickens, then add 1 tbsp parsley; stir well. Remove from the heat.
Peel & slice potatoes. Sprinkle with salt & garlic powder; mix well. Let it stand for 15 minutes. Fry potatoes, set it aside.
Sauté ½ onion with 2 tbsp margarine; stir in carrots, beans, ½ tsp salt, ¼ tsp pepper & ¼ tsp nutmeg.
Serve the steaks with gravy, fried potatoes & vegetables.
To make a homemade white bread, please click on this link White Bread