Roti Kismis & Bumbu Spekuk (Raisin & Spekkoek Spice Bread)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
450 gr Terigu protein tinggi+30-50 gr ekstra, 1 st Garam
180 ml Susu hangat+100 ml Air hangat, 8 gr Ragi instant
75 gr Gula, 4½ sm Minyak sayur+ekstra, 1 Telur besar
150 gr Kismis campur, 120 ml Jus apel, 30 gr Gula merah
3 sm Mentega-lelehkan, 1¼ sm Bumbu spekuk* (lihat note)
Ulasan: 1 Kuning telur+1 st Air
Cara membuat
Campur kismis & jus apel juice di mangkuk & panaskan di microwave 20 detik. Keluarkan llu diamkan 15 mnt. Tiriskan kismis & ltkkan di kertas penyerap minyak agar sisa cairan terserap.
Campur rata terigu, ragi, gula & garam di mangkuk. Mskkan susu & air, lalu telur & minyak. Aduk dng spatula, keruk juga semua sisi mangkuk, termsk di dasarnya agar semua tercampur rata.
Letakkan adonan di permukaan kerja bertabur terigu lalu tepuk utk sedikit meratakannya. Taburi dng sedikit terigu agar terbentuk massa yg baik, dimulai dulu dng menambahkan 30 gr. Dng tangan & scraper, lipat sisi tepi adonan ke arah tengah. Uleni adonan hingga terbentuk adonan yg lembut & tdk terlalu lengket (6-7 mnt). Tepuk adonan lagi utk meratakannya lalu taburi dng kismis & 1 sm bumbu spekuk. Uleni utk menyatukan kismis & bumbu ke dlm adonan (± 3 mnt). Anda jg dpt melalukan pengulenan dng mixer kecepatan sedang. Bulatkan adonan lalu mskkan di mangkuk yg sdh diulasi minyak. Guling2kan adonan ke sisi mangkuk agar tersaput minyak. Tutup mangkuk dng plastik pembungkus, diamkan selama 45-60 mnt, sampai adonan mengembang 2X nya. Sementara itu, alasi sebuah pan panggang besar dng kertas perkamen. Campur gula merah & ¼ sm bumbu spekuk lalu sisihkan.
Taburi permukaan kerja, rolling pin & tangan dng terigu. Letakkan adonan di permukaan kerja lalu bentuk sesuai selera. Jika hendak membuat adonan seperti yg saya buat, bagi adonan menjadi 3. Ambil 1 bagian & tutupi bagian adonan lainnya hingga adonan pertama selesai dibentuk. Bentuk adonan memanjng spt kayu lalu potong menjadi 19. Gilas tiap potongan berbentuk lingkaran. Ulasi dng mentega & taburi tengahnya dng campuran gula merah. Bulatkan menjadi bola2, tutupi & sisihkan. Gilas adonan kedua menjadi persegi berukuran 25X30 cm. Ulasi seluruh permukaannya dng mentega & taburi dng campuran gula merah secara merata. Gulung adonan, dimulai dari salah satu sisi pendeknya. Belah (potong memanjang) adonan di tengah menjadi 2 dng pisau tajam yg sdh sedikit diminyaki. Pindahkan potongan adonan ke atas pan panggang. Kepang kedua belahan tsb dng sisi yg dipotongnya menghadap ke atas. Letakkan 1 buah bola adonan setelah setiap 1 kepang. Bentuk adonan yg sdh selesai dikepang menjadi setengah lingkaran. Ulangi seluruh proses ini utk adonan ketiga tetapi letakkan kepangan adonan ketiga di sisi yg berlawanan dari kepangan adonan kedua (bentuk kedua kepangan adonan menjadi 1 lingkaran penuh). Sambungkan ujung2nya dng cara menekan keduanya bersamaan lalu lipat utk merekatkannya. Susun sisa bola2 di dalam lingkaran, beri jarak yg cukup di antaranya krn adonan akan mengembang lagi. Tutupi adonan longgar saja dng serbet atau plastik pembungkus yg sdh diminyaki. Biarkan mengembang selama 30-45 mnt.
Sementara itu, panaskan oven 190° C, pasang rak oven di sepertiga bagian bawah oven. Ulasi adonan dng campuran kuning telur. Panggang selama 25 mnt. Tudungi adonan dng aluminium foil di 8-10 mnt terakhir utk mencegahnya dari gosong. Keluarkan roti dari oven & letakkan di rak kawat. Biarkan hingga sedikit mendingin (istirahatkan ~10 mnt ) sebelum dipotong.
Note: * Bumbu spekuk adalah campuran bumbu yg terdiri dari kayu manis, cengkeh, bunga pala, anis & kapulaga. Anda dapat mensubstitusinya dng bumbu spekulas atau kalau benar2 tidak ada, gunakan saja kayu manis bubuk dan kapulaga bubuk.
450 gr Bread flour+30-50 gr extra, 1 large Egg
1 tsp Salt, 180 ml warm Milk+100 ml warm Water
8 gr Instant yeast, 4½ tbsp Vegetable oil+extra
120 ml Apple juice, 75 gr Sugar, 30 gr Brown sugar
3 tbsp Butter-melted, 150 gr mix Raisins
1¼ tbsp Spekkoek spice * (see the Note)
Egg wash: 1 Egg yolk+1 tsp Water
Combine raisins & apple juice in a bowl & microwave for 20 sec. Remove from the microwave & let it stand for 15 minutes. Drain raisins & place it on a paper towel to absorb excess moisture.
In a bowl, put the flour, salt, sugar & yeast; mix until everything is evenly distributed. Pour in the milk & water, then the egg followed by oil. Stir the dough with a spatula to combine. Scrape also all sides of the bowl, including the bottom, to make sure you’ll bring all dry flour in.
Transfer the dough to a floured surface & pat it to flatten a bit. Sprinkle with some flour to form a mass, starts with 30 gr first. Use your hand (& a plastic scraper) to fold over the edges to the centre of the dough. Knead the dough until it forms a smooth dough & it’s not too sticky any more (6-7 minutes). Pat the dough again to flatten. Sprinkle with raisins & 1 tbsp of spekkoek spice. Knead to combine the raisin & spice into the dough (~ 3 min). You could also just knead the dough with an electric mixer on medium. Shape it into a ball & put it in a slightly greased bowl. Roll the dough along the inside of the bowl until it is coated in oil. Cover the bowl & let it proof for 45-60 minutes, to allow it to doubled in size. Meantime, line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine brown sugar & ¼ tbsp of the spekkoek spice; set it aside.
Flour your working surface, hands & rolling pin. Put the dough in the working surface & form it into any shape you desire. If you want to form it like what I did, divide it into 3. Take one of the dough & cover the others until the first dough had been shaped. Shape it into a long log & then cut it into 19 pieces. Roll out each one of it into a circle; brush with butter & then sprinkle some spiced sugar in the middle. Shape the dough into balls, cover & set it aside. Roll the second dough into a 25X30 cm rectangle. Brush the surface of each rectangle with butter & sprinkle with spiced sugar all over the surface. Starting from one of the shorter edges, roll up the dough. With a slightly oiled sharp knife, cut the roll in half lengthwise. Move the strands into the baking sheet. Braid the strands with the cut sides facing up; put 1 dough ball after each cross. Shape braided dough into a half circle. Repeat the whole process with the third dough but put it on the opposite direction of the second braided dough (shape both braided dough into 1 circle). Connect the ends by pinching & tucking them together to seal. Arrange the rest of dough balls inside of the circle, give enough space between them since the dough will rise again. Cover the dough loosely with a towel or greased plastic wrap & let it sit to rise for 30-45 minutes.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 190° C, put the oven rack in the lower third of the oven. Brush the dough with egg wash. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Cover the bread with a foil tent in the last 8-10 minutes to prevent over-browning. Remove the bread from the oven & put it in a wire rack. Let it slightly cool down (~10 minutes rest) before slicing.
Note: * Spekkoek spice is a mix of spices consisting of cinnamon, clove, mace, anise & cardamom. You can substitute the Spekkoek spice with Speculaas spice or if it’s still difficult to find, just use ground cinnamon & ground cardamom.