Roti Mangkuk (Bread Bowl)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 300 gr Tepung protein tinggi, 1½ st Gula, 1½ st Garam

  • 200 gr Terigu serba guna+ekstra, 2¼ st (7 gr) Ragi instan

  • 350 ml Air hangat, 2 sm Olive oil-ulasan

Bumbu: (bahan2 opsional)

  • 1 sm Bawang putih bubuk atau ½ sm Bawang bubuk atau

  • ½ sm Bumbu Italy/Daun thyme

Cara membuat

  • Mskkan & campur terigu, ragi, bumbu, garam, gula di mangkuk. Tuangi air hangat lalu aduk hingga rata. Keruk semua sisi mangkuk, termasuk dasarnya utk memastikan semua tercampur. Taburi permukaan kerja & tangan dng terigu. Uleni adonan hingga until halus, lembut, elastis & menjadi sedikit lengket saja (7-8 minutes). Atau uleni di mixer dng kecepatan rendah-sedang selama 5-6 mnt. Bulatkan adonan lalu mskkan di mangkuk besar yg sdh diulasi dng minyak. Balik2 adonan di dalam mangkuk tsb hingga permukaannya teroles rata dng minyak. Tutupi dng plastik pembungkus. Biarkan hingga mengembang di tempat hangat selama 1 jam, sampai adonan berukuran 2x nya dari asal.

  • Setelah mengembang, pukul adonan dibagian tengahnya utk melepaskan gas. Letakkan adonan di permukaan kerja lalu potong menjadi 3 bagian sama besar (jadi 4 jika mangkuknya ingin lebih kecil).

  • Bentuk adonan jadi bola2 dng cara menekuk/menarik sisi2nya ke arah bawah lalu guling2kan ke permukaan kerja dng telapak tangan hingga adonan membulat & sisi sambungan di bawahnya tertutup rapat. Letakkan di pan panggang lebar yg sdh dialasi dng kertas perkamen, beri jarak yg cukup jauh diantaranya krn adonan akan mengembang. Tutupi dng serbet bersih hingga mengembang selama 30-45 mnt. Sementara itu, panaskan oven 220° C.

  • Taburi adonan dng sedikit terigu. Kerat permukaannya berbentuk X dng pisau tajam/cutter. Panggang selama 30 menit (sampai coklat kekuningan & mengeras/crisp).

  • Keluarkan dari oven & letakkan di rak kawat. Biarkan roti mendingin seblm dipotong.

  • Dengan pisau, potong melingkar di bagian atas tiap mangkuk roti. Gunakan sebuah sendok utk mengeluarkan roti dari bagian tengah di dalam mangkuk, sisakan sekitar 2 cm roti di dasar & tepian utk membentuk mangkuk roti. Simpan roti dari bagian dalam tsb utk dicelup di sup atau dibuat jadi crouton/roti kering utk taburan sup. Isi mangkuk dng sup panas, misalnya (klik pada link berikut utk melihat resepnya): Sup Krim Asparagus, Soup Krim Jagung, Soup Ercis, Soup Krim Jamur, Soup Krim Kentang

  • Mangkuk roti dapat disimpan di suhu ruang selama 2 hari, di kulkas selama 1 minggu atau dibekukan di freezer selama 3 bulan. Bungkus saja dng plastik wrap. Jika dibekukan, letakkan dulu semalaman di kulkas lalu sebelum dihidangkan, panaskan di oven 160° C. Langkah opsional: Ulasi bagian dalam & tutup mangkuk roti dng sedikit olive oil utk mencegah mangkuk pecah & supnya bocor sebelum dipanggang .

  • Ingredients

  • 300 gr Bread flour, 350 ml warm Water, 1½ tsp Salt

  • 200 gr All purpose flour+extra, 2¼ tsp (7 gr) Instant yeast

  • 1½ tsp Sugar, 2 tbsp Olive oil-greasing

Seasoning: (optional ingredients)

  • 1 tbsp Garlic powder or ½ tbsp Onion powder or

  • ½ tbsp Italian seasoning/Thyme


  • In a bowl, stir the flour, instant yeast, seasoning, sugar & salt. Add in warm water; stir until it well combined. Scrape all sides of the bowl, including the bottom, to make sure you’ll bring all ingredients in. Dust a working surface & your hands with flour. Knead the dough until smooth, soft, elastic & slightly sticky (7-8 minutes). Or knead it with a stand mixer fit with the dough hook attachment at medium-low speed for 5-6 minutes. Shape the dough into a ball. Place it in a greased large bowl; turning the dough to coat all sides with oil. Cover it with plastic wrap & let it proof in a warm place for ~ 1 hours, to allow it to doubled in size.

  • When the dough is ready, gently punch it down in the center to release the gas. Place the dough on a working surface & then divide it into 3 equal pieces (4 if you want smaller bowls).

  • Shape the dough into balls by pulling down on the edges then rolling the dough under your hand to seal the seam on the bottom. Place them on a large sheet pan lined with parchment paper; give enough space between each dough since the dough be will rise again. Cover with a towel to rise for 30-45 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 220° C.

  • Lightly dust the dough with some flour. Using a sharp knife/blade, score/slash the top of the dough with an X pattern. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, or until golden brown & crusty.

  • Remove the bread from the oven & put the bowls in a wire rack. Let it cool down before you cut.

  • Using a knife, cut a circle out of the top of each bowl bread. Use a spoon to scoop out the bread centre, leaving some 2 cm-thick bread & shells. Reserve the bread for dipping or make croutons. Fill bread bowls with hot soup, i.e.(click on the link for the recipe): Creamy Asparagus Soup, Creamy Corn Soup, Green Pea Soup, Creamy Mushroom Soup, Creamy Potato Soup

  • Unused bowls can be store at room temperature for a couple of days or in the fridge for up to 1 week. You could also put them in the freezer for up to 3 months. Just cover them well in plastic wrap. Thaw the frozen bread overnight in the fridge & then rewarm in a 160° C oven until heated through. Optional step: Brush the inside part & lid of the bread bowl with a little olive oil to prevent the bread from breaking & the soup from leaking before baking it .

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