Terong Goreng Tepung Bumbu Bawang Sereh (Fried Eggplant Seasoned with Shallot & Lemongrass)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
Bahan tumisan
1 Sereh-cincang halus putihnya, Garam, Minyak
½ st Kaldu bubuk, 2 st Minyak wijen, Lada bubuk
4 Bawang merah-cincang, 1 Daun bawang-iris
1 cm Kencur-cincang, 2 Bawang putih-cincang
4 Daun jeruk-iris halus, 1½ st Sambal giling
Terong goreng:
150 gr Terong ungu-iris2, Air-untuk perendam
½ st Lada bubuk, ½ st Baking powder, Garam
½ st Ketumbar bubuk, 1 Telur-kocok, Minyak
100 ml Air es, 100 gr Terigu+ekstra taburan
Cara membuat
Terong goreng: Campur air dengan sedikit garam. Rendam irisan terong di dalamnya selama kita mempersiapkan bahan2 lain. Campur rata terigu, baking powder, ketumbar, lada & garam secukupnya. Aduk masuk telur ke dalam tepung berbumbu. Tuangi air es & aduk rata hingga adonan halus tak bergumpal. Tiriskan terong lalu taburi dengan terigu secukupnya saja agar adonan mudah merekat nantinya. Panaskan minyak yang banyak di wajan anti lengket. Setelah panas, kecilkan api ke sedang. Celup terong di adonan hingga terlapis lalu goreng hingga matang & kuning kecokelatan. Angkat & tiriskan.
Tumis bawang merah hingga mulai layu. Masukkan bawang putih, tumis hingga kekuningan. Beri daun bawang, cabai giling & bahan2 lain. Masak hingga wangi, matang & sedikit kering.
Masukkan terong goreng lalu aduk hingga tersaput rata dengan tumisan. Angkat & sajikan.
Stir-fry ingredients:
1 white part of a Lemongrass stalk-minced, Salt
½ tsp Broth powder, 2 tsp Sesame oil, Frying oil
4 Shallots-chopped, 1½ tsp ground Chili/Chili paste
1 cm Lesser galangal-minced, ground Pepper
2 Garlic cloves-minced, 1 Scallion-sliced
4 Kaffir lime leaves-thinly sliced
Fried Eggplant ingredients:
150 gr Eggplant-sliced, Water-for soaking, Salt
100 ml Ice water, ½ tsp ground Pepper, fry. Oil
1 Egg-beaten, 100 gr Flour+extra for sprinkle
½ tsp Coriander powder, ½ tsp Baking powder
Fried eggplant: Mix water with a bit salt. Soak eggplant in the water while we are preparing the other ingredients. Combine the flour with baking powder, coriander, pepper & enough salt well. Whisk in beaten egg. Pour ice water into the mixture. Whisk until the batter is smooth (no lumps). Drain the eggplant & then sprinkle with some flour. Mix it well. This procedure will help batter to coat the eggplant better. Heat generous amount of oil in a non-stick skillet/pan. After it‘s hot, reduce the heat to medium. Dip eggplant slices in the batter to coat it completely. Fry until it‘s cooked & golden brown. Remove eggplant from the skillet & drain them in paper towel.
In a pan/skillet, sautè shallots until it starts to wilt. Add in garlic, sautè until it’s golden. Put in sliced scallion, ground chili & other ingredients. Cook until it fragrant & a bit dries.
Put fried eggplant into the pan/skillet & then combine it with sauteed ingredients to coat evenly. Remove from the pan & serve.
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