Kue Kuping Gajah (Elephant Ear Cookies)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


- 300 gr Terigu, 100 gr Gula halus, Minyak - 80 gr Mentega, ½ st Vanili

- 100 ml Santan kental, 2 sm Coklat bubuk - ½ st Garam, 1 Telur

Cara membuat

- Campur terigu, garam & vanili, sisihkan. Aduk mentega, telur, santan & gula dng mixer/spatula hingga rata. Masukkan campuran terigu sedikit2 sambil diaduk. Uleni hingga adonan rata & lembut. Bagi adonan jadi 2. Beri coklat bubuk disalah satunya, uleni lagi hingga rata & menyatu.

- Ambil sebagian adonan putih, gilas tipis berbentuk persegi panjang (1-1½ mm). Ambil sebagian adonan coklat, gilas tipis. Usahakan bentuk & ukuran kedua adonan sama besar. Tumpuk kedua adonan, gulung sambil sedikit ditekan2 agar padat menyatu hingga berbtk silinder. Ulangi proses utk sisa adonan hingga habis. Bungkus adonan dng plastik, masukkan ke freezer selama 1 jam.

- Potong adonan tipis2 (± 1 mm). Goreng di dalam minyak panas sedang hingga kue matang. Tiriskan & biarkan hingga dingin terlebih dahulu, lalu simpan di toples.


- 300 gr Flour, 100 gr Sugar, Frying oil - 80 gr Butter, ½ tsp Vanilla extract

- 100 ml thick Coconut milk, 1 Egg - ½ tsp Salt, 2 tbsp Cocoa powder


- Combine flour, salt & vanilla; set aside. Using a spatula/electric mixer, combine the butter with egg, coconut milk & sugar well. Gradually stir in flour mixture; knead the dough until it become smooth. Divide the dough into 2; put cocoa powder in one of them. Knead to combine it well.

- Take a part of the white dough & then roll the dough into a flat rectangular shape (1-1½ mm of thickness). Take a part of the brown dough & then roll it flat too. Try to roll & shape it in the same size as the white dough. Stack the brown dough over the white. Gently roll & press a bit the stacked dough as you roll it up tightly into a cylindrical shape. Repeat the procedure for the rest of dough. Cover the rolled dough with plastic wrap & put it in the freezer for 1 hour.

- Slice the dough thinly (~ 1 mm of thickness). Fry them in frying oil over medium heat until the cookies cooked. Drain & let it cool down to room temperature; store in an air tight container.

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