Brownies Kukus (Steamed Brownies)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
6 Telur besar, 1 st Air nipis, 130 gr Terigu serba-guna
100 gr Dark cooking chocolate (≥70% cacao), ½ st Garam
½ st Baking powder, 125 ml Minyak sayur/Minyak canola
2 sm Pasta coklat, 225 gr Gula, ½ st ekstrak Vanili
60 gr Coklat bubuk tawar, 50 gr Mentega tawar
½ st Emulsifier, 60 ml Susu kental manis coklat
Cara membuat
Campur terigu, bak.pwd & coklat bbk, ayak ke mangkuk, sisihkan. Lelehkan mentega. Lelehkan dark coklat dng ditim di atas api sdng, mskkan minyak & mentega, aduk rata (jangan dididihkan).
Kocok telur, air nipis & gula sampai berwarna pucat & mengembang dng mixer kec. tinggi. Mskkan pasta cklt, emulsifier, garam, vanillie & camp. terigu sedikit2 sambil diaduk melipat hingga rata dng spatula. Tuang dark coklat, aduk rata dng spatula. Kocok dng mixer kec.sedang ± ½ mnt.
Alasi loyang persegi uk. 23X13 cm dng kertas roti, olesi mentega, taburi terigu (tdk perlu bila memakai loyang silikon). Bungkus tutup kukusan dng lap kmd pnskan kukusan hingga airnya mendidih & beruap.
Adonan dibagi 3, adonan ke II dicampur rata dng susu kental. Tuang adonan I di dasar loyang, kukus dng api sedang 10 mnt. Buka tutup kukusan, tuang adonan II diatasnya, tutup & kukus 10 mnt. Tuang adonan III di atas, kukus 20 mnt. Matikan api, buka tutup, biarkan sampai suam2 kuku. Angkat loyang dr kukusan, dinginkan sepenuhnya, klrkan kue dari loyang.
* Resep Ny. Liem dng modifikasi pribadi.
6 large Eggs, 130 gr all-purpose Flour, 1 tsp Lime juice
½ tsp Salt, 2 tbsp Chocolate paste, ½ tsp Baking powder
½ tsp Vanilla extract, 60 ml Chocolate condensed milk
100 gr Dark cooking chocolate, 50 gr unsalted Butter
½ st Emulsifier, 125 ml Vegetable oil/Canola oil
60 gr unsweetened Cocoa powder, 225 gr Sugar
Sift the flour, cocoa & baking powder into a bowl, set it aside. Melt butter; set it aside. Melt the dark chocolate over a hot-water bath with medium heat. Stir in melted butter & oil (don`t boil it)
Beat eggs, lime juice & sugar with electric mixer on high speed until it's pale & thicken. Add in chocolate paste, emulsifier, salt, vanilla extract & flour mixture little by little; gently fold in using a spatula. Pour in dark chocolate mixture, fold in using a spatula. Beat the batter with electric mixer on medium speed for ½ min.
Line a 23X13 cm pan with parchment paper, butter & flour the paper (not necessary when using a silicon pan). Cover the steamers lid with clean cloth; then heat the steamer until the water is boiling & steam comes out from under the lid.
Divide the batter into 3 portions; mix the second portion with condensed milk. Pour the first batter portion into the pan; the steam it for 10 min over medium heat. Remove the lid; pour in the second portion; cover the steamer & steam for 10 min. Pour the third batter portion on top; steam for 20 min. Turn off the heat, remove the lid; let the pan stand there until the cake lukewarm. Remove pan from the steamer & let the cake cool down completely before removing from the pan.
* Adapted from Mrs. Liem`s recipe, with some modification.