Urap Sayuran (Vegetable Salad with grated Coconut)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
1 Jagung kecil-rebus & sisir, 1 Daun salam
1 Wortel kecil-potong korek api & kukus
4 lembar Kol-iris & rebus, 3 Daun jeruk
1 ikat Kangkung/Bayam-potong & rebus
6 Kacang panjang-potong & rebus
2 batang Kemangi-petik daunnya
60 gr Kelapa parut (+ 2 sm santan*)
1 Bawang putih, 2 cm Kencur, 3 st Gula
2 Bawang merah, 1 Cabai keriting
2½ st Garam, 1 Cabai merah
Cara membuat
Campur bumbu halus dengan kelapa. Masukkan daun jeruk & salam. Kukus hingga matang.
Beri daun kemangi. Campur kelapa bumbu dengan jagung pipil & semua sayuran.
* Bila menggunakan kelapa kering, campur dulu dengan santan sebelum dikukus.
Sajikan Urap sayuran dengan nasi hangat atau sebagai pelengkap Nasi Kuning-Tumpeng Nasi Kuning
6 String beans & 4 Cabbage leaves-sliced & boiled
1 bundle of Water Spinach/Spinach-sliced & boiled
1 small size Corn-boiled, 3 Kaffir lime leaves
Leaves of 2 stalks of Lemon basil, 1 Bay leaf
1 small Carrot-julienned & steamed
60 gr grated Coconut (+ 2tbsp Coconutmilk*)
Grind into a paste:
1 Garlic clove, 2 cm Lesser galangal, 2½ tsp Salt
3 tsp Sugar, 2 Shallots, 1 Cayenne pepper
1 Red chili
Cut kernels off the corn; set it aside. Mix the spices paste with grated coconut. Put in kaffir lime leaves & bay leaf, then steam until it cooked.
Add in lemon basil leaves. Mix steamed coconut with all vegetables & corn kernels.
* If you`re using dry grated coconut, mix it first with the coconut milk before steaming.
Serve this vegetable salad with grated coconut over steamed rice or as a complement for Indonesian Yellow Rice-Cone Shaped Yellow Rice
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