Rendang Ayam (Indonesian Dried Chicken Curry)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
4 Paha ayam, 700 ml Santan, 1 cm Lengkuas & 2 Sereh-geprek
½ st Kapulaga bubuk, 1 sm Ketumbar, 8 cm Kayu manis, 1 Asam
2 sm Kelapa parut-sangrai, 2 Daun salam, 3 Daun jeruk, Minyak
1 st Adas, 2 st Garam, 1 st Gula, 1 st Pala, 1 st Klabet
3 Bawang putih, 3 Cabai merah, 6 Bawang merah, 1 cm Kunyit
1 cm Jahe, 5 Kemiri
Cara membuat
Tumbuk kelapa parut hingga halus, sisihkan. Tumis bumbu halus. Masukkan santan, asam, daun2an & bumbu2 lain. Aduk2 sampai santan mulai mengental & berminyak.
Masukan potongan2 ayam & kelapa parut. Masak dengan api kecil hingga ayam matang serta santan & bumbu mengering sambil sesekali diaduk.
Sajikan ayam dengan nasi putih atau Nasi Ulam & lauk2 pendamping lain, misalnya (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2nya):
Gulai Nangka/Cubadak, Gulai Padeh Pucuk Ubi, Terong Balado, Balado Terong Isi, Telur Balado, Telur Sambo Padang, Gulai Daging Padang, Dendeng Balado, Dendeng Batokok dan Sambal Lado Mudo.
4 Chicken thighs, 700 ml Coconut milk, ½ tsp Cardamom powder
1 cm Galangal & 2 Lemongrass-bruised, 1 tsp Fenugreek leaves
1 Tamarind, 2 Bay leaves, 1 tsp Fennel, 3 Kaffir lime leaves
8 cm Cinnamon, 1 tbsp Coriander, 1 tsp Sugar, 1 tsp Nutmeg
2 tbsp grated Coconut-roasted, 2 tsp Salt, frying Oil
Grind into a paste:
3 Red Chilies, 3 Garlic cloves, 1 cm Ginger, 1 cm Turmeric
5 Candlenuts, 6 Shallots
Sauté the spices paste; set it aside. Cook coconut milk with sautéed spices, tamarind, all leaves & other spices. Stir until the coconut milk thickens & greasy.
Add in the chicken & grated coconut. Cook & stir over low heat until the chicken cooked and the coconut milk & spices becomes rather dry.
Serve this chicken with warm rice or Herbs & Rice Salad & other dishes, such as (click on the links for the recipe):
Minangese Young Jackfruit Curry, Spicy Cassava Leaves Curry ala Padang, Eggplant in Chili Paste, Spicy Stuffed Eggplant, Fried Egg in Chili Paste, Thick Omelette with Grated Coconut, Beef Curry ala Padang, Indonesian Beef Jerky in Chili Paste, Dried Beef with Green Chili Paste and Minangese Green Chili Relish.
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