Ayam Lapis Crispy Isi Keju (Cheese Stuffed Chicken Schnitzel)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
500 gr Dada ayam tanpa kulit, 1 st Daun rosemary
5 sm Terigu, 7 sm Tepung panko/panir, Lada bubuk
Keju Cheddar/Mozzarella, 1 st Bawang putih bubuk
1 Telur+1 sm Susu-kocok, ½ st Cabai bubuk, Minyak
1 sm Keju parmesan parut+ekstra utk taburan
1 sm Peterseli cincang+ekstra utk taburan
Bahan perendam: Campur rata
1 st Daun thyme, 250 ml Krim, Lada bubuk & Garam
½ st Bawang putih bubuk, ½ st Ketumbar bubuk
Saus Krim Jamur:
4 Jamur champignon-iris, 150 ml Air, 50 gr Mentega
Sisa bahan perendam, 1½ sm Terigu
Cara membuat
Belah dada ayam di tengah menjadi 2, potong melintang setiap belahan menjadi 2. Dengan ujung pisau, buat lubang dalam di tengah2 dari sisi yg dipotong/samping tetapi jangan sampai tembus ke sisi satunya. Rendam ayam di bahan perendam, tutup & simpan di kulkas selama ± 1-2 jam.
Potong keju membentuk 4 balok berukuran ± 5X1 cm. Keluarkan ayam dari bahan perendamnya. Sisipkan 1 balok keju ke tiap lubang di ayam. Campur terigu, baw. pth, parmesan, lada, peterseli, cabai & rosemary. Lapisi ayam dengan campuran terigu tsb, celup di telur, lalu lapisi dng panko. Goyang2 perlahan agar kelebihan tepung terlepas.
Panaskan minyak yg cukup banyak (hingga ayam dapat terendam) di pan dalam. Goreng ayam dengan api sedang sampai matang & kuning kecoklatan. Angkat ayam dari pan & tiriskan di kertas penyerap minyak.
Saus krim: Campur sisa saus perendam dng air, sisihkan. Tumis jamur di atas api sedang dengan mentega sampai layu. Taburi terigu, aduk cepat hingga tercampur rata. Kecilkan api, tuangi campuran sisa saus sedikit2 sambil terus diaduk hingga saus halus (tak ada gumpalan terigu) & mulai mengental.
Hidangkan ayam & saus krimnya selagi panas bersama Tortelloni isi Pesto, Kentang Ongklok, Hash Brown Dadu Masak Lemak Bebek, Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon atau Roasted Herb Potatoes (klik pada link untuk melihat resep2 cara membuatnya. Pada resep Tortelloni, ganti isinya dengan saus pesto). Taburi keju parmesan & peterseli di atasnya.
500 gr skinless whole Chicken breast, 1 tsp Rosemary
7 tbsp Panko/breadcrumbs, ground Pepper, frying Oil
Cheddar/Mozzarella cheese, 1 Egg+1 tbsp Milk-beat
½ tsp Chili flakes, 5 tbsp Flour, 1 tsp Garlic powder
1 tbsp grated Parmesan+extra for sprinkle
1 tbsp chopped Parsley+extra for sprinkle
Marinade ingredients: Combine all well
½ tsp Garlic powder, 250 ml Cream, ground Pepper
1 tsp Thyme, ½ tsp ground Coriander, Salt
Mushroom cream sauce:
4 Champignon-sliced, 150 ml Water, 50 gr Butter
1½ tbsp Flour, The remaining of Marinade sauce
Halve chicken breast in the middle; cut each halved of it horizontally into 2 pieces. With the tip of a knife, make a deep hole in the center of the cut side of each chicken piece, but don’t cut it through. Soak chicken in the marinade mixture; cover & then refrigerate it for 1-2 hours.
Cut the cheese into 4-5x1 cm sticks. Take the chicken out of the marinade. Insert 1 cheese stick onto the hole in each chicken piece. Combine flour with parmesan, garlic, pepper, parsley, chili flakes & rosemary. Coat the chicken well with seasoned flour; dip in the egg-milk mixture & then roll in panko. Gently shake of excess.
Heat enough frying oil to cover the chicken in a deep pan. Deep fry the chicken over medium heat until it's cooked & golden brown. Remove chicken from the pan & drain on paper towel.
Mushroom cream sauce: Mix the rest of marinade sauce with water; set aside. Sauté the mushroom with butter over medium heat until wilted. Put in the flour; stir quickly to combine them well. Turn the heat to low. Pour in the sauce mixture a little at a time; whisking constantly. Allow the sauce to thicken.
Serve schnitzel & cream sauce while it’s hot with Pesto stuffed Tortelloni, Steamed potatoes with Garlic Butter, Duck Fat Diced Hash Brown, Roasted Potato Slices with Bacon or Roasted Herb Potatoes (Please click on the link to see the recipes. To make the Pesto stuffed Tortelloni, just replace the ingredients for the filling with pesto sauce). Sprinkle some grated parmesan & parsley on top.