Kue Putri Salju (Indonesian Snow White Cookies with Cashew Nuts)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
200 gr Terigu protein rendah+extra utk tabur
75 gr Maizena, 80 gr Kacang mede-panggang
250 gr Mentega-dinginkan dikulkas lalu iris2
50 gr Keju-parut halus, 50 gr Gula bubuk
¼ st Garam
Bahan Pelapis:
150 gr Gula bubuk+¾ st Vanilli bubuk
75 gr Gula donat/Snow sugar
Cara membuat
Blender kacang mede dng 50 gr terigu hingga halus, sisihkan. Aduk lalu ayak sisa terigu, maizena & garam.
Mixer mentega & gula hingga lembut (± 2 menit). Beri keju & terigu bertahap, mixer lagi dengan kecepatan rendah hanya hingga menyatu (jangan lama2). Masukkan kacang halus, aduk dengan spatula hingga rata & tak menggumpal. Bulatkan adonan, bungkus dengan plastik & simpan di kulkas selama 1 jam.
Keluarkan adonan per 1/3 bagian utk dibentuk, biarkan sisanya tetap di kulkas dulu. Bentuk adonan menjadi bola2 berdiameter 2½ cm. Bila hendak membuat kue btk lain, taburi meja kerja & cetakan kue dng terigu. Gilas permukaan adonan setbl ± ½ cm, potong adonan dengan cetakan bln sabit. Adonan yg sdh dicetak simpan tertutup di kulkas selama ½ jam. Ambil porsi adonan berikutnya dan ulangi prosedur. Sementara itu, panaskan oven 175° C.
Alasi loyang kue dng kertas roti, susun adonan yang sudah dicetak di loyang dengan jarak ± 3 cm diantaranya. Panggang 12-14 mnt (hingga dasar kue kecoklatan).
Keluarkan dari oven. Taruh di rak kawat hingga panas berkurang. Saat kue masih hangat, guling2kan kue di gula bubuk hingga terbalur rata. Gulingkan lagi di gula donat hingga rata. Biarkan hingga dingin lalu simpan di dalam toples tertutup.
200 gr low protein Flour+extra for dusting
80 gr roasted Cashew, 50 gr Powdered sugar
250 gr cold Butter-cubed, 75 gr Cornstarch
50 gr finely grated Cheese, ¼ tsp Salt
150 gr Powdered sugar, ¾ tsp Vanilla powder
75 gr Snow sugar
Finely grind the cashew & 50 gr of flour with food processor; set it aside. Sieve the rest of flour, salt & corn starch; set it aside.
Beat butter & sugar with low speed mixer until it's creamy (~ 2 minutes). Beat in the cheese & flour mixture gradually, until it combined. Add in ground cashew; stir it with a spatula until well blended. Round the dough, wrap it with plastic & store in the fridge for 1 hour.
Take out 1/3 part of the dough, keep the rest in the fridge until you're finished with the first batch. Shape dough into 2½ cm balls. If you want to make it into other shape; dust your working surface & cookie cutter with some flour. Gently roll out the dough into ~ ½ cm thick; then cut the dough with half moon shape cookie cutter. Cover; place shaped dough in the fridge for ½ hour. Repeat the procedure with the next batch of dough. Preheat the oven to 175° C.
Place shaped dough pieces ~ 3 cm apart from each other on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 12-14 minutes (until the cookie base light brown).
Remove from oven; place them in a wire rack until the cookies temperature reduced a bit. Mix powdered sugar with vanilla. While the cookies still warm, roll them in powdered sugar mixture & then roll them once more time in snow sugar to cover all. Let the cookie cool down to room temperature. Store cookies in an airtight container.