Bubur Ayam Oriental (Oriental Chicken Rice Porridge)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
300 gr Beras pecah (tumbuk kasar), ½ st Lada bubuk
3 Daun salam, 1¼ lt Kaldu ayam, 2 cm Jahe-geprek
300 gr Daging ayam-potong2, 2 st Angciu, Tongcai
1 Bawang putih-haluskan, Jamur kuping (opsional)
2 Cakwe-iris, Telur mentah, Garam secukupnya
Daun bawang-iris, Minyak wijen, Bawang goreng
Sambal cuka/Saus cabai, Kecap asin
Cara membuat
Masak beras, salam, jahe & bawang putih dengan kaldu. Masak di api sedang hingga mendidih, beras lembut & bubur mengental sambil diaduk2. Bila airnya kurang, tambahkan air panas.
Sementara itu rendam jamur di air panas hingga lunak, tiriskan & iris2, sisihkan. Remas2 ayam dengan angciu, 2 st minyak wijen & 2 st kecap asin. Diamkan 10 menit. Tumis hingga berubah warna.
Masukkan ayam, jamur, garam & lada ke dalam bubur, masak hingga ayam & rasa menyatu.
Tuang bubur di mangkuk2 saji. Beri 1 telur mentah di tiap mangkuk selagi panas lalu aduk rata. Bumbui dengan kecap asin, minyak wijen & sambal cuka/saus cabai. Taburi bubur dengan tongcai, Cakwe (klik pada link untuk melihat resepnya), bawang goreng & daun bawang.
300 gr broken Rice, 3 Bay leaves, Salty soy sauce
1¼ lt Chicken broth, 2 tsp Rice wine, Sesame oil
300 gr Chicken fillet-sliced, 1 Garlic clove-grind
½ tsp Pepper, Tianjin preserved cabbage, Salt
Green onions-sliced, raw Eggs, fried Shallots
2 cm Ginger-bruised, Black fungus (optional)
Vinegar chili paste/chili sauce
2 Youtiao/Chinese crullers-sliced
Cook rice, bay leaves, ginger & ground garlic with the broth over medium heat until it' is boiling, the rice grain is soft & the porridge thickens; stir porridge once in a while. If the liquid is not enough, you can add in some hot water. Bring it to a simmer.
Meanwhile, soak fungus in hot water until it soften; drain, slice & set it aside. Squeeze chicken with the wine, 2 tsp salty soy sauce & 2 tsp sesame oil. Let it stand for ~ 10 minutes. Sauté chicken until the color has changed.
Put sautéed chicken, fungus, enough salt & pepper into the porridge. Continue simmering until the chicken cooked & the flavor blended.
Ladle porridge into serving bowls. While it is still piping hot, stir in 1 egg in each bowl. Season with salty soy sauce, sesame oil & chili sauce, up to your taste. Sprinkle some fried shallots, green onion, preserved cabbage & Youtiao/Chinese crullers (click on the link to see the recipe) on top.