Pastry Matahari (Tarte au Soleil)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


  • 2 lembar kulit Puff pastry, 1 Kuning telur-ulasan

  • Biji wijen, sejumput Garam, Terigu secukupnya


  • 3-4 sm Saus pesto/Cream cheese/Cokelat ulasan roti/Selai dll


  • Bumbu Italy/Keju parut (utk yg gurih)

  • Gula bubuk (utk yg manis)

Cara membuat

  • Panaskan oven 180° C & ltkkan rak oven di bagian tengah oven. Taburi permukaan kerja dng terigu lalu letakkan kulit pastry di atasnya. Ratakan kulit tsb dng rolling pin. Letakkan piring/pan bulat berukuran 25 cm di permukaan kedua kulit tsb (kerjakan terpisah) & potong membentuk lingkaran dng pisau tajam.

  • Letakkan 1 kulit di atas pan panggang tak bertepi yg sdh dialasi dng kertas perkamen. Taruh saus pesto/cokelat ulasan di tengah lingkaran, ulasi di permukaan kulit dng rata, sampai 1-2 cm seblm tepian luarnya. Anda juga dpt menambahkan bahan isian di tengah2 kulit pastry, misalnya keju (opsional). Angkat kulit pastry satunya lalu letakkan di atas kulit yg sdh dioles.

  • Ltkkan sebuah gelas di tengah2 lingkaran, tekan sedikit saja, hanya utk memberi tanda batas (jangan sampai memotong kulit). Sisihkan gelas tsb. Potong kulit pastry mulai dari batas terluar tanda gelas, lurus ke arah terluar lingkaran kulit sebanyak 16 potongan. Bila dlm prosedur pengerjaan kulit pastry tampak menjadi lembek, masukkan sebentar ke kulkas baru dilanjutkan.

  • Ambil & angkat sedikit ujung dari salah satu potongan, pelintirlah 2X lalu taruh kembali ke posisi awal. Hati2 utk tidak membuatnya terpotong dari lingkaran tengah kulit. Lakukan hal yg sama utk potongan2 yg lain. Taruh di kulkas sebentar utk membuat kulit kencang/kuat kembali.

  • Ulasi permukaan kulit perlahan2 dng kuning telur. Taburi dng garam lalu taburi permukaan bagian tengahnya dng biji wijen. Panggang selama 20-25 mnt, sampai kuning kecoklatan. Periksa keadaan pastry, saat mencapai tahap tsb, artinya msh hrs dipanggang 2 menit lagi spy benar2 crispy. Keluarkan dari oven. Utk pastry manis, taburi atasnya dng gula bubuk & pastry gurih dng bumbu Italy/keju parut. Istirahatkan pastry selama 10 mnt seblm dihidangkan.

  • Resep untuk membuat sendiri saus pestonya silakan klik pada link: Saus Pesto Daun Basil


  • 2 Puff pastry sheets, 1 Egg yolk-brushing

  • Sesame seeds, a pinch of Salt, enough Flour


  • 1 Pesto/Cream cheese/Chocolate spread/Fruit jam, etc


  • Italian seasoning/Grated cheese (savoury pastry)

  • Powder sugar (sweet pastry)


  • Preheat the oven to 200° C, put the oven rack in the middle shelf of the oven. Flour the working surface. Place the pastry sheets in the working surface. Flatten the sheets with a rolling pin. Put a 25 cm plate/round baking pan in both of the puff pastry surface (doing it separately) & using a knife to cut out a circle.

  • Put 1 pastry sheet in a rimless baking sheet line with a parchment paper. Put 3-4 tbsp of the pesto/chocolate spread in the centre of the circle; spread it out & leave 1-2 cm border all away around the circle. You could also add a filling such as cheese on the centre of the circle (optional). Using the rolling pin, lift up the other pastry sheet & put it on top of the sheet with the pesto spread.

  • Put a glass in the centre of the circle, press a bit just to make a mark there. Remove the glass. Carefully cut off the pastry sheets evenly into 16 parts, starts from the outer side of the glass mark straight to the circle border. If during the cutting the pastry become soft, just put it for a while on the fridge.

  • Take & lift a bit the end of 1 part; give it a full 2 turn twist & then put the tail laying flat, back on the position. Being careful not to snap it off from the centre of the pastry sheet. Do the same procedure with the rest of the cut. Put the pastry sheet in the fridge for awhile just to firm it up.

  • Gently brush the pastry sheet surface with egg wash. Sprinkle with some salt & sprinkle the centre part of the pastry sheet with some sesame seeds. Bake it for 20-25 minutes, until nicely golden brown. Check on it, coz on that point, it means you have to let it stay 2 more minutes to help the puff pastry gets really crisp. Take it out of the oven. For the sweet pastry, sprinkle the top with powder sugar & for the savoury pastry with Italian seasoning/grated cheese. Cool the pastry for 10 min before serving.

  • For the recipe on how to make a homemade pesto sauce, please click on the link: Basil Pesto Sauce.

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