Polenta Dengan Kacang Cannellini (Polenta with Cannellini Beans)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
2 sm Olive oil, 750 ml Air, 250 gr Tepung jagung kasar
6 sm kacang Cannellini, 1 Bawang putih-cincang
2 Cabai kering-iris2, 4 sm Minyak, Garam
Cara membuat
Didihkan air, garam & olive oil. Mskkan tepung jagung sedikit2 sambil diaduk hingga rata. Kecilkan api, aduk searah dng sendok kayu sampai mengental (seperti puree kentang). Angkat dari api.
Panaskan minyak, mskkan bawang putih & cabai. Masak hingga harum. Angkat dari api.
Masukkan kacang ke dlm polenta, aduk rata. Beri bawang pth, cabai & minyak goreng, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Hidangkan selagi panas.
Note: Saat dingin, polenta akan mengeras & berbtk sesuai wadah yg digunakan utk menyimpannya. Sisa polenta dpt diiris kmd dipanggang/digoreng seblm dihidangkan. Bila mau membuat polenta agak creamy lagi, hangatkan dng sedikit kaldu/susu/air, kmd aduk dng kuat.
750 ml Water, 250 gr Coarse ground Cornmeal, Salt
2 tbsp Olive oil, 6 tbsp Cannellini beans, 4 tbsp Oil
1 Garlic clove-chopped, 2 dried Chilies-sliced
Boil the water with enough salt & olive oil. Whisk in cornmeal a little at a time; stir continuously until incorporated. Reduce the heat to low; stir constantly using a wooden spoon in one direction until the polenta becomes thick (like mashed potatoes). Remove from the heat.
Heat the oil; add in the garlic & chilies. Fry until fragrant. Remove from the heat.
Put the beans into the polenta, stir to combine them. Add in the fried garlic, chilies & oil; stir well. Serve while it`s hot.
Note: When the polenta is cold, it will solidify into the shape of container in which you store it. Leftover polenta can be sliced & then grilled or deep fried before serving. If you wish to make the leftover a bit creamy again, warm it with a little broth/milk/water & stir vigorously.