Bubur Ketan Hitam (Sweet Black Glutinous Rice Porridge)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
Bahan bubur:
250 gr Ketan hitam, 2 Daun pandan-buat simpul, 1½ liter Air
300 gr Gula jawa-sisir, 1 Kayu manis, 3 Cengkeh-geprek
½ st Garam, 4 buah Nangka-iris2 kecil (opsional)
Bahan Saus:
400 ml Santan kental, 1 Pandan-buat simpul, ½ st Garam
1 st Maizena+2 st Air
Cara membuat
Bubur: Rendam ketan di dalam air minimal 3 jam-semalaman (agar prosedur pemasakan lebih cepat). Tiriskan. Masak ketan, kayu manis, cengkeh, pandan & air di atas api sedang-besar sampai air mendidih, aduk sesekali. Kecilkan api ke rendah, buang cengkehnya. Terus masak hingga ketan lunak & kental, aduk sesekali sampai ke dasar panci agar tidak gosong. Masukkan gula jawa & garam, aduk sampai gula larut & bubur tidak berair. Buang pandan & kayu manisnya.
Saus: Didihkan santan, pandan & garam. Masukkan larutan maizena, aduk hingga santan mengental.
Letakkan bubur ketan hitam di mangkuk saji, beri potongan nangka & tuangi saus santan.
Pudding ingredients:
250 gr Black glutinous rice, ½ tsp Salt, 3 Cloves-bruised
1 Cinnamon stick, 300 gr Coconut/Palm sugar-shaved
1½ liter Water, 2 Pandan leaves-tie into a knot
4 Jackfruit-cut small (optional)
Coconut milk sauce:
400 ml thick Coconut milk, 1 Pandan leaf-tie into a knot
1 tsp Corn starch+2 tsp Water, ½ tsp Salt
Porridge: Soak glutinous rice in water for minimal 3 hours-over night (to reduce the cooking time). Drain. Cook glutinous rice, cinnamon, cloves & pandan leaves in water over medium-high heat until the water is boiling; stir occasionally. Reduce the heat to low; discard the cloves. Continue cooking until the rice softens & the liquid thickens. Stir once in a while; also scrape the bottom of pot to avoid burning. Stir in sugar & salt; cook until the sugar dissolved & the water absorbed. Discard the pandan leaves & cinnamon.
Sauce: Boil coconut milk, pandan leaf & salt. Stir in the corn starch mixture until the sauce thickens.
Ladle the porridge into serving bowls; add Jackfruit pieces on top & then pour some sauce over.