Sambal Goreng Krecek (Beef Skin Crackers in Spicy Sauce)
In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)
75 gr Krecek sayur mentah, 300 ml Santan kental
2 sm Kacang tolo-rebus, ½ st Air limau, 2 sm Minyak
50 gr Tempe/Tahu-potong dadu & goreng, 2 Daun jeruk
2 Kemiri, 1 Bawang putih, 8 Bawang merah
5 Cabai Keriting, 1 cm Kencur (opsional), Garam
1 Tomat kecil, 2 Cabai merah, sejumput Gula
Cara membuat
Rendam kerupuk kulit dlm air panas hingga mengembang & lembut, peras lalu tiriskan.
Tumis bumbu halus & daun jeruk, beri santan. Masak hingga santan mendidih sambil diaduk2 terus.
Mskkan krecek, tempe/tahu & kacang. Aduk sering2. Masak sampai krecek empuk & santan terserap, beri air limau. Aduk rata.
Sajikan dengan nasi hangat & Gudeg Jogjakarta atau sajikan dengan Lontong (klik pada link2nya utk melihat resep).
75 gr raw Beef skin crackers *, 300 ml Coconut milk
2 tbsp Black soy beans-boiled, 2 Kaffir lime leaves
50 gr Tempe/Tofus-diced & fried, 2 tbsp frying Oil
½ st Kaffir lime juice
Grind into a paste:
2 Red chilies, 5 Cayenne peppers, 1 Garlic clove
2 Candlenuts, 1 small Tomato, 8 Shallots, Salt
1 cm Lesser galangal (optional), pinch of Sugar
Soak the skin crackers in hot water until the crackers swollen & soft; squeeze a bit to drain them.
Sauté the spices paste & kaffir lime leaves with frying oil. Pour in the coconut milk & bring it to a boil; stir it constantly.
Add in crackers, tempe/tofu & soy beans. Stir it often. Cook until the crackers tender & coconut milk reduced. Stir in kaffir lime juice.
Serve the dish with steamed rice & Javanese Green Jackfruit Stew or serve it with Rolled & Compressed Rice Cakes (click on the links for the recipe)
* If U can`t found the raw Beef skin crackers, buy a fried one; skip the soaking procedure.