Bebek Peking Panggang (Roasted Peking Duck)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

Homemade Peking duck will not be as good as what a professionally chef with proper equipment can do. There are some main problems if we want to make it at home:

  • Sometimes it will be hard to get a proper duck for the dish (the duck must not have a cut at its bottom end & also not a cut at its neck).

  • In order to make the fat to drain out/melts away & the skin to crisp during roasting, you have to separate the skin from the fat & flesh. To do this you need to blow up the duck with a pump. It will be good if you have a bicycle pump or just a simple foot pump for air mattress. But if you don`t have any pump, you still can do it manually with your fingers. Theoretically, what you should do is to separate most part (not all) of the skin attachment to the flesh. You won’t get a blown up duck when U do that, but at least the fat will melts away & the skin will crisp during roasting.

  • Hanging the duck procedure to dry it. It really depends on where you it a cool & windy area or not..& sometimes the problem is, it`s not possible to hang it anywhere at all.

  • You should roast the duck in an open fire with wood logs or hang the duck on meat hooks in a large oven…not everybody have it.

I`ve read a lot & made some experiment to figure out on how to deal with those problems. What I wrote here are some of the is possible to make a good Peking duck at home…:)

Bebek Peking Panggang-Bahasa Indonesia


  • 1,6 kg Bebek-tanpa kepala, 4 sm Saus hoisin, 2 sm Gula

  • 1 sm Bumbu ngohiong, 1 sm Lada bubuk, 1 sm Jahe bubuk

  • 2 sm Bawang putih bubuk, 1 Daun bawang, 2 Pekak, Garam

Bahan Penyiram:

  • 2 lt Air, 3 cm Jahe-geprek, 2 lembar Kulit citrus kering

  • 1 st Adas manis

Bahan Olesan:

  • 3 sm Saus soya pekat, 1 st Bumbu ngohiong, 3 sm Madu

  • 1 st Baking powder, 50 ml Angciu, 1 sm Cuka/Air lemon

  • ¼ st Pala bubuk, Garam


  • 1 sm Saus soya pekat, ¼ st Jahe bubuk, 6 sm Saus Hoisin

  • 1 st Maizena+1 sm Air-aduk, 2½ sm Minyak wijen


  • 1 Ketimun-buang biji & iris panjang, 3 Daun bawang-iris panjang

  • Pancake ala Cina-pembungkus (klik pada link untuk resepnya)

Cara membuat

  • Buang jeroan & lemak di sekitar bagian bawah dekat lubang perut. Lumuri bagian luar & dalam bebek dng 2-3 sm garam. Bilas bebek termsk di dlm lubangnya sampai bersih kmd dilap hingga kering. Prosedur ini akan menghilangkan bau pada bebek. Potong ujung sayap & kaki bawah.

  • Campur bumbu ngohiong, lada, 1 sm garam, gula, baw.putih & jahe bubuk dng saus hoisin. Mskkan campuran ke lubang perut; mskkan juga 2 pekak & 1 daun bawang. Bila tidak memiliki pompa utk menggembungkan bebek, lakukan prosedur pengisian ini setelah melepaskan perlekatan kulit, sebelum prosedur penjahitan *.

  • Jahit lubang perut bebek dng tusukan bambu. Pegang kedua sisi kulit bersama2, tusukan bambu, kmd lakukan putaran utk mengembalikan kesisi tusukan yg sama (overlap) & tusukan lagi disitu, lakukan terus hingga lubang tertutup sempurna. Patahkan ujung banu yg terlalu panjang. Tusukan bambu satu lagi dari 1 sayap ke sayap yg lainnya agar sayap tertahan dlm posisi mengembang. Hal ini berguna utk mendptkan hasil pemanggangan yg merata nantinya. Lubang pada bebek hrs ditutup dng baik utk mencegah agar air panas tdk masuk ke bagian dalam saat proses penyiraman. Bila tidak memiliki pompa utk menggembungkan bebek, lakukan prosedur penjahitan ini setelah melepaskan perlekatan kulit **.

  • Utk membuat lemak agar dpt mencair/mengalir & kulit bebek menjadi garing/crispy saat proses pemanggangan, kulit bebek terutama di bagian dada, perut & punggung, hrs dipisahkan dari lemak & dagingnya.

    • Dng menggunakan pompa: Iris dangkal bebek dng pisau utk memisahkan kulit dng dagingnya di daerah dasar leher depan, di daerah yg kokoh di atas tulang selangka. Sisipkan tube pompa kedlm lubang irisan di bwh kulit kmd pompakan udara kedlm bagian badan depan bebek. Balik posisi bebek, iris dangkal di daerah leher belakang, di atas tulang belakang teratas. Kmd pompakan udara ke bagian punggung bebek.

    • Tanpa pompa: Yang hrs dilakukan adalah memisahkan sebagian besar (tdk perlu seluruhnya) perlekatan kulit kedaging dng menggunakan jari. Pastikan kukumu pendek hingga tdk merobek kulit. Pijat2 bebek hingga lebih fleksibel. Secara perlahan putar & patahkan persendian2 sayap tanpa merusak kulit. Letakkan bebek di meja kerja dng posisi dada menghdp ke atas. Sisipkan jari telunjuk (dan atau jari tengah) diantara kulit & daging pada sisi kanan dari ujung atas leher. Secara perlahan, gerak2an/majukan jari2 dng sedikit menekan/mencutik2 ke area sekitar, sejauh mungkin yg dpt dijangkau utk melepaskan perlekatan2 kulit (berupa selaput2 tipis) ke daging di daerah dada kanan & sayap atas. Ulangi prosedur ini utk sisi sebelah kiri. Balikkan posisi bebek. Ulangi prosedur tsb utk sisi punggung kiri & kanan. Balikkan lagi posisi bebek, sisipkan jari2 diantara kulit & daging pada sisi kanan dari ujung bawah perut. Secara perlahan, gerak2an jari2 dng sedikit menekan ke area sekitar, utk melepaskan perlekatan2 kulit ke daging di daerah perut & paha kanan. Ulangi prosedur utk sisi sebelah perut kiri & bagian belakang bebek. Setelah semua selesai, masukkan campuran bumbu ngohiong, 2 pekak & 1 daun bawang ke dlm lubang perut *. Jahit lubang perut & juga lubang leher dng tusukan bambu **.

  • Simpan bebek tanpa ditutup di kulkas selama min. 3 jam dng posisi perut menghadap ke bawah.

  • Didihkan semua bahan penyiram, kecilkan suhu & masak selama 20 mnt. Rendam bebek di dlm bhn penyiram panas & siram2 airnya ke seluruh bagian badan bebek selama 20-25 detik. Proses tsb membuat kulit bebek menjadi kencang seketika.

  • Campur semua bahan olesan, sisihkan. Ltkkan bebek di atas rak panggang rata yg di ltkkan di dlm pan panggang. Ulasi seluruh bagian badan bebek dng bhn olesan. Simpan sisa bhn olesan.

  • Gantung bebek utk mengeringkannya di tempat yg dingin & berangin selama 6-8 jam. Bila tidak tinggal di tempat yg dingin & berangin, keringkan bebek di ruang tanpa pemanas dng memasang fan/kipas angin menghadap ke arah bebek. Cara lain adalah dng meletakkan bebek di atas rak panggang rata yg di ltkkan di dlm loyang panggang. Simpan bebek terbuka di dlm kulkas selama min. 38 jam. Saat kulit setengah kering, ulasi kulit sekali lagi dng bahan olesan. Kmd teruskan proses pengeringan. Setlh bebek kering, kulitnya akan terasa memantul & kering saat disentuh & warnanya kuning keemasan.

  • Saus: Panaskan pan dng api sedang. Mskkan minyak wijen, gula, saus hoisin & saus soya. Masak hingga saus mulai meletup2. Tuangi larutan maizena, aduk hingga saus mulai mengental. Angkat & biarkan hingga dingin.

  • Metode pemanggangan: Apapun posisi dlm pemanggangan yg akan dipilih, ingatlah utk mendiamkan bebek hingga mencapai suhu ruang lebih dulu seblm dipanggang & utk menuangkan ± 2 cm air ke dlm loyang panggang. Lemak yg mencair saat pemanggangan akan menetes ke air di loyang tsb.

    • Metode gantung: Keluarkan semua rak. Panaskan oven 230° C (pasang kipas oven). Tarik keluar tusukan bambu utk membuka lubang perut bebek sepanjang 7½ cm. Gantung bebek secara vertikal dng penggantung daging ditengah2 dari oven. Letakkan loyang panggang berisi air di bawahnya. Panggang bebek selama 15 mnt. Kecilkan suhu ke 175° C & panggang lagi ± 70 mnt. Matikan oven tapi biarkan bebek tetap berada di dlm oven selama 10 mnt. Cara ini akan membuat cairan daging terserap kembali sehingga daging bebek menjadi empuk & tidak kering

    • Metode panggang berdiri: Panaskan oven 230° C (pasang kipas oven). Tarik keluar tusukan bambu utk membuka lubang perut sepanjang 7½ cm. Posisikan bebek berdiri di atas alat panggang/penyangga vertikal. Bila oven cukup tinggi utk memanggang bebek secara berdiri tetapi tdk mempunyai alat panggang vertikal, buka tusukan bambu di lubang bebek seluruhnya. Mskkan kaleng softdrink besar berisi air ke lubang perut utk menyangga agar bebek dapat diberdirikan. Letakkan bebek+penyangganya di dlm loyang panggang berisi air. Masukkan ke oven. Posisi bebek hrs berada ditengah oven. Panggang bebek selama 15 mnt. Kecilkan suhu ke 175° C & panggang lagi ± 70 mnt. Matikan oven, biarkan bebek tetap berada di dlmnya selama 10 mnt.

    • Metode panggang biasa/horizontal: Panaskan oven 200° C. Tusuk2 kulit. Buka tusukan bambu semuanya. Ikat kaki dng benang katun. Ltkkan bebek di atas rak panggang rata yg diltkkan di dlm loyang panggang berisi air (dada menghdp atas). Kclkan suhu ke 160° C. Atur posisi di dlm oven agar bebek berada di tengah2. Panggang ± 2 jam. Balik posisinya & tusuk2 kulit tiap 30 mnt. Bsrkan suhu ke 200° C. Balik posisinya (dada menghadap atas). Ulasi dng bhn olesan. Panggang ± 10 mnt sampai kulit benar2 crispy. Matikan oven, biarkan bebek tetap berada di dlmnya selama 10 mnt.

  • Buang tusukan bambu seblm daging diiris. Iris daging persis di sebelah tulang dada dari arah leher hingga ke perut. Kmd iris sisi samping dada kearah irisan pertama/tengah. Iris2 sisi atas belahan yg sdh terbentuk tsb secara diagonal.

  • Ulasi bagian tengah pancake dng 1 st saus. Ltkkan daun bawang & ketimun di atasnya. Beri bbrp ptg daging bebek kmd lipat pancake menutupi daging & sayuran. Hidangkan.

Bebek Peking Panggang (Roasted Peking Duck-English)


  • 1,6 kg Duck-without head, 2 tbsp Sugar, 2 Star anise

  • 1 tbsp 5-spice powder, 2 tbsp Garlic powder, Salt

  • 4 tbsp Hoisin sauce, 1 tbsp ground White pepper

  • 1 tbsp Ginger powder, 1 Green onion

Scalding ingredients:

  • 3 cm Ginger-bruised, 2 dried Citrus peel, 2 lt Water

  • 1 tsp Aniseed

Glazing ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp Dark soy sauce, 1 tsp 5-spice powder, Salt

  • 50 ml Chinese rice wine, 1 tbsp Vinegar/Lemon juice

  • ¼ tsp ground Nutmeg, 1 tsp Baking powder, 3 tbsp Honey


  • 6 tbsp Hoisin sauce, 1 tsp Cornstarch+1 tbsp Water-mix

  • 1 tbsp Dark Soy sauce, ¼ tsp Ginger powder

  • 2½ tbsp Sesame oil


  • 1 Cucumber-cored & sliced into thin strips

  • 3 Green onions-sliced into thin strips

  • Chinese pancakes-wrapper (click on the link for the recipe)


  • Remove the innards & excess fat in the lower part of duck`s cavity. Rub the duck (inside & outside) with 2-3 tbsp salt. Rinse the duck well including the cavity & then patting it dries with a paper towel. This procedure will get rid the duck of any foul smell. Cut the wings tip & lower legs.

  • Combine 5-spice powder, pepper, 1 tbsp salt, sugar, garlic & ginger powder with hoisin sauce. Put the mixture into the duck`s cavity; also add in 2 star anise & 1 green onion. If you don`t have a pump to blow up the duck, do this filling procedure after you loosen up the skin, before the sewing procedure*.

  • Sew up the duck`s cavity with bamboo skewer. Hold the skin together, slowly puncture through; then overlap the skin & continue sewing until there is no holes left. Break off the protruding excess skewer. Stuck a long skewer from one wing to the next in order to make the duck spread its arms out, to facilitate even cooking later on. The duck needs to be sealed to prevent hot water from going into the inside part of the duck on the scalding process. If U don`t have a pump to blow up the duck, do this sewing procedure after U loosen up the skin**.

  • In order to make the fat to drain out/melts away & the skin to crisp during roasting, you have to separate the skin from the fat & flesh, especially on the breast, abdomen & back sides.

    • With a pump: Using a knife, make a small incision to separate the skin from the flesh at the bottom of the duck`s front side neck. Aim for the firm center just above the wishbone. Put the pump nozzle into of the hole, underneath the skin & then blow up some air into the duck`s front side. Flip it over, make another small incision at the top of the spine & blow up some air there.

    • Without a pump: What you should do is to separate most part (not all) of the skin attachment to the flesh with your fingers. Make sure that you have short nails so you won’t break the skin. Massage the duck all over until it becomes more flexible. Gently twist & break the wing joint without breaking the skin. Set the duck breast side up in a working table. Insert Ur index (and or middle) finger between the skin & flesh on the right side of neck`s upper edge. Gently stroke & move Ur finger around, as far as you can, to loosen up/separate the skin attachment to the flesh in the right breast & upper wing area. Repeat the procedure for left side of the duck. Flip the duck over & do the same procedure with the duck`s back side. Flip the duck over again; insert your finger between the skin & flesh on the right side of abdomen`s lower edge. Gently stroke & move your finger around to loosen up/separate the skin attachment to the flesh in the right abdomen & thigh area. Repeat the procedure for left side & also for the back side of the duck. After you are finished, put in the 5-spice mixture, 2 star anise & 1 green onion into the duck`s cavity*. Sew up the duck`s abdominal & also cervical cavity with bamboo skewers**.

  • Refrigerate the duck uncovered for minimum 3 hours, laying the duck belly side down.

  • Bring all of the scalding ingredients to a boil; reduce the temperature to maintain a good simmer for 20 minutes. Soak duck in this boiled water & ladle the hot liquid all over the duck for 20-25 seconds. This process will quickly tightens the duck`s skin.

  • Combine all glazing ingredients, set aside. Put the duck on a flat roasting rack set in a roasting pan. Brush the duck all over with the glazing liquid. Save the rest of the glazing liquid.

  • Hang the duck to dry in a cool, windy place for 6-8 hours. If you don`t live in a cool & windy place, dry the duck in an unheated room with a fan blowing on it. Another option is, to put the duck on a flat roasting rack set in a roasting pan, then put it all uncovered in the fridge for min. 38 hours. When the skin is partially dried, rub the skin one more time with the glazing liquid. Then continue to dry till the duck skin is dried. After it dried out, the duck`s skin will be springy & dry when you touch it & the color will be golden brown.

  • Sauce: Preheat a sauce pan over medium heat. Put in the sesame oil, sugar, hoisin & soy sauce. Cook until it starts to slightly bubbled; stir in the cornstarch mixture until the sauce thickens. Set aside & let it cool.

  • Roasting method: Regardless of how the duck was placed in the oven, just remember that you should return the duck to room temperature first before roasting & always pour ~ 2 cm of water into the roasting pan. The fat should later on drip off into the water in the pan.

    • For hanging roasting: Remove all racks in the oven. Preheat oven to 230° C (turn on the oven fan). Pull out bamboo skewer to open the duck's body cavity by about 7½ cm. Hang the duck vertically on meat hooks in the middle of a large oven. Place a roasting pan filled with water underneath the duck. Roast the duck for 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 175° C & roast it again for ~ 70 minutes. Turn the fire off & leave it in the oven for 10 minutes. This will let the juice be reabsorbed into the meat making the meat very juicy & tender.

    • For vertical roasting: Preheat oven to 230° C (turn on the oven fan). Pull out bamboo skewer to open the duck's body cavity by ~ 7½ cm. Place the duck on a vertical roaster, upright. If your oven is big/high enough to roast the duck vertically but you don`t have a vertical roaster; pull out the cavity skewer completely & then put a big soft drink can filled with water into the duck cavity to support the duck upright. Place a roasting pan filled with water underneath the duck+vertical roaster. Put them all in the oven; the duck should sit in the middle of the oven. Roast the duck for 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 175° C & roast it again for ~ 70 minutes. Turn the fire off & leave it in the oven for 10 minutes.

    • For normal/horizontal roasting: Preheat oven to 200° C. Poke the skin. Pull out the skewer completely. Cross the legs & then tie them together with cotton thread. Place the duck on a flat roasting rack set in a roasting pan, breast side up. Turn the heat down to 160° C. Positioned the oven rack so that the duck would sit in the middle of the oven. Roast the duck for ~ 2 hours. Flip/Turn over the duck position & poke the skin every 30 minutes. Turn the heat to 200° C. Flip the duck (breast side up). Brush slightly with the glazing liquid & roast again for ~ 10 minutes until the skin really crispy. Turn the fire off & leave it in the oven for 10 minutes.

  • Remove all skewers before slicing the duck. Locate the duck`s sternum; make a cut next to the sternum, down until the abdomen. Next, make a cut along the side of the duck into the direction of the first cut (middle). Cut sideways diagonally.

  • Spread 1 tsp of sauce in the center of each pancake; add in some cucumber & green onion. Put some sliced duck & then wrap/roll the pancake around the meat & vegetables. Serve.

Duck & Turkey Poultry-Chicken, Duck, Turkey My Recipe Home