Ayam Goreng Jepang Karaage (Japanese Chicken Karaage)

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)


Bahan ayam:

  • 600 gr Daging paha ayam berkulit, 1 sm Sake *

  • 50 ml Saus soya pekat, 15 gr Jahe-parut

  • 1 st Lada hitam bubuk, Minyak sayur

  • 3 sm Minyak wijen (opsional)

  • 150-175 gr Tepung pati kentang/Maizena

  • Jeruk nipis/lemon-potong2 (untuk penyajian)

Bahan saus: (opsional)

  • 1 Bawang bombay sedang & 2 Cabai (opsional)-iris

  • 45 gr Mentega/Margarin, ½ st Bawang putih bubuk

  • 50 ml Air+50 ml Jus apel-campur, 2 sm Minyak wijen

  • 1 st Kaldu bubuk, ½ sm Tepung pati kentang/Maizena

  • 2 sm Saus soya pekat, 5 sm Kecap manis **

Cara membuat

  • Potong2 daging ayam kira2 sama besar, jangan terlalu tipis & kecil. Sisihkan. Campur rata sake, jahe parut, saus soya, lada & minyak wijen. Dengan punggung sendok/garpu, tekan2 jahe ke cairan agar rasanya terserap. Masukkan potongan ayam & campur rata agar ayam terlapisi merata dengan saus marinasinya. Tutup & masukkan ke kulkas selama 1-2 jam.

  • Saus (opsional): Larutkan maizena/pati kentang di dalam campuran jus apel lalu sisihkan. Tumis bawang bombay & cabai dengan mentega/margarin hingga layu. Aduk masuk bawang putih, saus soya & kecap. Masak hingga wangi saja (jangan gosong). Tuangi campuran jus apel. Masak & aduk2 sampai rasa menyatu & cairan sedikit mengental. Aduk masuk minyak wijen hingga menyatu lalu angkat dari api.

  • Panaskan minyak yg cukup untuk merendam ayam di panci anti lengket berdasar tebal. Sementara itu, lapisi ayam satu persatu dengan tepung pati kentang/maizena. Anda dapat melapisinya dengan tipis untuk mendapatkan lapisan renyah yang tipis nantinya atau yang lebih tebal (tergantung selera). Goreng ayam sampai matang dalam beberapa kelompok (jangan saling menumpuk di dalam panci). Angkat dari api & tiriskan di atas kertas penyerap minyak.

  • Hidangkan ayam goreng bersama nasi hangat, sayuran, potongan jeruk nipis & sausnya.

  • * Sake dapat diganti dengan Arak beras Cina+½ st gula atau untuk versi halal diganti dengan kaldu ayam+½ st gula.

  • ** Kecap manis diganti dengan 2 sm Kecap Inggris+2 sm Madu+1 sm Saus tomat.


Chicken ingredients:

  • 600 gr skin on-boneless Chicken thighs

  • 50 ml dark Soy sauce, 15 gr Ginger-grated

  • 1 tbsp Sake*, 1 tsp ground Black pepper

  • 3 tbsp Sesame oil (optional), Vegetable oil

  • 150-175 gr Potato starch/Corn starch

  • Lime/Lemon-sliced into wedges (for serving)

Sauce ingredients: (optional)

  • 1 medium size Onion & 2 Chilies (optional)-sliced

  • 45 gr Butter/Margarine, ½ tsp Garlic powder

  • 50 ml Water+50 ml Apple juice-combine

  • 2 tbsp Dark soy sauce, 2 tbsp Sesame oil

  • 1 tsp Broth powder, 5 tbsp Sweet soy sauce**

  • ½ tbsp Potato starch/Cornstarch


  • Cut the chicken thigh pieces roughly the same size, not too thin & small. Set it aside. Combine the sake, grated ginger, soy sauce, pepper & sesame oil well. Using a spoon/fork back side, press the ginger into the liquid to infuse the flavor. Add in chicken pieces & mix well to coat them evenly with the marinade sauce. Cover & marinate chicken for 1-2 hours in the fridge.

  • Sauce (optional): Dilute the potato starch in apple juice mixture. Set it aside. Sauté the onion & chili with butter/margarine until it wilts. Stir in all sauces & seasonings; cook just until it fragrant (don’t burn it). Pour in the juice mixture. Cook & keep on stirring until the flavor blend & the liquid thickens a bit. Stir in sesame oil & then remove it from the heat.

  • Preheat enough oil to cover chicken in a non-stick heavy bottom pot. Meanwhile, dredge chicken pieces, one by one, into the potato/corn starch. You cold go for a light coating to get a thin crisp shell or a thicker coating. Fry the chicken pieces in batches (don’t overcrowd them in the pot) until it’s cooked. Remove from the pot & then drain them on paper towel.

  • Serve the fried chicken with steamed rice, some vegetables, lime wedges & the sauce.

  • * Sake could be substitute with Chinese rice wine+½ tsp of sugar or for a Halal version substitute it with chicken stock+½ tsp of sugar.

  • ** Sweet soy sauce could be substitute with 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce+2 tbsp Honey+1 tbsp Tomato ketchup.

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