

"You can see it as basically the same activity: you occupying space and you creating it.

You find yourself alive as a human being- on earth at a certain place and time - as you.

From the moment of conception you let the world around you know you need room.

Physically and mentally you're always busy. Your spirit's actions are less measurable.

Genetically, in memories or as your impact, some of your content may be passed on.

Yet as far as externals are concerned, the earthly dimension dissolves when you die.


"What you radiate and what your effect on others is or remains is hard to assess.

Yet, your presence is fully unique, even if it is considered average or insignificant.

This uniqueness has directly to do with life as coming from Me and mirroring Me.

Nothing of Me is repeated. All life mirrors My novelty in time, space and content.

So do not underestimate anybody's uniqueness. One's life span is not important.

You can't figure it out but all wheels in the clockwork of being are equally useful.


"Your importance comes from being there, from occupying a place in My space.

It makes you part of life's truth. You're no fluke, accident or irrelevant footnote.

Abusing areas allotted to you with things not love-inspired cheapens your life.

However, the radiation of My love will keep accompanying all those who stray.

The negative state, emphasizing the externals as 'it', obscures the true reality.

It produces dark spots in the universe. In that sense, it amounts to non-being.


"How do you create your own world or space or the actual size of your volume?

It begins with taking life as a gift. Memories from before conception are gone.

You 'happen' on all three levels with what you portray, believe, think and desire.

A mountain or grains of sand do the same, in their own, not-being-sentient, way.

The difference isn't in substance, it's in use, function, purpose, correspondence.

Being in life is not a chance occurrence; what you make of it is based on choices.


"The substance of being in life is in its being truth: real, concrete and fully involved.

For you, it means now; not at some point in the future. So, what tells your volume?

It's a question worth asking: 'What represents and shows this one with my name?'

You do occupy space but do you desire to face your roles, goals and intentions?

Enjoying good fortune or suffering miserable spots, your life is rooted in eternity.

This belonging can be tasted in your spirit. There, you'll decide who your person is.


"You always create your own space since no one else has your life or your identity.

As an adult, you can take charge of deciding how to mold all that comes your way.

Every morning, your spirit, mind and body meet as co-constituents of your sphere.

When they connect, you do already react or act and so become that day's person.

The element of space is in all. Each life-form shaping its life shows space in action.

The unity of love and realness portrays all life's essence and substance, in Me, too.


"You are accountable for how you form yourself as a person. Everything is that.

I don't judge your doings. It's up to you to act from wisdom and honesty or not.

In areas you do not, willingly or unaware, you do shrink the world you create.

All can choose to act from My dwelling in them; digesting this fact has you 'fly'.

Doing it will tremendously increase keen insights, concentration and realism.

While non-wisdom roams around, you are a free spirit who can soar and sing.


"Some people, by different means, seem to be able to negate human boundaries.

They may 'see' glimpses of dimensions other than their familiar environment.

Invariably, and this proves if their visions are for real, they become very humble.

They hesitate to even talk about it, though for them it confirms what I say here.

Why go for special effects? Being your own space now is the reason to rejoice.

Your space is My space. Treat it as such so wisdom floods and flows from you.


"You should treat the 'mass' that you are with respect, as a gift and a challenge.

Your external parts will not provide full satisfaction, but your spiritual self will.

You can treasure the privilege of your being alive; it's a result of My desiring it.

I will not let you down. If you ignore or reject Me, it is not going to change Me.

You cannot flee your fifth ingredient; space is a part of your nature. You 'are' it.

So immaturity or hiding behind others is a futile denial of your own substance.


"You occupy a certain slot in time and by volume. You're forming and shaping it.

What happens when you die, leaving your external earth appearance behind?

Your person experiences itself, as it does now, still attached to your bodily self.

Yet, the situation is wholly new in that you can move in any desired direction.

For the first time, truth, the full range of what's life's reality, is at your disposal.

You will choose which way to go. However, that you can do already right now!


"Taking up space and creating yourself has, of course, enormous consequences.

It means for one, there's no passivity; your body and mind always do something.

As your place in life is never safe, you always have to protect your personal turf.

You may have no desire to expand yourself or put yourself out so you're noticed.

Some people love to be all over the place; others can prefer staying in the shade.

In whichever category you fall, 'the' issue is whether you choose to be authentic.


"Each situation at birth is different. The potential of each body and mind varies.

What is the same in every human, however, is the origin in Me. It makes reality.

Reality meaning,you exist eternally even while you on earth do not show this.

These booklets are reminders to not take life at face value. Your life is eternal!

I do tell you that the endlessness of space and time points at My just being Me.

Not knowing what to do with this doesn't stop your being an integral part of it.


"The truth of you, or what's your true self, can't be deducted from external facts.

You cannot know your impact or the conditioned parts undermining free will.

True reality is visible only then when you show goodness, wisdom and respect.

But that's on earth never pure, lasting or all-inclusive. Full truth stays evasive.

Only in your spirit is full awareness of being part of eternity's open-endedness.

It is there,in Our meetings' quietness. It occurs in you yet is hardly graspable.


"Some do take certain paths to access states of higher or heightened awareness.

People are lured in taking them, thinking they can lead to more closeness to Me,

like mind-altering substance, mental techniques, mass manipulation or trance.

For many, bliss beckons when they revel in power, money, sex, status or success.

I just say that nothing coming from the outside leads to more intimacy with Me.

It'll be a trap despite lofty feelings. Real 'mountain top' joy is for free; it's 'in' you.


"You can know what's true and what's fake, induced, conditioned or a clever setup.

What happens in your spirit is by definition inaccessible to others; it's you and Me.

Be clear, though. This applies to everything in life. All alive will expose their truth.

Being in life as an atom or galaxy, as grass or human being starts with one's spirit.

Coming into life and becoming space only occurs from the absolute density I am.

Therefore, all that exists and will develop in its own way has as its core My spirit.


When on your spirit level I directly meet with you, nobody else can observe this.

If other people also live close to Me, they maybe sense you know Me intimately.

Religions or cults show how formalizing My closeness can instantly confiscate it.

The negative forces correctly fear that sharing My truth can become contagious.

These words, too, as soon as you try to explain them, are instantly emasculated.

Yet, what happens when privately you welcome them is that the universe 'sings'.


"Your focus 'should' always be the personal responsibility in creating your world.

Nobody has the mission you have, of which only I have knowledge from day one.

While on earth, your space element allows you to act as a citizen of the universe.

It means a daily chance to, wherever, mirror My love and pure reality, regardless.

Working on this from My nature in you solidifies tremendously your own value.

It escapes you, but your importance, volume and substance resonate universally.


"The whole setup of the negative state is to have earth appear as real, yet, it's 'not.

When I cannot shine in what is, there is to it no substance, however big or classy.

Your ancestor did hope the offspring they fabricated will ignore the origin in Me.

So they stimulate in every way searching for life's meaning in the external realms,

be that survival, power, family, health, fame, richness, personal pursuits, whatever.

It can seem normal or natural, but all that's disconnected from its spirit is hollow.


"In other words, taking up room, creating your own space, only stands when real.

Realness grows in you if you do not treat anything as not operating in My space.

Many think that I have to be worshiped or obeyed. Most religions promote that.

Intentions to honor Me can be genuine, a sincere desire to align with real truth.

So, Holy books, charity, actions or rituals are meant to serve as antidotes to evil.

Yet, they'll hinder direct contact with Me with their way of external distraction.


"As earthly individuals, you constantly bump into others, pleasantly or painfully.

Commitments to friends, family, work or nation can include many compromises.

The Real reality's data are hardly topics for your political or economic agendas.

Yet, I speak about it because it does reveal everybody's place in life's oneness.

You can only safely treasure this within you. Don't try to push it on anyone else.

There's ample room for all in My reality simply because they're all already in it.


"You are involved in life's pseudo-reality on the basis of your volunteering.

You have a task. Mental or social withdrawal will limit lessons you provide.

You can live your human life as you want. Creating space is a personal job.

Support for caring-for-all political or social agendas says you're 'getting it'.

Truth and love for all are 'the' substance, essence and purpose of a full life.

Their activity in you supplies your systems with an untouchable realness."
