LIFE Writing 6

all is alive

What a trap to think that life can end. 'Death' is just a different configuration.

All that is in existence can be changed. To be of use is why we all do have life.

Usefulness is the only measure for behavior. Oneness, love, life, are all equal.

The I AM 'is' life. All stems from that fact. For us here, just being in life is 'it'.

Living connects us with its Source. We're fake if we deny it, yet can wake up.

The I AM enters the darkness of rejection, becomes earthly as all humanity.

It's integrated in the divine nature. Evil can, if it wants, return to true living.

All its debris will be recycled to fertilizer. So will all of our negative energy.

Deadness seems rampant here: it is temporary.

I AM is also here. All being in life comes with it.

Can we prove that we share life and aliveness?

Look, is a river ever separated from its spring?

Two life-forms exist. I AM's absoluteness, and

what is relative to it. This ties them together:

The I AM's desire to share all of Her-/Himself.

All emanations together are as another total.

The humans chose to turn into a rotten apple.

This one cycle of time is used to disown I AM.

It shows results of a life being disconnected.

It illustrates what not to be or not to choose.

True life can be restored to shine as 'heaven'.

All of life will again blossom as never before.

including where today it still may seem lost.

We all can join this Life if we want to be real.

I look in awe at the beauty of a flower. I look, impressed, at the vastness of a sea.

I look with longing at other people's power. While doing this, I'll remain just me.

Atoms, energies and cosmic currents flow. Gravity forces pull here and in space.

I can't step out of it or create distance. The world will forever also have my face.

Looking around, I come to conclusions: one is, I am a 'thing' among other things.

Basically not more than dust amidst matter. Or, loftier, I'm a king among kings.

Outside connections I'm hooked up to, I do process with insight or logic within.

I think, I judge, I learn, I ponder, I feel; yet, this does happen inside my own skin.

But I do notice also another prodding, undefined, garbled, with static, very odd.

It says I can't find my proper position unless I let myself being looked at by God.