
One Holy

“When ‘love’ is mentioned, all human beings will have personal associations.

Past experiences with love, good or bad,will color their reactions to the word.

Also your hopes and dreams do play a role in how you think or feel about love.

I deal with life’s second component in a personal as well in an universal way.

As with all twelve elements, My first focus is on what is ‘unknowable’ of Me.

This means that while saying all is love, the ‘why’ of it is beyond your knowing.


“Having to accept this without a chance for discussion can be unacceptable to you.

But hold on to your judgment. First face: Who tells you? Who speaks to you now?

That is all-life’s Totality who now addresses you, as precisely the person you are.

I can do this because I am ‘always’. I am not restricted to any place, time or event.

As I am all life’s I AM, also human nature contains and consists of My ‘material’.

Therefore, what you can’t grasp of Me is not in conflict with Me dwelling in you.


“My first Self transcends all. Also love is anchored in My infinite absoluteness.

My non-graspable aspect holds no threat whatsoever. I share it voluntarily.

The beautiful fact is that I, the ‘All’ and ‘More’ of life, can be taken as only love.

There just is nothing in reality that is not ignited by My love’s nurturing flame.

I like you to grasp it that there are no exceptions to it. All is love. You included.

I do not say that all is ‘meant’ to be love. It is! Living equals love in all its facets.


“Few people ask why love is so central as earth shows little of it in the first place.

Yet you can rightly wonder why I say love is the second component of all in life.

Only one answer is correct: love is what I choose to be; as Myself and everything.

You can’t see behind Me into My origin as it were. You’re not Me. You’re in Me.

What can be seen of My full glory by all alive is that it consists of only goodness.

Immediately include yourself in it. You are of My nature. So your person shines.


“It is a waste of time and effort to figure out My nature without first loving Me.

Getting insight into the boundaries of the unknown only occurs in love’s realm.

In some way children are a model: feeling loved, they anticipate only excitement.

To grasp anything, it must be approached with love and seeing its love potential.

This's very difficult to practice on earth. Little seems to warrant love as so central.

Still, these words inform you about your place and role in the one full real reality.


“Think of your questions: ‘Where does love come from’. ‘Does it have to exist?’

When facing the questions you face Me. Whether you take Me for real or not.

The answer to the questions is: ‘No need for speculation. Love, as life itself, IS’.

No theorizing, formulating or fantasizing about love has any healthy relevance.

I have nothing mysterious in Me. Nor has love. My unknown ‘seals’ My fullness.

My being the One Holy seals that love is endless in its absolute absoluteness.


“The totality of life, including what is beyond and behind experiencing, is Me.

This totality can be met as a ‘Person’, a Presence addressing you individually.

When this happens, as it does now, you transcend your usual internal space.

Listening to My words means hearing the sounds of true existing sing for you.

The way you live your life can vibrate like all the life-forms in the other realms.

It is is an option to represent Me and be, as the whole universe is, a love song.


"'Why' love exists will only be discovered by stepping into its all-presence.

Other dimensions react to the ‘why’ of love with outpourings of happy joy.

Not feeling at just the receiving end, they yearn to respond to Me in kind.

Just the name One Holy gives an air of immeasurable abundance in loving.

Any thought and touch includes the joy of honoring what's beyond knowing.

You could say, nothing of it is in the way of celebrating life's grand love affair.


"By loving you’ll grasp more of true life than thinking about it can ever reveal.

You can study forever life’s mystery and so clutter your head with more files.

Yet love negates boundaries; sees new horizons, likes change; is always fresh.

In you, it can mirror My all-involvement as the One with no beginning or end.

My first name allows you to adorn with what is known, that what is beyond it.

Do activate the love component by drinking in the reality of you being loved.


"This is the beautiful world all belong to. In love are no restrictions whatsoever.

The doubts or conditions people come up with portray a profound distortion.

I contain no other side to be experienced other than true love and caring truth.

What is not known of Me holds nothing to fear or to second-guess. So relax!

As I meet with you now, so I am. I do it as an appreciative and dedicated friend.

Disturbing mysteries will only arise in humans when My closeness is ignored.


"Throughout humans' history, people’s curiosity bangs against confining walls.

It’s caused by deficiencies built-in in your system by those who fabricated you.

Also the isolation of your galaxy in the cosmos stops all comprehensive insight.

Your confusion is completely opposite of the joy in the worlds that adore Me.

For them, the eternal love affair with Me is entirely without worry or shadow.

My being love is not in spite of, but it rises from My all-transcending One Holy.


"You can wonder why I state that all human understanding only goes so far.

If you can visit Me and speak with Me, does it matter what is ‘behind’ Me?

I do stress again that being a human on planet Earth has a specific purpose.

The original human race was brought to life for one well-defined challenge.

They all agreed to explore if love is forced on ‘creation’ or based on a choice.

‘Is there a freedom to not love?’ was the main focus of their crucial challenge.


"In the ongoing process of their quest they confronted My all-transcending self.

They thought that perhaps new life can be established outside of My presence.

At one point they started to exclude Me, compromising our close relationship.

But where there's no love, is no truth, is no wisdom, health, beauty or progress.

So problems, conflicts and frustrations directly relate to the choices they made.

I Myself became a ‘problem’ instead of being honored as everyone’s eternal lover.


"Your present human race kept some of the original urge to explore: curiosity.

To them it's unsettling or unacceptable to not grasp the full scope of existing.

The void caused by severed connections, got filled with incorrect information.

Love is a good example of this. Every time, group or person has its own ideas.

Love is fragmented, causes tensions, hurts when unfulfilled or is controlling.

Yet true love won't confuse. My will to be Love defies all comments. It just is.


“Even if My One Holy self cannot be explored, it is of an overflowing richness.

It can cause waves of happiness when you whisper My all-transcending name.

Love is, in your terms, ‘backed up’ by all that is, was and will be: My being I Am.

Frustrations, doubts or hitting walls are unnecessary. My love is already in you.

Real love is not just a pleasant emotion. It is life itself. Life and love do overlap.

This information I now give you reveals life’s core; it voids any guess or theory.


“The dimension you exist in prevents anybody from experiencing My full glory.

Be not discouraged. The love left in you says that there's still much good in life.

In moments of excitement or deep joy you can feel as being in another world.

Little breakthroughs of the full reality do happen in your so often erratic space.

In each person is a deep yearning for the gratification of a hunger for realness.

You will be satisfied. By My closeness! With Me, you're as Me; one who's a lover.


“Those in other dimensions do not take it for granted that living equals loving.

The nature of love is that it’s felt as a gift that inspires to more sharing and joy.

My unknowable surrounds all life’s happenings as an unbridled glorious aura.

I appear as pure love and pure truth. No thought of Me being hidden comes up.

You will agree that when love and trust are combined, it is as ‘heaven’ on earth.

Not needing to think beyond Me stops any wondering if love is all there is. It is!


“True love has no secrets. It's related to light, warmth, playfulness and passion.

Ever creative and inventing new forms, love negates conventional boundaries.

In this sense My first name sanctions all existence s being ‘sacred’ and eternal.

Being in life is the result of Me desiring it. This is what ‘all being love’ expresses.

The universe and all those in it do participate in an ongoing happy dance of love.

Remember, your summit in portraying love is as real reality’s ‘beginners’ level!


“People blame fate, or their gods, for not meeting their innate needs for love.

Do ask whether you hold grudges, blame others or yourself for missing out.

I speak these words from the firm basis that I love you all unconditionally.

It is why I keep speaking about Myself, as it is from Me that all of life evolves.

If you want to be included in love’s all-involving universal dance, you will be.

Doubts, reservations and fears have no ground. Your life, too, occurs in Me.


“Most people know what ‘worship’ means. It is adoring what you deeply admire.

It is used to honor gods. Do I need it? Or is loving Me 'the' key of true worship?

In these booklets I share the full reach of My nature. How to react is up to you.

I for sure do not want rituals or symbols. I do not even ask for your love or trust.

I just say that in true life all details and totals glow with a deep-felt satisfaction.

All that goes on is a song of love, an happy response to My desire to embrace all.


“‘All being love’ is not a teaser nor a goal. You, too, can operate from its power.

Unbeknownst to people on earth, love is the one cohesive factor in all existing.

In the positive state, whose fullness is outside human reach, it propels all living.

Only in your negative state are forces of all-goodness siphoned off and abused.

This causes the suffering from coldness and weakness. But that is not forever.

By facing Me as the One Who Is Only Love, you'll discover your eternal status.”
