

"These words can reach you when nothing is even remotely going right for you.

The word love may open wounds or may have you dismiss it as very irrelevant.

Feeling 'stuck', all humans can relate to; you must have been there some time.

It is what I'd like to talk about. 'Being stuck' has no part in My nature or yours.

That you still know what it means comes from living in an unnatural condition.

In all the other dimensions, nothing will come to a stop in the flow of progress.


"As human beings, you are unable to escape your environment or bodily self.

In both is no guarantee of wholeness or uninterrupted growth to fulfillment.

You may be skeptical when I say that, nevertheless, you still are progressing.

Never is there a movement in My nature towards going back or a standstill.

What seems to come to a halt, or regresses, simply belies that all moves on.

So listen carefully when first I state that always you can move closer to Me.


"That nothing stands still, you know from aging and your earth circling the sun.

Think about why. Why is nothing ever immobile, even not what you call 'dead'?

It's related to your second element. If love gets stagnant, it is not love anymore.

Love consists of the desire to touch and unite, creating newness or deepen joy.

Love never falls 'out of love' because it's Me. So any love-part wants to unfold.

This may please you as personal secret, but it's universal; all living thrives on it.


"Think of the motions of the tiny parts in a cell. Is really love playing a role in this?

Yes! All movements function to produce more well-being for the units they form.

The immense powers of exploding or imploding celestial bodies do it, not as fate.

What is their goal? What puts all there? Who or what controls how life happens?

You may expect Me to state that ultimately I do it all. But it's not precise enough.

All that is emanating from Me has its own potential; one of it is acting from love.


"On earth, moving usually means leaving things behind or you must let go.

The cosmic forces you know of seem destructive and being quite restive.

In your own galaxies the flaring of stars relate to what you see as violent.

Anything moves. And moving is by definition the expansion to more love.

Whatever in your world contradicts this is not mirroring its true purpose.

Yet even suppressed, abused or reversed, love still means making whole.


"Love is from Me. When it shows up in the unfolding of your life, do see it as a gift.

Holding on to love in the midst of decay, so typical of earth, will unfurl your being.

Where do you end up? There, where you are already: before Me, being My image!

The erratic and seemingly random motions in primal forces have an ultimate goal.

So do the 'disasters' happening to people. They tell the stories of love broken up.

Love is as personal as it is universal. Not giving it free rein leads always to abuses.


"I take it you know how on earth love is processed and what it does to people.

Clearly, love operates on the external level as well as internally in your mind.

On earth, what's considered love is the iceberg's tip. Most of it may be hidden.

Even so, the familiar fragments show the traits of what is all life's mechanism.

Liking something has you react in its direction. You want to be close or touch.

Sexually uniting satisfies the drive to be together. And not just for one time!


"The movement to more wholeness shows love as fully alive; it does want to expand.

Sexual attraction and desiring to unite are symbolic for eternal nature's happy flow.

That, in spite of that sex is problematic and comes with unpleasant complications.

What it means to you, does for you, and gave you (or not), it ls part of your story.

Some sexual acts may be harmful to others or you and have severe consequences.

Yet, desiring closeness, or the merging itself, stems from all life's nature's love core.


"In all aspects and for all reasons, love's activity is universally a healing factor.

On earth, it often conflicts with restricting laws of culture, religion or society.

When you oppose these, you can easily stoop to their being not-love attitude.

Stopping a love affair from wisdom needs not invalidate its original intention.

I say these things not as a parent or a teacher. I Myself relate to this situation.

Comprehending how I act gives you blueprints for your attitude and actions.


"I don't ask you to walk in My shoes. Although, as love, We share the same size.

Question: Could I, as all Life's I AM, force that what is negative out of business?

In a way I do that. You can do the same, but not by means that are not only love.

I do this by My holding on to My being only Love. It has darkness yield to light.

I do prove My love by not destroying the human instigators of what's negative.

Their vain effort to have Me engage in non-love depletes their dark resources.


"If you want, you can experience that love moves to wholeness and to healing.

Even if externally or internally you'll 'lose it', for whatever reason, you move.

When you travel with Me, My shoes fit you as yours do Me. We travel as one.

On your spiritual level, you may expect a most pronounced, lasting progress.

Why? It is because the negative forces cannot undo the life that is Me in you.

All else they can pollute or break down, but not love's spirit, as it is My spirit.


"I do not give up on what's negative even if it amounts to blatant regression.

It's moving all right, but by turning corners they lost their original direction.

Your ancestors explored what 'turning a corner' away from Me would show.

They did transmute themselves to be protected against true love's hot rays.

They buried My promise to not desert them, whatever their pursuit's result.

I've come through with My promise. It is a reason I talk to you on your level.


"Universally, life only moves forward. Its love makes everything more whole.

The stagnation negative forces cause still illustrates love cannot be stopped.

You're an example of it when you do turn your journeying towards My light.

In spite of what occurs around you or in you, you can decide to 'head home'.

Nothing can stop you since My presence is within you, untouchable for evil.

When you meet with Me, real life erupts. It contains no barricades of falsity.


"You are daily forced to make millions of decisions. Most may seem rather trivial.

I tell you that every step taken by you co-determines the total of your trajectory.

All motions in the world before Me are part of enhancing health and perfection.

Know your travel direction. Love can shield you against getting astray or lost.

You can discern and reject efforts of the negative state to thwart following Me.

Your body or mind can impede reaching glory, but your spirit is free to move on.


"Your whole life provides opportunities to decide how you'll handle being chained.

I tell you that I am and have been in your situation. I know the score of human life.

Still, no one can say that I, the I AM, am as such fettered or contained. Am I right?

Of My free roaming nature you are a part. All of your moves can originate in love.

Start planning your travel from where you personally discovered Me being close.

Existence, as the love affair it is, loves your choice to avail yourself as participant.


"It is through love that healing occurs in your world of brokenness and isolation.

In many respects, it can seem finding a way through dense fog; no glamour is in it.

Helping needy others can seem to lead nowhere: no thanks or lasting progress.

Your only compass is the love in your heart. These words invite to consult them.

It is how I position Myself, facing the Me denying forces; I am true to being love.

Amidst pulling and pushing forces, My presence as Love will always orient you.


"All that is, is in perpetual motion. Growing and changing is marking life's process.

Scientists study why and how particles or objects move, touch, merge or expand.

Societies are affected by unsteady waves of political and economic fluctuations.

The concerns for family, health, money and work force you to walk certain paths.

I tell you: love's the only vantage point to gain insight into what truly goes on.

In the growing wholeness of life, only negative endeavors present regression.


"Accepting life's positive direction can let you observe your actions by that light.

Making corrections in order to step into true love's stream is entirely up to you.

Many discover that seeing themselves as entities of love is a tremendous relief.

If you know where you are heading, you allow no obstacles to stand in the way.

Illness, trauma, violence, injustice, any brokenness, it just cannot eliminate love.

As love is anchored in your spirit, your mind and your body can keep that course'.


"I offer insight in the scope of what the wholeness towards you move, entails.

You lack insight, as you are the result of experiments with living outside of Me.

You are exposed to the dire consequences of these efforts. Yet you're not lost.

All the negative state's pseudo-creations can convert and return to full living.

My love encompasses all; those denying Me will eventually face Me directly.

From My fullness as all-unfolding love, I am present even in the sickest 'hells'.


"All this is an invitation to proceed with love in every aspect of your life today.

What you do not understand of how nature or events do work isn't of essence.

Life's real importance is in the ever-increasing closeness to Me. Call it healing.

Moving away from negative attachments makes you feel more whole and free.

Forgiving yourself or others makes your journey lighter and its path smoother.

Think, all being one and all being love lead the parade of life's twelve elements.


"These booklets offer you a mountain top view of wisdom, beauty and wholeness.

Arriving at the summit, within and without, allows your joy and wisdom to bloom.

Through Our love, you merge with Me and become part of life's eternal progress.

You won't lose your identity by becoming more whole. You'll not stop unfolding.

So, do wonder about moves you make, their direction and above all, their source.

The stream of love in your and My nature spreads everywhere to completeness."
