About the Author

Born in the Netherlands, I, Pieter Noomen, completed doctoral studies in theology and pastoral psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam and became senior minister of three Protestant churches. Later I worked as a psychotherapist and as a staff member of a Los Angeles metropolitan church. I was involved in mental health issues like suicide prevention and hospice. Retired now, I reside in Hollywood, California, U.S.A.

I hesitate to provide specific personal data, not because there are things to hide, but because my not spectacular background may, in a negative way, influence readers who are not familiar with the world in which I grew up and later lived: the Western European and the North American culture.

The particulars of my life as an average person are not too interesting, except that they may, hopefully, lead to the wondering, "If someone like him was given the possibility to be in direct contact with the full, the Real Reality, while still on earth, then it must be possible for me, too."

My education, studies, jobs and personal interests follow a rather straight line: classical schooling, theological and psychological university training, degree and practice, being senior minister in three churches and, since coming to the U.S.A. in 1972 , also staff member at a psychiatric clinic and in private practice as a psychotherapist.

My personal spiritual path widened substantially - unexpectedly and quite sensationally - about 25 years ago. As factors involved I see: being unhappy with my own neglecting to think things through; learning new introspection methods; getting older and events in my personal life.

Yet definitely, a deciding factor was my becoming familiar with the insights of Dr. Peter D. Francuch (1934-2001). See Epilogue. In his way, he communicated with what he called 'the Positive State'. I then read up on, and met, others who also experienced a direct, personal connection with the One Who Is Life It-/Her-/Himself.

My own experiences on the spiritual level - dealt with throughout this Website - didn't change my personal external circumstances, that is, not on the surface. Yet, completely new became that now I can approach all external and internal 'facts' from having knowledge of the real 'facts' behind our 'facts'.

This Website reports all the information I received. Access to the Source of that information is available for any human being who truly desires to connect with the One Full, Eternal and Universal Reality.