Writing 2
This Writing 2 follows closely, in time, content and purpose, the 12 Booklets (Writing 1). The content of both has the same origin and their structure is basically the same. The clear message in both is that the content is not to be used for discussion or comparing. No analysis or explanation of the possible meaning of the words is helpful or valid, as they are exclusively addressed to the individual who reads them. And that can be anybody. If a passage is difficult to understand or holds no interest, one can just move to the next lesson. Or one can access one's personal innermost 'sanctuary'/ spirit, in order to gain insight there. So each reader is completely free to take the lessons seriously and welcome the message they convey or dismiss what is revealed.
It is quite a unique feature of Writing 1 and 2 that they discourage sharing opinions about their content with others. This is not because there is anything secretive about them or because they are meant for only a happy few. On the contrary. The reason for not sharing with interested people is that it will add nothing to the richness of what is presented. If a person senses the truth of the words, she or he may start approaching life in a new way. If that is noticed by others, it amounts to indirect sharing.
When starting to read the Lessons, the first thought will be about who is asking the questions and who produces the answers and the closing sayings. There will be immediate skepticism about the source of all these ideas, especially because they are presented as final statements. Let me (P.N.), the compiler of the Lessons, shed some light here. They did not come to me by way of inner voices, being taken over by another entity (channeling), automatic writing, conversations in a state of trance or by similar mechanics that wholly or partially bypass our usual ways of thinking and creative activity. Yet it makes sense that training, talent, past activities and ambition play a role in any creative impulse. In my case, I had no inkling that I could be instrumental to put words like these - quite outrageous in their pretense - on paper. For one, writing doesn't come easy for me, besides the fact that English is not my native tongue. On the other hand, I can see that certain elements in my personal and professional life have been helpful for this. At an early age already, I critically wondered about the customary answers given to life's core issues. But it remained a mere footnote in my thinking; I did not follow up on it. That is, until about fifteen years ago, when for no particular reason I wanted to know what can be known and what not about my own being in existence. How I processed this is not to the point, I think. The 12 Booklets and Lessons make it clear that interest in other people's spiritual journeys easily gets in the way of unearthing one's own self as the unique, unrepeatable, choosing - and often disappointing - person one is.
When I started the Lessons I had not the faintest idea to where it would lead or what information would become available. I only was very aware of three things. One, the 'Presence' supported and inspired my doing it. Two, to write down this information was totally my choice and responsibility. I did not have to do it. Three, the conveyed message addresses every human being alive today, without any exception. I would just be a 'transmitter'.
So, who is the author of these 147 Questions, Answers and Sayings? I can only say that the information came from a Presence on my innermost spiritual level I was in communication with for some time. The words seem the result of my spirit merging with the Spirit of life It-/Her-/Himself. In the Lessons, several descriptions are used for the One Who speaks the Answers and formulates the Questions. It may be confusing and unsatisfactory that no leading name is used. It would be easy to borrow one from those religion, science and tradition use. The reason for not using a specific name is explained in this Writing. It has to do with the fact that nobody or nothing can step outside the presence of life's Totality, so labels or names - which tend to 'objectify', differentiate or create a distance - are useless. We, without exception. are part of the ALL
The seven names that are used as themes for the chapters are not meant as appellations. Together, they function as representing the fullness of the I AM of all existence. Let me quote from the introduction to the (printed) 12 Booklets: 'The Names 'grew on' me over a period of several years, until I realized that these seven were 'it'. They are not my invention but, as it were, they allowed themselves to be 'discovered'. The amazing and liberating news of the Lessons is for me that they point out that each human being is in exactly the same position in terms of her or his belonging to life. Listening to the One Who speaks through these Lessons allows anyone who wishes to experience some of the true and full Reality, which on earth is obscured, to say the least. I do alert readers to the fact that the lessons alternate between speaking of life in its true full nature and appearance - the Real Reality - and as we all today experience living on our isolated planet.
The Seven Names : ....... One Holy, Love, Truth, Proper, Healing, Manifestation, Energy
Pieter Noomen, Th.Drs Los Angeles, 2002, edited for www. 20018 Email: noomenp@aol.com Copyright © P.N. 2018