

"When you fall in love romantically, reality seems to consist of only one thing.

Your dreaming, emotions and needs circle around the center your beloved is.

Nobody has to guess what fills your mind. You like the whole world to know.

But love, your second element, shows endlessly more than this sweet quality.

It has in common that literally it is all over the place, without any reservation.

Love is the content, substance and truth of all life. Including Me. It is My face.


"So falling in love, with its foibles and short life span, can serve as an example.

It comes with excitement, sharing, planning and pleasure. So does full reality!

The liveliness of life needs no proof or explanation nor a reason or purpose.

Life is for real because love is its core. Truth and love are always embracing.

On earth, this eternal phenomenon is lost. Only fragments of true life show.

Yet, they do provide you with usable inklings of what full living really can be.


"The presence of love in people is the clearest indicator of true life's liveliness.

Humans sense love is more than a special feeling or a matter of sexual attraction.

Indeed, it's 'encoded' in all forces that shape the universe as well as your person.

In this segment, I stress that love is undeniably there, even while often obscured.

In all other dimensions it's very visibly the happy color of what goes on. It sings!

My being only Love in all the inner- and outermost realms makes happiness 'hot'.


"The words you now read or hear come straight from My very heart, so to speak.

My heart beats in everything. Ultimately, I am the substance of all life, of you all.

When you honestly want to align with this fact, first take a good look at yourself.

What is your 'truth', what really goes on in that specific life-form which you are?

What do you say is the value, impact or realness of this person with your name?

It means not, analyzing your doings but looking at them as honestly as you can.


"All life on earth is broken up into pieces: inner, outer; here, there; then, now; etc.

There's no 'whole' truth known, as hardly anybody has yet the facts of My nature.

Truths on earth are just derivatives, conclusions based on incorrect information.

This is besides the fact all thinking and learning is inundated with deliberate lies.

That all is love anyway is therefore a vital piece of life's puzzle few humans find.

Yet, it can be uncovered, utilized, treasured, and above all, applied to all people.


"The truth of all being is that it represents Me. Everything flows from Who I am.

That makes you real. It's your identity; it lets you add to living's solid substance.

Doubting it is a lie, a falsity, a clever delusion, a result of being pseudo-created.

Bits and pieces of reality still exist, otherwise your galaxy itself could not exist.

Proper distinction between unreality and what's truly there, determines love.

If love reveals reality's substance, so truth, existing, is revealing love's essence.


"What it means for you personally? For one, be glad; you may be really important!

You don't have to be a question mark, in terms of your value, position and realness.

You'll not disappear into nothingness. 'Nothing' would instantly become a life-form!

You're not a fluke of inconsequential bad or good luck, nor the world's greatest gift.

You all are, like anything else on its own level, portraying the ubiquitousness of love.

This makes you real. It's your true identity; it lets you add to living's solid substance.


"Of course, you can reject what I say and stick to your personal ideas and 'truths'.

Do not take these words seriously unless you somehow 'sense' they make sense.

I, the One Who speaks to you, am always. I am in what you call 'future' and 'past'.

You cannot grasp this, but it underlines that My talking to you is not by accident.

People could firmly deny My realness but can't let My nature in them disappear.

Sensing truth in these words only comes from you being part of the all- oneness.


"Of course, you could ask why anyone would reject positive news about living.

Does the fact that in your world the truth of Me isn't welcome prove I'm fake?

Why should you see yourself by a light that nobody else seems to be aware of?

Or even more pertinent, why do I suddenly provide all this information now?

Can I show anything to back up its truth so it has some appearance of reality?

l do address these questions one by one. If you've more, by all means, tell Me!


"There is a common thread through all these reactions to My speaking to you.

That I speak – or am existing! – isn't for many worth bothering about anyhow.

Yet, for those who do, doubt or avoiding My concreteness looks quite logical.

The whole purpose of the world, as you know it, is it functioning as a platform.

The ones who fabricated your world want to convince the universe it is real.

They want to show it there's a viable alternative to existing in My closeness.


"You are born with an intelligence mainly dependent upon input from externals.

Disregarding news from your within is therefore logical, even if it sounds good.

Your brains direct the longing for love or truth to the externals for satisfaction.

This never really works in the long run. Time, death, tensions or flaws interfere.

People are rightly cynical about promises, especially when offered as absolute.

The yearning is there but also the fear of being fooled and left empty-handed.


"Why would anyone reject good news about reality? The reason is earth's isolation.

Real is for you what you see or feel. It is validated when others observe it likewise.

You measure good news, not by your inner hearing or by your own spirit's intuition.

You're conditioned to not trust your inner connection. It can seem too convoluted.

I state that the Real Reality is within you, despite severe allover disconnectedness.

It is an act of bravery to become your own person by trusting your love ingredient.


"Why should you listen to Me while these words are nowhere popular or promoted?

Because you are chosen! That's My short answer to you all, disconnected on earth.

All people are of My nature like you are. They're handling mutilations in their ways.

From some you can learn. Still you must choose if I am fake. Be honest and find out.

I don't deal in numbers but only in truth. I'll be more real when you let Me love you.

I invite you to look inside you. Do you desire to love Me? In this lies reality's proof.


"Why should you see yourself by a light that so few others seem to be aware of?

You do need approval to discover yourself? As an infant, depending on mother?

Don't be mistaken. All are loved. All have love in them and will see Me one day.

You want others to guide you? Look at what harm religions do with 'their' truth.

My presence doesn't have to be protected or explained by others. It is in you.

Reality radiates and shines. Seeing this in others, too, by all means, celebrate!


"Be aware of something. Realize that My presence on earth did get encapsulated.

The negative state's forces will tamper with My light, cover it or try to turn it off.

If they could, they would eliminate My whole presence. You face mighty forces!

The forces operate from within your human nature as well as from the outside.

This leads to the question, why now these words? Why you're now on the spot?

My perception of 'now' differs from yours. Take 'now' as: 'at last' and as 'finally'.


"I don't suddenly throw out these words that speak and reveal the truth of life.

My existence is one universal message of the love I am; I always can be heard.

The issue is, why would people 'now' be ready to listen, hear and understand?

This pertains to My 'new' nature, to which also all negative forces must react.

Among those grows the realization that they may get it wrong and are failing.

Some admit that what they 'achieved' proves that My all-love is unstoppable.


"Some among them do build up to, in their eyes, a final climax to dethrone Me.

You notice that life is increasingly dependent on all sorts of 'external' powers.

Individuals and societies rely on techniques, not all under their direct control.

Practically, much looks beneficial. But the shift to more dependence goes on.

I want these words about reality to be available for all who sincerely wonder.

Therefore are these words free for all, not attached to a person or a religion.


"You, reading this, are now as informed as the one who produced the booklets.

It confuses the negative forces seeing this information spread and accepted.

Some start wondering; some do double their efforts to suppress My presence.

Their tragedy is, they try to kill the truth with non-love and yet, I am still here!

Is it urgent for you to activate now your eternal nature? Well, I don't push you!

The clear proof of evil's falsity is pushing or urging you. You choose your future.


"Respecting your freedom is one way of backing up the truth of what I do offer.

Love, like truth, only really takes place when you choose in freedom to engage.

If people decide to remain loyal to the earth's dependency, I will not stop them.

I don't argue about right or wrong. I just say that love is the core of your nature.

My realness is in My 'being' the universe. Anyone will find Me, against all odds.

Meeting with Me clears your vision. Why? Because you then lend My eyesight.


"Problems with doubt and resistance arise when backing off from being honest.

I am the All Who Is. Allowing this to include your person lets Our love blossom.

Then you'll realize you knew Me forever, but got separated - for a good reason!

I am not a concept or a 'god' somewhere. You're part of Me, adding to My glory.

You can experience this by simply approaching Me as the friend I am for you.

Welcoming My wisdom in your mind will profit your inner and external parts.


"Truth is love occurring. For you, a human, I am as a human, so, I'll address you.

Questions you have about why's and how's, you can always tell Me if you want.

But you won't hear 'answers' unless you step into the radius of My loving you.

These booklets serve the one purpose of having truth available in plain words .

The history your thinking and deeds write is your truth. Is it reflecting loving?

If so, you know you're for real. If not, you violate your own second ingredient."
