

"Not many on earth will deny that there is power in love. Countless stories testify to it.

But saying that there is power in love is in fact offensive to what true love stands for.

I tell you that all power, in every grade and volume, is exclusively the energy of love.

There exists no other Reality than the one Who I am and which I let come into being.

All the forces involved in maintaining Myself, as well as what's around, are the same.

It's the presence of love as universal energy that allows existence and all being to 'be'.


"Saying that not only all is love, but that all life runs on it, poses quite a challenge.

You may badly want to believe it but how do you know since not much shows it?

You may dream about love as victorious or fantasize about heaven or paradise.

And when you are in love, you actually believe the world has suddenly changed.

Everything then seems to go smoother or is lighter to carry. The miracle of love!

Until you must come down to earth. So what good brings hearing lofty phrases?


"Can I prove to you that all power is actually love energy? Of course I can!

A proof is at your fingertips. More accurately, your very existence says so.

This, you will deny. You don't feel it; thinking in these terms seems unreal.

Yet do you grasp that right now, with these words, I, the I AM of life, speak?

Shall I ask you to show convincingly that I lie about all energy being love?

But why should I? Your human ancestors set up a whole world to do that.


"Of course, you are quite right that you do not see that life's energy is love.

But what do you, a barely functioning human entity, know about true life?

If your brains can figure out the truth, I wouldn't have to talk to you now!

I do not ask you to believe Me but if considering I might be right is smart.

I state that no powers, also those in your world, are neutral or 'just there'.

Let Me say it again that like I am one bundle of love energy, so you're, too.


"On earth and in human lives all forms of energy come with many problems.

Every force you know can act, explode or sneak around in destructive ways.

Cosmic forces or nature's behaviors seem uncontrolled. They act randomly!

In human interactions work dynamics far beyond good will or human plans.

People spend much time trying to somehow regulate inner or outer forces.

Yet in the whole positive state, nothing of this kind of policing is necessary.


"There is one place where you'll find some proof of love's powerful nature.

It's in your inner spiritual realm when being aware of My direct presence.

Consider this place the internal part of your most inner self, of your spirit.

What you'ill be aware of, or feel or 'see' there, human words cannot cover.

You enter a field of eternity's energy. It engulfs you with all-covering love.

This is My dwelling place within human people. There, you get your proof.


"I do not suggest mystical euphoria, granted miracles or divine apparitions.

They can be states of consciousness altered by some psychological means.

The 'highs' often felt at those times are no offshoots of My all-love energy.

I point at your second component that waits for an activation of its power.

Touching love's 'all-ness' within your own space is as powerful as peaceful.

This connects you with life's eternal source, what your psyche nor body can.


"You are cognizant of outbursts of rage, violence and hatred: all ugly scenes.

They occur among people, in nature, as well as within each tiny microcosm.

If power is separated from its origin, it is one full-blown case of perversion.

How love turns into hate, professionals can track that. But how did it start?

Your ancestors, exploring free choices' range, turned to life's external side.

When experimenting became a goal in itself, an 'unnatural' isolation began.


"It is not unlike of what happens when you do not operate by love's 'all-ness'.

The moment you make distinctions or exceptions, you violate love's nature.

You see it in intercourse, when just the body is used. That spells impotence.

Loving your clan, yet looking down on others', sabotages true love's nature.

Some see love and hate as complementary. Yet only love 'is'. Hate is a waste.

Power in the negative state is always compromised; it's as 'stolen' from Me.


"Your ancestors had access to My creativity's well. With this they pseudo-created.

I say pseudo-created; nothing is real or lasts when its flow comes not from love.

They used their superb intellect to put together an anti-world, the one you know.

They performed mutations on themselves for accomplishing separation from Me.

But being cut off from cooperating with Me rendered their output dysfunctional.

So you are faced with abnormal uses of power, in nature, in society and in yourself.


"Is there anything you can do to undo this unnatural and upside-down position?

'No', if you are thinking of changing a product that to its core is flawed or worse.

You can't make the world a better place. Improving it is patchwork, not change.

You cannot stop earthquakes causing destruction, nor stop human corruption.

Fine, positive progress in one area is offset by slavery or sicknesses elsewhere.

The future of planet earth is that it will be replaced, yet not by any human effort!


"There is also the 'Yes', in terms of undoing some of your galaxy's corruptness.

To be more precise, you did it already by coming to earth to honor My nature.

What is love in you, is indestructible; even while the negative forces target it.

They do hate to be reminded of My promise to never desert them, regardless.

Wherever love comes through, they must face the fact that they have failed.

What radiates the positive represents the Real Reality, which is all splendor.


"I use big words. Yet every morning when waking up, you can make a choice.

Will you approach the new day as who you really are or from another place?

Life's all-love nature cannot change, in spite of your confusion or resistance.

If you take a moment to think about it, you can track the choices you made.

Mind your body. It does a brave job, functioning amidst much interference.

So being nice to your body, taking care of it, is being respectful to its Source.


"Observe how this entity acts that has your name and does show your person.

It's a presence in life's totality that, in its way, makes things happen every day.

Even if you do nothing or are not proud of yourself, your body and mind work.

I tell you, any use of energy can signal that love is being busy. Is this so in you?

Seeing your planet's record, all this is nonsense or unobtainable luxury at best.

Yet, a joining positive forces anywhere by choice will enhance love's visibility.


"The way your mind uses its energy impacts any internal and external activity.

Gaining insight in life's true dynamics makes your thinking more productive.

Thoughts, not inspired by love, however brilliant or pleasant, lead to falsities.

This also applies to other internal doings, judging, longing, aims or attitudes.

Humanity is conditioned to view life as primarily occurring in the externals.

I say, all, on their three levels, still operate by love power and do want unity.


"Like everybody, you may have moments of feeling empowered by love's energy.

It can show when you meet with Me spiritually. My presence always enlightens.

Think of it; My nature works with, in and 'as' the person you are. You do share it.

The sense of all-love may fade fast when you must face what you call 'real' life.

Yet treasure the moments. They're keys to unleash as much loving as possible.

Your innermost spirit – where We meet - always inspires your two other sides.


"There are parts in people that cannot be grasped or consciously controlled.

You sense them when it dawns on you how much I care or appreciate you.

Your 'most inner' spirit part stays a remnant of unpolluted real life in you.

From there and nowhere else comes energy to survive amidst corruption.

Some of My Being is incarnated as you. Or is this, it's incarcerated as you?

Whatever you call it, the 'remnant' by which your lives exists, is pure love.


"Clearly do I reinforce your trust in your most central fact: that I am with you.

Moreover, My relationship with you gives your person its glory and purpose.

Have no doubt in your mind that in the universe all energies are used for this.

All actions, desires and attitudes, all moving and touching are loving's thrills.

Your innermost spirit can celebrate it daily, while the rest is 'struggling along'.

Everything in life 'is' forever by the might of an energy My being Me supplies.


"Love on earth, while being so shattered and fragmented, can still be potent.

Vigorous signs of love or any quiet anonymous one can be deeply treasured.

Seeing little of this can be frustrating; you wished you could hold on to them.

Still, all your thinking and performing is anchored in love's inspiring vitality.

On earth, love is castrated when energies are taken as neutral. That's a farce.

Separating love and power is 'the' key factor in your world's ongoing misery.


"After so much seemingly somber talk, I want you to know I love to see you love.

I love it when flowers, children, music, sex, caring or whatever triggers intimacy.

Regardless of deficiencies or briefness, your heart then beats eternity's rhythm.

My nature includes being human; this gives you an opportunity to act as I would.

Many facets of love's fullness will escape you, but if they surface, Reality shows.

While you are on earth, it is wise to join and support any effort to revitalize love.


"Here ends this chapter on love's all-ness, also all humanity's second component.

You know love only in a limited way, even while recognizing its awesome power.

In spite of deviations and distortions, its power, beauty and excitement is yours.

Operating from oneness' center reveals your identity; this is being My beloved.

You can love Me personally. You can be an agent of love in whichever situation.

The universes and all in them know how to love. Let Me embrace and show you."
