

"The universe's edifice consists of an ample living and moving space for all in it.

Moreover, it has no confining frontiers or walls that prevent or restrict growth.

Life comes in endless varieties of species or shapes far beyond your imagining.

All are distinct and have an individual appearance, use and place in the totality.

It's totally alien to you that all unities are able to adjust at will to any situation.

This means any presence adds freshness and creative potential to your volume.


"Space 'is' when things are in place. Where is confusion, nothing really exists.

It's an emptiness in which no one can fully enjoy their own particular place.

It also challenges My lifestyle as love and wisdom, which can be everyone's.

On earth, nothing is produced or fits well in terms of embellishing fullness.

Yet, you can contribute to this anyway by rejecting what'll show non-love.

This way, regardless of failure or success, you portray universal rightness.


"When people build a house together, they must rely on the expertise of others.

In your societies you can't trust all to honor your interests; you must be cautious.

It's not the way in which societies in the universe promote each other's welfare.

There, matter, sentient beings, nature and spirits all freely cooperate with love.

For them, trusting isn't an issue. Sharing life's infinite potential isn't threatened.

There is always enough to do, you humans say, all without pressure or tension.


"When joining others in shaping life, it'll lead to fresh and pleasant surprises.

Each segment, in its way, does treasure producing more beauty or pleasure.

Their space is shared with Me; it leads to a festive, happy atmosphere for all.

Wonder where it ends? How long can one celebrate, how high can you build?

I cannot explain it to you, as no limits exist and life does reflect My structure.

My structure thrives on the participation of those alive. Living is celebrating!


"Your space on earth is marked by fences and laws that regulate, protect or forbid.

Nothing is completely safe, fair or private. Anything may fail, as your body proves.

Planet earth cannot be repaired in order to fit into the majestic universal splendor.

After having been a faulty constellation, all its faculties will be fully reconstructed.

This may begin now, when you allow these words to function as your life's manual.

No dramatic improvements may be seen, yet, from within, you will be resurrected.


"I do not speak about the beauty of space as love's mansion to whet your appetite.

I mention it so, during your mission, you'll recognize My nature in a hostile realm.

Your space component enables you to experience belonging to the grand oneness.

Your place is within life's true structure. From your spirit will come a true insight.

Consuming the words of these booklets will energize you, from within your 'soul'.

They reveal as temporal your present spot in life and consolidate the eternal one.


"There is but one Reality in which the whole universe dwells and participates.

Check each aspect of your person if it contributes to the common good of all.

Confining walls do limit your reach yet your center can work on full capacity.

You are a space. Mentally you are it by not catering to what's shallow or dark.

Space sings and it vibrates as music, beaming joy. It lets you breathe freely.

Your 'dark' spots are not decisive; that is spreading laughter, caring, beauty.


"How does this relate to earth's seemingly positive projects or achievements?

Doesn't much qualify as progress and helpful? Isn't life full of beautiful things?

It is a yes and no situation. Yes, all beauty can be welcomed wholeheartedly.

It can come straight from activating this element of space, letting it show off.

Living up to your fifth component says breaking out whatever incarceration.

The 'no' says, what fascinates now can be a stifling norm, or stale, tomorrow.


"What's truly proper, healthy, wise and of beauty can be recognized instinctively.

Keen insight comes from seeing all life from the position that it's relating to Me.

Human standards of beauty change; they are determined by transitory factors.

The component space is about a creativity for which form, function and joy join.

You are bombarded with ideas and rules, telling what's right, normal or proper.

These judgments are based on externals. They're invalid, as I am the only norm.


"If you want to know eternal standards, I suggest you keep reading these booklets.

They're vessels to bring My sphere, spirit and space right into your home or heart.

You can use them as instructions for putting your life in order as much as you can.

Your space element yearns for you placing yourself visibly on the universe's map.

Why wait for things to come, while in and around you full reality can act up now?

A consciously structuring your life after Me is a healthy, open-ended adventure.


"I keep reminding you that 'common' knowledge cannot cover all that does exist.

There's more to life than external parts, even if these monopolize your attention.

You're so used to life as it is that you'll take its flaws and boundaries for granted.

Protesters or activists, fighting for rights or freedom, do attack specific wrongs.

My words point at the brokenness of all that's in life. It will not be well received.

Even if survival is seen as an absolute priority, Reality reaches endlessly further.


"What most people tend to ignore is that external involvements aren't just that.

What you do or how you perform, all your actions have emotional components.

It's related to why you want to survive in the first place. Think, why should you?

How come all animals or plants fight for a place under the sun? Who tells them?

Whatever the explanation or philosophy used, I do point at My thri-une nature.

My outside, My external part, is never separated from My love-radiating spirit.


"I already said that true life will always shine with its vibrantly, healthy passion.

I do. It is reflected in what is from Me. In everything My structure is projected.

You, too, will project you, with your mind and behavior, into your environment.

How this works out has everything to do with what you desire to contribute.

Not acknowledging your innermost wishes makes your person quite artificial.

Only your spirit can understand why life always wants to be lived, regardless.


"When I stress 'always', it means two things. One is your intention is involved.

It's not dependent on what actually happens as visible, observable or feasible.

At all times, you can choose what you like to happen and who you want to be.

You are also free to clean your mind's space from all sorts of cluttering debris.

You can bring your mind's activities directly and consciously to My attention.

Being on top of what you wish, is as consciously setting one foot into eternity.


"The other reason life always wants to be lived is the fact that it reflects Me.

Everything, including the negative state, is relative to My being all's Totality.

Your world is so put together that surviving is depending on external forces.

In this sense, it's a fake, pseudo reality, even if it likes to mimic My structure.

I see through their falsities and charades, right to the core of all that's in life.

The negative state cannot diminish eternity. My nature remains life's content.


"Outer circumstances usually dictate how much room you'll have for yourself.

Many of you are ordered around and depend on favors from people in power.

Yet, know that nobody can own your soul, your protest or your value for Me.

Mentally, you can be confused; finding safety amidst disorder can elude you.

Human minds are contaminated, cross-wired, sedated with half-truths, lies.

Therefore, feelings and intellect are not reliable indicators for being on track.


"Many say they're perfectly happy with what they have or in what they believe.

Yet, in the name of god, nation, morality or family atrocious acts are committed.

It signals evil can operate in your internal workings, from intellect to emotions.

All your acting, thinking, wishing and feeling need to be monitored constantly,

that is, if you seriously do want to be a positive presence and a volume of light.

All the external or internal systems crave to be scrutinized by your eternal soul.


"These words invite you to read life's blueprint that is hidden in your nature.

To be able to utilize it, or have it make sense, your spirit in you provides light.

Life's true structure and composition is such that you have some access to it.

Connecting with it is grossly neglected by most humans; it seems too 'special'.

The way you are fabricated will often make life's intricacies look unappealing.

In addition, what your soul's map shows can lie outside of your comfort zone.


"I like to bring to your attention the fate of the proverbial house built on sand.

Though living in it was probably wonderful, it's not surviving storms or floods.

I do not wave a warning finger. I use My finger to point at your space element.

Right there is your foundation for being valuable, for what's beauty and good.

You create space within My totality. Even 'failing' that task serves a purpose.

Any darkness, indifference or ignoring Me prohibits you to thrive and grow.


"You're used to the negative dynamics of a world created to not mirror My face.

It's up to you to see this as fate, side with ensuing evil, or still choose My model.

However impractical it seems, the blueprint I spoke of gives very clear outlines.

Following this in your thinking, planning and performing, boosts your strength.

You can't prove this but all that is done with honesty and love echoes Reality.

Within you a calmness can grow, signaling your volume is now as lucid as solid.


"Let Me remind you at this segment's end that your space intertwines with all life.

You are aware of only a few aspects of this and external control over it is minimal.

I do not ask you to change this or push you to be a positive presence and sphere.

My words just want to supply facts. They help you in aligning with eternity's style.

Its visible and sturdy structure may seem absent on earth but its foundation isn't.

Your private space's health you can daily measure by My spirit's closeness within."
